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semmyenator (semmyenator) 2022-01-16 14:34:59
The Great Arms Race in the Eastern Mediterranean

In response to the recent large-scale procurement of French military weapons by the Greek Navy and Air Force, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan recently announced a new wave of Turkish military building plans:

Seven TF-2000 Ottoman Aegis anti-aircraft destroyers

Purchase of three additional Istanbul-class general purpose frigates.

Anadolu-class amphibious assault ship/light aircraft carrier II.
Anadolu 兩棲攻擊艦/II級輕型航空母艦。

China-made AIP diesel-electric submarine program.

Homemade reconnaissance satellite program.

According to Greek media reports, in order to counter the latest wave of Turkish military construction plans, the Greek Ministry of Defense is currently seriously considering the Scorpene 2000 diesel-electric submarine design proposed by the French Maritime Group, which is specially developed for the needs of the Greek Navy. Introduced by default to replace the seven German-made Type 209 diesel-electric submarines in service in the Greek Navy in the late 1970s.
據希臘媒體報導,為了對抗土耳其最近的軍事建設計劃浪潮,希臘國防部目前正在認真考慮法國航運集團提出的Scorpene 2000型柴電潛艇設計,該設計專門用於滿足希臘海軍的需求。作為標準引進,以取代1970年代末在希臘海軍服役的7艘德國製造的209型柴電動力潛艇。

The Greek Navy had been proud to have introduced four German-made Type 214 advanced AIP diesel-electric submarines between 2010 and 2016 (Greek media reported many times that this German-made diesel-electric submarine was extremely advanced and silent, never It was successfully detected and discovered by the anti-submarine sonar system of the Turkish Navy), but after Germany insisted on fulfilling the contract and sold the same diesel-electric submarine to the Turkish Navy despite the fierce protests and opposition of Greece, the light of the Greek Navy's underwater fleet It will never be light again, and it will give the Frenchman another chance to become the biggest profiter.
希臘海軍很自豪地在2010年至2016年間從土耳其海軍的潛艇聲納系統中發現並引進了四艘先進的德國製造的214型柴電AIP潛艇)。但在德國,儘管有希臘人的抗議和反對 如果合同被保留,同樣的柴電潛艇被賣給土耳其海軍,希臘海軍潛艇艦隊的光芒將不再明亮,給了法國人另一個成為最大暴利者的機會。


Scenario for the purchase of French Scorpene 2000 submarines by the PN-What may have been said during the visit of the Greek YPAM
PN購買法國潛艇Scorpene 2000的想法--這可能是在YPAM訪問希臘期間說的。

Is it time to open this chapter for the purchase of submarines for the Greek navy in view of the Turkish plans in the Aegean?

Paris presented to the general public its own proposal for submarines, with Naval Group's design for the Scorpene 2000, which is based on experience with older submarine models.
在海軍集團設計了 "Scorpene 2000 "之後,巴黎根據老式潛艇的經驗,向公眾提出了自己的潛艇方案。

Recently, the Greek Minister of Defense went to the headquarters of the Naval Group on the occasion of the construction of the Belhara Frigates, and he was probably shown plans of the French Scorpene 2000 submarines, except for the Gowind Corvettes, as a first image, while his French counterpart spoke of strategy. alliance against threats in the wider region.
最近,希臘國防部長在建造Beljara號護衛艦之際訪問了海軍集團總部,他可能已經看到了法國Scorpene 2000號潛艇的計劃,作為Gowind號護衛艦旁邊的第一張圖片。而他的法國同行則談到了戰略。聯盟對抗更廣泛地區的威脅。

The French Minister also spoke about the receipt of the 6 Rafales in a few days from our country, and about the wider French-Greek cooperation and the European security strategy.

"We need strong political will and I believe we are on the right track," she said. He also spoke of a stable military presence in the Mediterranean, and made special reference to the CSDP operation in the Mediterranean, EUNAVFOR MED IRINI, in order to "build an even stronger defense tomorrow.
"她說:"我們需要強有力的政治意願,我相信我們正在正確的軌道上。他還談到了在地中海的穩定軍事存在,並特別提到了CSDP在地中海的行動,EUNAVFOR MED IRINI,以 "建立一個更強大的未來"。

"This strategic alliance between France and Greece is important for stability in the Mediterranean," he said, adding that "defense begins abroad, at sea, and there is no better way to celebrate our strategic naval cooperation than in Brest (" s.s. Council of Defense Ministers) "

According to Greek sources, "Scorpene-type submarines" will definitely occupy our country in the coming months ", especially due to the Turkish armaments program announced by Erdogan on the occasion of the launch of the YFUK electronic surveillance Corvette.
根據希臘方面的消息,"Scorpene "號潛艇在未來幾個月內肯定會佔領我國",特別是由於埃爾多安在電子偵察護衛艦YFUK下水之際宣布的土耳其軍備計劃。

Thus, during yesterday's ceremony, Turkish President RN Erdogan confirmed some important programs for the Turkish Navy:

1. Seven TF-2000 7000 Ton AAW destroyers
1. 7艘TF-2000型7000噸級反艦導彈驅逐艦。

2. Three Frigates istif.

3. An aircraft carrier (the Anantolou).
3. 一艘航空母艦(Anantolou)。

4. AIP submarines with ATMACA-GEZKIN missile launch capabilities.
4. 具有ATMACA-GEZKIN導彈發射能力的AIP潛艇。

5 Satellites on behalf of the Turkish Armed Forces.
5. 一顆代表土耳其武裝部隊的衛星。

The Greek Navy needs to pursue the construction of new submarines, given that in a few years the older type of Type-209 submarines will definitely have to be replaced.

The French submarine Scorpene, is in the range of the "radar" of the Greek military leadership for these reasons and for many others, which have to do, for example, with its technology, which in case of our purchase, will not be known in Turkey, in relation to the German Type-214, for example.
法國潛艇 "Scorpene "處於希臘軍事領導層的 "雷達 "之中,因為這些原因和許多其他與它的技術有關的原因,例如,如果我們購買了德國的214型潛艇,土耳其會對它一無所知。

This French submarine, built by the Naval Group, is a really strong and capable submarine for the Aegean and Mediterranean region.

The versions we are interested in are the following: conventional displacement propulsion CM-2000 with a displacement of 1,565 tons, the AM-2000 with AIP displacement system of 1,870 tons, and the version of the coastal environment CA-2000.
我們感興趣的版本有以下幾種。 CM-2000配有常規脫水推進器,排水量為1565噸;AM-2000配有AIP脫水系統,排水量為1870噸;沿海環保型CA-2000。

The maximum operating depth of the Scorpene is over 300 meters, while its availability reaches 50 days, for the conventional versions, and 71 days for the versions with AIP system.

The submarine has a crew of 31 people, while it has the ability to accommodate six submarine commandos for special missions.

The Scorpene has six 533mm torpedo tubes, and can be equipped with F21 torpedoes, MM-40 Block.3 Exocet surface-to-air missiles, and SCALP-Naval.
Scorpene有六個533毫米的魚雷發射管,可以裝備F21魚雷、MM-40 Block.3 Exocet地對空導彈和SCALP海軍。

It is estimated that the Greek Navy has entered the "dance" of a crescendo of armaments due to Turkish aggression, and especially Ankara's plans for naval domination, and will "dance" to the end.
據估計,由於土耳其的侵略,特別是安卡拉的海軍統治計劃,希臘海軍在其重新武裝的高峰期已經進入 "舞蹈",並將繼續 "舞蹈"。


pentapostagma 15.01.2022 - 20:00
Σενάριο για αγορά γαλλικών υποβρυχίων Scorpene 2000 από το ΠΝ-Τι μπορεί να ειπώθηκε κατά την επίσκεψη του Έλληνα ΥΠΑΜ



看較舊的 17 則留言

Maréchal Katon: B18 2022-01-20 21:03


Maréchal Katon: B19 2022-01-20 21:03


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Maréchal Katon: B21 2022-01-20 21:06


luna0310: B22 2022-01-21 00:41


夜的第7章 (Xunye) 2022-01-17 20:05:05

土耳其也要展開 TF2000新型驅逐艦計劃,預計建造 4艘排水量 8500噸驅逐艦,每艘造價預估 10億美元





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