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土司 (pong123) 2005-06-23 00:19:35


但是因為是韓翻英在英翻中所以意思變的怪怪= ="



瀝青逃脫了它來跑以目標存在和整個地新下一代網上遊戲的MMORPG 從未放鬆日夜。一些人軟性帶領和一會兒被推進瀝青cu tu Beta 測試對許多顧客分鐘它做公眾的1,2nd 爪並且' 比賽必須是樂趣。' 不足地少量不是在京Sa Ja 座右銘並且它給予的擔憂並且它有。它做如此並且狹窄它被開發, 為完成難免地並且是高的服務以臨時敵人的瀝青發展並且和它被中斷指向顧客大家一次體諒它再給。一些人是軟的意志開發上面比賽職員的所有成員並且, 做公開顧客大家適合在興趣和它顯示在瀝青的期望它將相信和和將適合它將睡覺和和和改善以多起動邊與瀝青哪些它一起將退回。它將做做比賽是真實的樂趣全部的危險最好。一些人感興趣和在將來譴責委託是許多它軟軟地給。謝謝。


The tar escaped the MMORPG of existing and entirely new next generation online game never relaxing day and night it came running with aim. Some persons soft leads and the while the 1,2nd claw which is advanced the tar cu tu beta test to many customer minutes it makes public and ' the game must be a fun.' Was not in small quantity insufficiently in motto of Jing Ja Sa and the misgivings which it inflicts and it was had. It does so and petty it is developed, for the tar development where also the completion is high a service unavoidably with the provisional enemy and and it is discontinued to point customer everybody once pardon it gives again. Some persons the all the members of the staff which is soft will develop the game of top and, making public customer everybody suiting in interest and the expectation which it shows in the tar that it will believe and and to suit it will sleep and and and improves far with a multi Boot side with the tar which together it will return. It will do the hazard best which makes the game which is true fun all. In the future some persons interest and rebuke entrusting which is many softly it gives. Thank you.






778778 (asd778778) 2006-10-08 16:47:03
※ 引述《pong123 (土司)》之銘言:
> 點我點我
> 我有用線上翻譯的試試看.....
> 但是因為是韓翻英在英翻中所以意思變的怪怪= ="
> 翻譯網址
> 中文版
> 瀝青逃脫了它來跑以目標存在和整個地新下一代網上遊戲的MMORPG 從未放鬆日夜。一些人軟性帶領和一會兒被推進瀝青cu tu Beta 測試對許多顧客分鐘它做公眾的1,2nd 爪並且' 比賽必須是樂趣。' 不足地少量不是在京Sa Ja 座右銘並且它給予的擔憂並且它有。它做如此並且狹窄它被開發, 為完成難免地並且是高的服務以臨時敵人的瀝青發展並且和它被中斷指向顧客大家一次體諒它再給。一些人是軟的意志開發上面比賽職員的所有成員並且, 做公開顧客大家適合在興趣和它顯示在瀝青的期望它將相信和和將適合它將睡覺和和和改善以多起動邊與瀝青哪些它一起將退回。它將做做比賽是真實的樂趣全部的危險最好。一些人感興趣和在將來譴責委託是許多它軟軟地給。謝謝。
> 英文版
> The tar escaped the MMORPG of existing and entirely new next generation online game never relaxing day and night it came running with aim. Some persons soft leads and the while the 1,2nd claw which is advanced the tar cu tu beta test to many customer minutes it makes public and ' the game must be a fun.' Was not in small quantity insufficiently in motto of Jing Ja Sa and the misgivings which it inflicts and it was had. It does so and petty it is developed, for the tar development where also the completion is high a service unavoidably with the provisional enemy and and it is discontinued to point customer everybody once pardon it gives again. Some persons the all the members of the staff which is soft will develop the game of top and, making public customer everybody suiting in interest and the expectation which it shows in the tar that it will believe and and to suit it will sleep and and and improves far with a multi Boot side with the tar which together it will return. It will do the hazard best which makes the game which is true fun all. In the future some persons interest and rebuke entrusting which is many softly it gives. Thank you.
> 有興趣的看看吧..
> 不過翻譯成中文的文章看來...感覺是已經停止開發了
> 因為某網站(未上市網路遊戲情報站)的韓國區理這遊戲沒介紹也沒有圖(斷連結)
> 如何申請K版帳號是還在拉...不過..感覺什麼都沒就空空的!
> 所以!!這遊戲可能停止開發



Myeyes (myeyes) 2009-10-30 15:33:28
※ 引述《asd778778 (778778)》之銘言:
> 如果真的停止開發 
> 那位還開這個版作啥?  

所以開這板是必要的, 因為不開板會被頭兒認為...
就全開新板上來囉. 沒辦法這是現今社會混口飯吃的要絕之一

開啟 APP

face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

face我們了解您不想看到廣告的心情⋯ 若您願意支持巴哈姆特永續經營,請將 gamer.com.tw 加入廣告阻擋工具的白名單中,謝謝 !【教學】