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【情報】Pirate Season ☠ 9.5.0版本大更新


【情報】Pirate Season ☠ 9.5.0版本大更新

鵪巊羪 (posin2929) 2022-09-02 20:17:41

- Pirate賽季登場

- 重製"Mansion"及"Pirate Cove"地圖

- 新武器"Butterfly Knife"及"G18"

- 重製小地圖系統
- 重製遊戲內UI畫面及聊天室外觀

- 增加切換武器時的動畫
- (PC)在"自訂義"模式中新增"旁觀模式"及"隱藏UI功能"
- 減少通行證升等所需要的經驗值(即通行證升等會更容易)
- FFA模式下低等級的玩家不再獨立出另一個房間
- (PC)降低玩家的後退速度及側走速度
- 改善爆炸物理演算
- 暫時關閉"大逃殺"模式
- "槍王之王"模式中所有玩家會以相同的順序使用相同的武器
- 增加"自訂義"模式中最多玩家的容納數量
- (PC)新增近戰武器的快捷鍵
- 修復了"爆破攻防戰"模式
- 刪除"任務"中關於"Party Glass"的任務
- 修復"Frag Grenade"碰撞箱
- 提升所有武器的瞄準精準度
- 略微增加腰射速度
- "P90"傷害降低
- "Combat Rifle"傷害提升
- "TEK Rifle"射速增加
- "AK49"傷害提升
- "Assault Rifle"射程增加
- "Army Pistol"傷害降低


Patch notes:
- Pirate Season
- Remastered Mansion and Pirate Cove maps
- Butterfly Knife and G18
- New minimap system
- Updated in-game HUD and Chat
- New weapon pull-out animations
- (PC) Theatre and invisible UI camera modes added to Custom Games
- Battle Pass leveling is now slightly easier
- Low level players no longer play in separate FFA lobbies
- (PC) Backwards and sideways walking speeds have been reduced
- Increased explosion physics
- Battle Royale mode has been disabled until further notice
- All players now use the same guns in the same order in Gun Game
- Max players in Custom Games increased
- (PC) Melee-Primary weapon switch key added
- Bomb Defuse mode fixed
- Party Glass removed from Daily Tasks
- Fixed Frag Grenade collision
- Aim down sight (ADS) accuracy increased on all weapons
- Slightly increased based hip fire bullet spread on all guns
- P90 damage damage reduced
- Combat Rifle damage increased
- TEK Rifle fire rate increased
- AK49 damage increased
- Assault Rifle range increased
- Army Pistol damage reduced
- Various bug fixes and improvements


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