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【情報】119.01 Build Update 10/10 大改版 新裝備 新副本 新水晶


【情報】119.01 Build Update 10/10 大改版 新裝備 新副本 新水晶

連牙 (g805597)


2024-10-10 16:56:14
[119 Build Update 2024. 10. 10]

  • Dungeon

    • 'Stormed Citadel' will be opened. (Basically enter limit : 1 time)
      • When you reached equipment level to 900, you can enter the dungeon with Dungeon Party Matching.
      • You can enter the Dungeon with Teleportal. (Val Aureum > Colossal Ruins > Teleportal)

    • Leaderboard
      • 'Stormed Citadel' is added to the dungeon leaderboard.
        • Leaderboard #1 reward title
          • 'Demon Dominating' - Increases damage by 2%, Increases Attack Speed by 1.5%
        • Leaderboard #2, #3 reward title
          • 'Demon Conquering' - Increases damage by 2%, Increases Attack Speed by 1.2%
    • Reward
      • You can get items related to the Annihilation Weapon and Armor.
      • You can get Rune-related items.

  • Upper Ghillieglade
    • You can get Rune-related items.
  • Ace Dungeon
    • “Ace Dungeons” will be reorganized as follows
      • Rogash's Trial will be added as Ace dungeon.
      • 'Akasha's Trial' will be closed.

      •      Equipment level Dungeon Enter limit
        500 Krakatox's Trial

        570 Lilith's Trial
        630 Lumikan's Trial
        750 (New) Rogash's Trial
      • Changed rewards in some “Ace Dungeons”.
  • (Event) Harvest Festival Hall

    • Required level
      Equipment level
      Max member
      Enter limit
      65 0 3 3 per Account
      • How to enter
        • You can enter the dungeon through the Halloween NPCs in Highwatch and Velika.
        • You can enter through dungeon matching.
      • Mini game
        • The scoring method will change.
          • The number of spawning monsters will increase significantly.
          • the amount of points earned will increase.
        • Adds 5 new Cannon skills.
      • Additional changes
        • When you hold the button, the cannon fires in rapid succession.
        • Added Vanguard Request.
        • Added in-dungeon mini game play descriptions.
        • In dungeons, return to Velika upon dungeon reset or dungeon clear.
          • Completing the mini game will now spawn a teleportal that will take you to Velika.
      • Reward
        • Depending on the number of points you earn in the Event Dungeon, you'll receive the following rewards

        • Grade (Points) Reward item Amount
          1st (5000) [Event] Gourdo's Moongourd 1
          [Event] Gourdo's Moongourd 100
          2nd (3000) [Event] Gourdo's Moongourd 1
          [Event] Gourdo's Moongourd 70
          3rd (1000) [Event] Gourdo's Moongourd 1
          [Event] Gourdo's Moongourd 50
          4th (300) [Event] Gourdo's Moongourd 1
          [Event] Gourdo's Moongourd 30
          5th (0) [Event] Gourdo's Moongourd 0
          [Event] Gourdo's Moongourd 30
  • Item
    • New equipment - Annihilation
      • You can get by upgrading from Kaia’s Fury +9 Gear.
      • New items will be added for upgrading and enhancing Annihilation Gear.
      • Annihilation gear can be enhanced up to level 9.
    • New Crystals - Rune

      • A new crystal item, "Runes" will be added.
        • Runes are higher-grade crystals of an artifact.
          • You can spend 1 Runestone and 3 Niveots to synthesize them into a Rune.
          • You can spend 1 Succession Runestone  and 3 of the same Niveots to synthesize a Rune with the same options.
        • Runes can only be equipped on Annihilation weapons and armor and will become bound to the gear after being equipped.
          • They cannot be equipped on Kaia's Fury gear.
        • Runes can only be traded while in a chest or box.
          • They cannot be traded when opened or obtained through crystal synthesis.
          • Rune chests are dropped in dungeons.
        • Equipping rules are the same as for traditional crystals.
        • Added one fixed option, the same as Rank 7 crystals, and three new randomized options for runes.
      • Refine Rune
        • Runes can be refined to give up to three random options.
          • Consumes new materials and gold.
          • Refining has a 100% chance of success.
      • Rune Stat Change
        • Once a rune is polished, you can spend a Rune Option Change Stone to randomly change its options.
        • You can lock the options so that they don't change.
          • Locking an option costs more Rune Option Change Stones, but reduces the amount of gold required.
        • You can change your rune options up to 5 times.  
          • After 5 times, you can no longer change options.
      • Additional changes
        • Niveots can be dismantled to obtain Niveot Fragment.
        • Runes can be dismantled to obtain broken Shattered Rune Fragments.

  • Etc Improvements
    • Fixed an issue where options on Niveot would display in gray text.
    • Improved the equip menu for unwearable crystals and Niveot so that they no longer appear.
    • Improved the stacking of Complete Crystalbind effects to prevent excessive stacking and prevent item use while holding the effect.
    • Added descriptive text to the Warrior Poison Blade skill tooltip for better understanding.

  • Bug Fix
    • Fixes awkward initial focus positioning when equipment has less than 4 wearable crystals, artifacts, etc.
    • Fixes an issue where Corsair's Stronghold in some regions would not be displayed in the matchmaking UI.
    • Fixes an issue where the Sakura Thrall Lord's active skill was unavailable.



2020-08-07 12:18:05

情報【分享】TERA 日語聲音檔案再現

2020-01-20 17:22:07


2019-11-04 12:56:55

心得韓服夏季改版7/15 Update 1-新職業"拳術師"影片/新副本

2015-07-10 19:13:08

開啟 APP

face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

face我們了解您不想看到廣告的心情⋯ 若您願意支持巴哈姆特永續經營,請將 gamer.com.tw 加入廣告阻擋工具的白名單中,謝謝 !【教學】