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leo (icehust) 2019-03-08 18:51:40

1. 這些箱子都是等級限定,比如1升2等這個箱子就是2級,只能開出2級的裝,你50%幾率額外獲得一個2級裝備又能怎樣,還不是很快拆掉;
2. 這些箱子應該和1代一樣不佔用道具欄空間,所以等你到30在點出開箱和拆裝專精,一次開完都拆掉收益豈不是更好。游戲主綫戰役期間,角色升等很快,裝備都會很快更新,可能NPC掉落都比你開箱所得要更好……


Perk Overview 專精概覽
There are 20 perks in Division 2. They require SHD Tech to unlock, which is acquired by finding SHD Caches around the city, completing certain missions and leveling up.
All perks can theoretically be unlocked in any order, with the exception of: Hard Bounties, which requires first finding Otis Sykes for your Base of Operations, and Signature Weapon Ammo, which requires you to be level 30 before you may unlock it.
Perk Costs 專精花費
  • All perks cost 1 SHD Tech to unlock the first level, except for: Field Proficiency Cache (costs 2) and Signature Weapon Ammo (costs 3)
  • Crafting Materials, Resources, Inventory and Armor Kits perks each have three levels and cost 1 point for the first level, 2 points for the second level and 3 points for the third level. This means you get the best return on investment for the first point spent on those particular perks since the benefits increase the same amount at each level, even though the price increases.
  • Detection has two levels, costing 1 and 2 points each.
  • 所有專精的第一級需要1點「國土戰略局科技點數」,但「精通實戰貯藏箱」(需2點)和「特化武器彈藥」(需3點)除外。
  • 「製作材料」、「資源」、「道具欄」和「護甲包」專精均有3個等級,第1級消耗1點,第2級消耗2點,第3級消耗3點。既然這些特定天賦每1級的提升數值都是相同的,後續等級消耗的點數卻遞增了,這意味著你在這些天賦上第1級的投資報酬率是最高的。
  • 「偵測」有两个等級,每級分別花費1點和2点。
Perk Unlock Strategy 專精解鎖策略
I love levelling up in The Division, and I'm most excited to unlock Specializations at level 30 and open up the full experience of World Tier 1 as soon as possible, so I’m choosing to buy perks in the order that will help me best achieve that overall goal.
I’m picking perks that will help me get to end game and perks that will help me avoid wasting opportunities, such as losing materials because I haven’t unlocked the perk to carry enough stuff yet.
Perk Order: 專精順序:
This is the order in which I plan to unlock perks, with their point cost (in SHD Tech) and reasoning:
1 - I believe Weapon Slot is mandatory during the introduction of the Quartermaster at the White House, so the first point goes there.
1 - 我覺得武器欄位在白宮軍需官処的指引任務中是強制點出的,所以第1點就這裏咯。
2 - Skill Slot is the next pick, giving you two skill slots, because the perk is just so powerful in helping get through content and level up faster, thereby gaining SHD Tech faster. Remember to have at least one skill that you want a variant of, since you are required to spend 5 SHD Tech and unlock a variant of an existing skill when you complete you first SHD Tech side mission. I'll probably use Seeker Mines or Drone, since they both have solid DPS and healing options, so I would be fine getting a variant.
2 - 下一個選擇是技能欄位,可為你提供2個技能欄位。選擇理由是該專精非常有用,有助於完成游戲内容和更快地升級,從而提高獲取「國土戰略局科技點數」的速度當你完成「國土戰略局科技」的第一個支綫任務時,你會被要求使用5點「國土戰略局科技點數」來解鎖一個現有技能的改造,所以記得至少解鎖一個你想使用的那個技能的改造。 我很可能會選用「追蹤地雷」或「突襲無人機」,因為兩者皆有可靠的傷害輸出和治療選項,所以獲取其技能改造之一對我來説是可以接受的。

3 - Accolades 1-5 are the next priority - all five of them. They are cheap at 1 point each and definitely speed up leveling and access to the the World Tier experience. I tested them throughout the beta and found them to really speed up leveling compared to people without them unlocked.
3  - 下一個優先專精是「嘉獎」的1-5級——所有的5級。 此專精很廉價,每級只需1點,而且毫無疑問地加快了提升等級和進入並體驗「世界等級」的速度。 我在測試版中對其進行了嘗試,發現與沒有解鎖該專精的玩家相比,解鎖了專精的玩家升等速度要快得多。
4 - Deconstruction 1 and Deconstruction 2 are the next priority, so I maximize all the crafting ingredients I can get and not waste anything. Crafting components are used for every level of crafting, even endgame, so I will save items in my stash until I get the Deconstruction perk.
4  - 下一個優先專精是「銷毀 1」和銷毀 2」,從而我可最大化製作原料的獲取而不浪費任何原料。 每級製造甚至是游戲終局都需要製作原料,所以我會把物品存放到道具欄中,直到我解鎖銷毀」專精爲止
5 - Field Proficiency Cache. This is one of the few perks that costs two points, but it’s worth having early so every Cache opened has a chance of extra gear, which will help leveling and eventually provide extra crafting materials. You get a Cache every single level from 1-30 and after level 30 through gaining experience, like the old Division 1 system.
5 - 「精通實戰貯藏箱」。此專精是少數僅花費2點的專精之一,但它值得提前解鎖,這樣打開每个貯藏箱時都有機會获得额外的装备。這會有助於升等並最終提供額外的製作材料。像之前的《全境封鎖1》那樣,你1-30等之間的每一級以及30等之後獲取(一定的)經驗值後都可獲取一個貯藏箱。

6 - Restock 1: Armor Kits. This perks really helps combat for just 1 point, so I’m grabbing it here. The next level of restock is for grenades, which is much less critical, so I’m saving that for later. This means every time you enter a Settlement, Safe House,DZ Entrance Room, or Base of Operations you'll get full Armor Kits.
6  -  「補給 1:護甲包」。 此專精僅需1點,但對戰鬥有莫大助益,所以我不會錯過。 它下一級是補給手榴彈,這不太重要,因此我會在日後獲取。激活該專精,則意味著你每次進入「聚落」、「安全藏身處」、「暗區入口室」或「行動基地」時,都將補滿「護甲包」。
7 - Detection 1 and Detection 2. When this perk is active, it’s INCREDIBLY nice to have, especially early game, so I prioritize getting it fairly early since you'll be liberating so many control points throughout the campaign and completing projects that require donations. It's perfect for an early-game purchase.
7  - 「偵測 1」和偵測 2」。當此專精激活時时,尤其是在早期游戏中,它極其有用,所以我會儘早解鎖,因为你會在戰役中解放大量控制点以及通過捐贈來完成計劃。它完美契合了游戲的早期階段。
8 - Crafting Materials 1, Resources 1 and Inventory 1 are the next perks. It’s just 1 point each and it will help ensure I don’t overflow any of those areas. The next levels cost more points, so just 1 point for now.
8  - 下一批專精則是「製作材料 1」,「資源 1」和「道具欄 1」。 每個僅需1點,它們將有助於確保我不會出現上述類別(道具)溢出的情形。 後續等級會花費更多點數,所以當前學1級就好。
9 - Armor Kit 1. This perk is only one point and is a nice convenient thing to have for running around.
9  - 「護甲包 1」。該專精只需1點,而且能爲你的旅途提供便利。
10 - Stash 1. If you don’t have the edition of the game that gets you the full stash early, throw a point into it here to give you breathing room. Later levels of Stash cost 2 and 3 points, so you can delay those until much later. The main reason to even consider stash space early is to allow you to save some of the best leveling items you get in each slot, if you are planning on making 1-3 alts later in your career. You can save some "god rolled" guns and armor pieces in your stash, especially if they have +XP, and use them to level quicker.
10  - 「貯藏箱 1」。如果你沒有購入那些能在初期給予你完整道具欄的遊戲版本,請花費1點解鎖來給你一些緩衝的空間。 後續「貯藏箱」等級分別需花費2點和3點,所以你可在後期升級此專精。 在初期考慮此專精的主要原因是,如果你計劃在稍後的游戲歷程中創建1-3個分身的話,這些額外的貯藏箱空間就能讓你保留你所獲取一些裝備,即每個部位最適合練功的裝備。 你以在你貯藏箱存儲一些有如“神來之筆”的槍支和護甲,尤其是它們具有增加經驗值獲取的屬性時,裝備後會加快練功的速度
11 - Muzzle 1-4, Grip 1-2, Optics 1-2, Magazine 1-4. Buy most of those now since they are cheap at 1 point each and will help add some DPS to your firearms. Prioritize the ones that have the best ROI for the guns you like to use. I would buy Magazine 4 last, since it’s just for sidearms.
11  - 「抑制器1-4」,「槍托1-2」,「光學儀器1-2」,「彈夾1-4」。這類專精的1級只需1點,所以可選擇大部分解鎖1級專精,從而爲你的槍支增加一些秒傷。 優先考慮你喜愛使用的槍支對應的專精來最大化其投資報酬率。我會最後考慮「彈夾4」,因為它只對隨身武器有效。
12 - Armor Kits 2. Increase armor kit capacity to help in tougher missions.
12  - 「護甲包 2」。增加護甲包的携帶量有助於進行更高難度的任務。
13 - Crafting Materials 2, Resources 2 and Inventory 2. It’s a good time to buy the second level of those perks now, to ensure they don’t reach their cap.
13  - 「製作材料 2」、「資源 2」和「道具欄 2」。是時候解鎖這些專精的第2級了,以確保這些物品不會超出所能携帶的上限。
14 - Restock 2: Grenades. This is a decent time to get grenades during restocking.
14  - 「補給 2:手榴彈」。現在是解鎖補給時充手榴彈專精的完美時機。
15 - Armor Kits 3. Final increase in armor kit capacity to help in tougher missions.
15  - 「護甲包 3」。這是對護甲包携帶量的最終提升,從而幫助進行更高難度的任務。
16 - Crafting Materials 3, Resources 3 and Inventory 3. Finish up the perks that increase carrying capacity. I’d prioritize based on where I’m feeling the most stress on capacity since each of these levels will cost 3 points.
16  - 「製作材料 3」、「資源 3」和「道具欄 3」。完全解鎖這些專精來提升携帶量。因為每個專精的最高級都會花費3點,所以會根據最迫切的需求來確定優先級。
17 - Stash 2 and 3. Finish up the stash size perks.
17 - 貯藏箱 2」和「貯藏箱 3。完全解鎖貯藏箱容量專精。
18 - Grenade 1, 2 and 3. Increase grenade capacity. If you love using grenades, you can grab a point toward this perk earlier, but I prioritize this low since the default grenades aren't very good until you get Specializations at level 30.
18  - 「手榴彈1、2和3」。增加手榴彈的携帶量。如果你很愛使用手榴彈,你可以更早點出這個專精,但我不會將其視作優先選擇,因為默認的手榴彈在你獲取30等的「特化職業」之前並不好用。
19 - Loads outs. Lowest priority for me, since you get a few for free.
19 - 「裝備配置」。對我來説,它的優先級最低,因爲你能免費獲的幾套可用欄位。
Special Case - Hard Bounties 1 and 2. As soon as I unlock Otis Sykes, I’ll get Hard Bounties level 1 and level 2. He is unlocked later in the game according to the latest State of the Game.
特別行動」- 「高難賞金1和2」。當我解鎖奧提斯·賽克斯時,就立即可以參與「高難賞金1和2」。據「游戲周報」稱,他會在游戲進行些許時刻后解鎖。
Special Case - Signature Weapon Ammo. Get this as soon as you hit level 30, it’s 3 points, but it will make key fights quicker, especially bounties.
「特別行動」 - 「特化武器彈藥」。 在你達到30等候儘快解鎖,它需要3個點數,但會讓關鍵戰鬥(其是賞金任務)更加快捷。
Other Skills. SHD Tech is also used for extra skill unlocks, so consider which skill you want to use during the leveling process. I intend to unlock just 2 or 3, but nothing else until I’ve bought all the perks.
其它技能。 「國土戰略局科技點數」也用於其餘技能的解鎖,所以請考慮清楚在練功過程中你想要使用哪些。 我打算只解鎖2到3個,除非我已經解鎖了所有上述專精。
In total, you'll spend about 75 SHD Tech unlocking all of the current perks, plus 5 points for each skill variant that you want to unlock.
阿基拉: B1 2019-03-09 00:55

我比較想知道這些國土點數, 是否是有限的獲得? 這也就代表不是所有的天賦(我記得在cb/ob遊戲裡都是翻成專精)都能開啟, 須有所取捨? 還是一定可以百分之百獲得甚至有多餘?

leo: B2 2019-03-09 06:46


阿基拉: B3 2019-03-09 08:33

[icehust:leo]不過一代的天賦是可以選用的, 但是專精是只要開啟了就被動存在, 感覺上二代的專精應該比較貼切一代的專精!?

leo: B4 2019-03-09 08:39


士官長: B5 2019-03-13 10:45

非常有用的文章 感謝

LLeo (ppppqqw) 2019-03-09 03:38:59

副武器(強制選項) 副技能欄
  • 裝甲包
  • 手榴彈
  • 總數變4
  • 總數變5
  • 總數變6
  • +1個
  • +1個
  • +1個
  • 增加10
  • 增加20
  • 增加30
  • 增加20
  • 增加30
  • 增加50
但1 2要自己學
  • 爆頭殺
  • 多重殺
  • 弱點殺
  • 技巧殺(利用場景物)
  • 生存者(SOLO或隊伍內,長時間沒有死)
  • 偵測到箱子
  • 偵測到敵軍
  • 50個
  • 150個
  • 250個
配件:彈匣1 2 3 4
配件:槍口1 2 3 4 配件:瞄準鏡1 2 配件:握把1 2 拆解
  • 額外材料
  • 機率出珍貴資源
  1. 增加50
  2. 增加50
  3. 增加50
  • 困難難度
  • 挑戰難度
  • 可建立4種
  • 可建立5種
  • 可建立6種
p.s. 配件我沒詳細抄 所以只寫了能升多少次

我個人的話 會先擱置:
倉庫上限 (30等前的裝備淘汰速度太快了 直接把家當帶在身上/不用的都拆掉吧)
擊殺類 (個人槍法爛 喜歡拿步槍當MDR用亂打身體 )
補充資源到控制點 (這個...感覺終局內容比較有用?)
配件類 (配件都有負面效果)
拆解2 (大概OB不夠高等 初期點這個拆不出甚麼)
懸賞 (如果是1代高價值那種形式,我大概不會想碰,直接衝主線/打副本)
裝備配置 (30等開始農套裝再說)
增加特有武器彈藥掉落數 (終局開了特化職業才考慮吧,因為沒有那把武器根本無效果)
升級50%機率獲得裝備 (正式版變5點太傷了)


升級50%機率獲得一件裝備 正式版變成5點,實用度大幅下降
終極版倉庫相關 - 直接學會第三階段+50格變成總數100格 但第1、2階段+20+30要自己學

看較舊的 3 則留言

不期不傷: B4 2019-03-09 11:27


不期不傷: B5 2019-03-09 11:31


leo: B6 2019-03-09 11:52


LLeo: B7 2019-03-09 14:24


LLeo: B8 2019-03-12 00:11

3/11新增終極版相關 正式版相關少量調整

睡著的時鐘 (Melchior) 2019-03-09 10:31:22
b背包上限10:我還是會建議稍微點10個出來, 因為前期還是會有一堆套裝可用

以上 其實點錯也沒什麼差 大家可以高興亂點XD
不期不傷: B1 2019-03-09 11:28


leo: B2 2019-03-10 08:52


leo (icehust) 2019-03-10 03:33:02
Unic: B1 2019-03-13 20:52


henry455235: B2 2019-03-13 23:20


不成為卑劣的巴哈飛龍 (sunkis1023) 2019-03-13 04:26:34
TAMingW: B1 2019-03-13 04:42

有些優先點對於早期會有幫助,像是50%獲得多一裝備/等級加乘 等

leo: B2 2019-03-13 06:32

[nnf0130:TAMingW] 改掉了,只能30等再點,你前期想點也無法

putongren (putongren) 2019-03-13 20:38:22
艾爾: B1 2019-03-14 00:04

當你解鎖後在友軍控制點捐贈物資(數量隨意1也行)就會開啟十分鐘的BUFF他會在你的畫面上顯示出物資(裝備箱 水 零件等)

putongren: B2 2019-03-14 13:14



攻略【全境封鎖 2】【TU14】【新手教學】

2022-01-07 08:17:19


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2019-04-11 06:49:37

攻略狄奧·帕內爾 第九周 偵察任務9 活動

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攻略狄奧·帕內爾 第八周 偵察任務8 活動

2024-12-17 17:33:08

開啟 APP

face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

face我們了解您不想看到廣告的心情⋯ 若您願意支持巴哈姆特永續經營,請將 gamer.com.tw 加入廣告阻擋工具的白名單中,謝謝 !【教學】