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【情報】Update 230324


【情報】Update 230324

Jater (jaterroger) 2023-03-31 12:42:04


Switches & Crossovers  

  • Fixed an issue that prevented you from linking to the rightmost point when placing a turnout or switch
  • Fixed an issue that caused switches to occasionally place backwards or incorrectly after an attempted snapping in the correct orientation
  • Fixed the left hand 3-way stub switch missing ballast on the left


  • Fixed an issue that caused the ET&WNC 2-8-0 to derail at spawn
  • Fixed an issue that caused the ET&WNC 2-8-0 dynamo to trigger audio and light when there is an oil lamp in place
  • Fixed an issue that caused the ET&WNC 2-8-0 headlight option '3' to not be centered and sometimes appear overscaled
  • Fixed the Class 48 wheels turning at far too high a rate
  • Fixed the Class 48 front headlights not being centered
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Tenmile lamp '5' to always allow you to remove the headlamp from the Class 48
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Tenmile pilot drawbar to become wonky when coupling
  • Fixed that the Cooke 2-6-0 Coal launches when randomly re-railing
  • Fixed the Shay smoke to be offset to the funnel
  • Fixed that the Skeleton Cars are very prone to derail
  • Fixed an issue that caused locomotive wheels to become motionless when brake and throttle are at 100%
  • Fixed an issue that caused coal load to clip through the new hopper car


  • Fixed an issue causing the player to get stuck when exiting a locomotive, disabling the option to respawn
  • Fixed an issue causing telegraph office messages to not loop

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