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【情報】【上古世紀:序】 ArcheAge Begins UP7 預計更新事項


【情報】【上古世紀:序】 ArcheAge Begins UP7 預計更新事項

廢宅小格 (douglasli) 2018-05-29 10:56:23

1. Raid Revamp

- 4人Raid將會被修改。

- 修改後,您將手動匹配並獨奏或加入2/3/4人團隊。



- 進化成舞蹈之神。娜伊瑪,將增加外型並啟用成神技能。

- 當舞蹈Naima使用鏡像時,敵人的攻擊將被反射並在技能的持續時間內對敵人造成傷害。


- 將添加“遺物袋”,您可以在其中查看您擁有的所有遺物。

- “英雄管理”屏幕中可以找到“文物袋”。

- “遺物箱”,讓你隨機的遺物將被添加到店。





- 調整“跳過”按鈕位置(當您在商店購買盒子時出現此按鈕)。

- 英雄Anthalon的心靈消耗被激活時發生的暈眩持續時間將會減少。

- 由英雄Orchidna召喚怪物的物理/魔法防禦將大大增加。然而英雄Orchidna現在只會召喚防禦怪物。

- 英雄Orchidna的召喚烏鴉現在具有治療效果的減少效果。

- 你現在可以很容易地獲得進化Aranzebia所需的碎片。

- Yata的一些線路(駐在大廳)已經改變。

- 修正了公會增援部隊在戰鬥中死亡時在屏幕左側顯示的盟軍英雄的圖標不正確的問題。

- 修正了有時在iOS設備中自動開啟省電模式的問題。

- 修正了Ayanad圖書館將2個公會增援分配給1個組的問題,這些組禁止戰鬥。

- 修正了錯誤應用英雄以諾的衝鋒(等級2)的問題。

- 修正了有時錯誤地顯示了英雄的公會強化英雄信息的問題。

[Notice] UP7 Update Patch Notes Preview

Greetings Adventurers
This is CM_Kyprosa, your supporter in your adventure to unearth the secrets of the world.

Please see below for detailed information about ArcheAge BEGINS' UP7 Update Preview.

■ UP7 Update Preview

1. Raid Revamp

- 4-people Raids will be revamped.

- Upon revamp, you will be manually matched and play solo or join 2 / 3 / 4-people Raids.

2. New Evolving Hero, Naima of Dance

- Naima's Evolved form "Naima of Dance" will be added.

- Evolving to Naima of Dance will increase its stats and activate uique skills.

- When Naima of Dance uses Mirror Image, enemy attacks will be reflected and inflict damage the enemy for the duration of the skill.

3. New Relic Features and Improvements

- "Relic Bag" will be added, where you can view all the Relics you have.

- "Relic Bag" can be found in Hero Management screen.

- "Relic Box" that gives you random Relics will be added to Shop.

ㄴ Relic Box contains Relics for all Heroes.

ㄴ You can obtain Relics for locked Heroes from the Relic Box.

ㄴ Obtained Relics can be viewed from Relic Bag or when you unlock your Hero's Relics.

4. Other Bug Fixes and Improvements

- "Skip" button location adjusted (this button appears when you purchase a Box at Shop).

- Duration of Stun that occurs when Hero Anthalon's Mind Drain is activated will be cut down.

- Physical / Magic Defence for Monsters summoned by Hero Orchidna will be greatly increased. However Hero Orchidna will now only summon defensive Monsters.

- Hero Orchidna's Summon Crow will now have Healing Decrease effects.

- You will now be able to obtain Fragments needed for Evolving Aranzebia much easily.

- Some of Yata's line (stationed in Lobby) have been changed.

- Fixed the issue that showed Ally Heros' icon incorrectly when Guild Reinforcements died in battle, on the left side of the screen.

- Fixed the issue where Battery Saving Mode was automatically turned on sometimes in iOS devices.

- Fixed the issue that assigned 2 Guild Reinforcements to 1 group in Ayanad Library, which disabled battles.

- Fixed the issue that incorrectly applied Hero Enoch's Charge (Level 2).

- Fixed the issue that sometimes incorrectly showed Guild Reinforcement Hero information for the Hero you had.




2018-04-21 15:30:58


2017-11-03 11:13:54


2018-05-05 13:00:14


2018-05-19 13:45:32

開啟 APP

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