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【其他】Alan Wake小說翻譯4/7更新


【其他】Alan Wake小說翻譯4/7更新

Douglas (douglasopo) 2010-11-24 17:33:49

Nightingale's Field Notes

The handwritten notes found among Agent Nightingale's effects form perhaps the most telling document in the collection about his internal struggle as he pursued Alan Wake. The mixture of driving forces creates a maelstrom of turbulence inside a man, not unlike Wake, trying to hold himself together while pursuing a quixotic goal.
在這些文件當中,也許從這本手寫筆記裡,最能讓人了解Nightingale為何追蹤Alan Wake。Nightingale並不像Alan Wake那樣,就算在追尋一個不切實際無法實現的目標時,還能保有自我。他內心充滿著暴動的漩渦並驅使著他。
        The notes are presented here in facsimile form to give readers the same sense of physical texture I found when I discovered them. Here Nightingale inadvertently exposes his tortured ambivalence alongside his dogged determination. There ghosts from his past battle with the demons he meets in his present. As for his future, there seems to be nothing brighter than doubt.
        It is unclear whether this cache represents the entirety of the notes he book, or simply a portion. They do, however, suggest that Nightingale was at the breaking point, both physically and mentally. Whether the abrupt end of his field notes was the result of sheer exhaustion on the agent's part, or another, more nefarious explanation, I am unable to determine.
註:感謝黑暗之狐的幫忙= =

Douglas (douglasopo) 2010-11-24 19:04:52
Exhausted. missed the turn off. Took 2 hours longer than planned. Trees are pretty, but hell, they all look alike. This place really is in the middle of nowhere. And not the exact middle. That would be too easy.
Sun's already down. Motel stinks, and not even in a good, Chicago way. Majestic my ass.
Got to check in with the local Johnny Law in the morning.
Haven't really grilled the local yokels yet. Don't think the moron at the front desk counts.
Wish I had the bureau's backing. Some official resources would help. But then there'd be a lot of explaining to do. And I've got no better way to burn my free time.
Still have a few favors I can call in if I need some heavy lifting.
Better this way.
rum:pq:: B1 2010-12-06 21:36


Douglas (douglasopo) 2010-11-26 17:59:42
Day Two
Johnny law turns out to be Janie law. Sheriff Breaker comes from cop family. Knows diddlysquat usually hostility to feds. Don't know whether to use honey or salt on this one. Don't know if I have enough honey in me.
這回來個女警長。Sheriff Breaker出身自警察世家,並對聯邦調查局懷有敵意。如果想要她的幫忙,那我這回該來硬的,還是來軟的呢?我真不知到該怎拿她是好。
She did make the phone call I needed. Let's consider her pliable.
Diner's a great place to get all friendly with the townies. They had a cardboard cut on t of Wake propped up near the door. One of the waitresses is supposed to be a big fan.
rum:pq:: B1 2010-12-06 21:36


Douglas (douglasopo) 2010-11-26 18:04:08
When I talk to Sheriff Breaker later, she revealed a different point of view than the one Agent Nightingale expresses here. She believed their relationship was cordial and cooperative. The "hostility" he speaks of here may well reveal more about the agent's predisposition than any actual exchange between the two law enforcement officers. Breaker would not comment on the nature of the call she was asked to make, and when I asked her about Agent Nightingale's current whereabouts she turned around and wished me luck, our interview at an end.
後來在跟Sheriff Breaker聊過之後,她提出了跟Nightingale有不同的看法。她認為她跟Nightingale之間只是友善合作的關系,之所以覺的會有敵對的感覺,可能只是兩個不同組職體系作法不同罷了,這只是自然而然發生的,並不是她所想要的。後來我問他Nightingale人現在在哪,她轉過頭去,還說聲祝我好運。我跟她的面談就這樣結束了。
註:此篇回到了Clay Steward,也就是開頭序那個人。
rum:pq:: B1 2010-12-06 21:45


Douglas (douglasopo) 2010-11-27 00:14:05
Day Two(Afternoon)
How to get to our boy before he hurts anyone. That's the million dollar question.
Do these people know what they're dealing with here? Good god, it's like watching toddlers play with nitro.
Interviewed locals at trailer park. Suspect there's something behind all these dopey country facades. Everybody knows more than they're telling. Or maybe they just don't. Which is even scarier. Wake did a number on that waitress. Sweet kid, but can't tell night from day.
rum:pq:: B1 2010-12-06 21:50


TESLARE: B2 2011-01-28 23:31

翻譯似乎有誤,"can't tell night from day"應該是指腦筋不好....

TESLARE: B3 2011-01-28 23:33

翻譯似乎有誤,"can't tell night from day"應該是指腦筋不好吧

Douglas: B4 2011-02-09 00:38

to teslare:嗯,如果照你說的那樣翻,文意也是通順的xd,會變成"這可愛的女孩,怎麼腦筋不太靈光"

Douglas (douglasopo) 2010-11-28 10:31:30
When Nightingale refers to "our boy," it can only be assumed he means Alan Wake. What is not clear is why Nightingale is so afraid of what Wake might do. Although Wake has a history of erratic behavior, he is not associated with anything that would give an experienced FBI agent concern. Nightingale seems equally unnerved and suspicious of the locals, and more than that, he evidences a genuine fear of an undetermined someone, or some thing.
Nightingale在這指的男孩,我能想的到的,應該就是指Alan Wake了。但讓人搞不清楚的是,為什麼Nightingale會這麼怕Wake可能會幹了什麼好事?雖然Wake曾經有不良記錄,但還不至於幹了什麼壞事能讓一位資深老到的FBI探員盯上他吧?我知道Nightingale看起來身心疲憊是因為當地人的關系,但不只這樣,最讓他感到不安的是,他發現了那個讓人心靈深處感到的恐懼的人,或許是謀個東西也說不定。
rum:pq:: B1 2010-12-06 21:38


Douglas: B2 2010-12-07 15:11

應該是因為他作了夢吧,就跟Clay Steward一樣,被夢吸引過來這。

Douglas (douglasopo) 2010-11-29 18:58:34
Day Three
Noises last night. Some damn animals. Went out again, got lost again. God damn trees.
Can't believe how slippery some guys are.
Talked to the front desk moron this morning. Didn't seem to know zip about Wake. Got real quiet when I mentioned him, in fact. Could be he just ran out of thoughts.
I'm getting nothing out of these people.
Nightingale's commentary on his encounters with the motel staff reveal both his growing frustration with the pace of his investigation and his distrust of the locals. His reports of strange noises in the night, his confession to getting lost again only serve to highlight his vulnerability as he tries to navigate the unfamiliar terrain. Bright Falls represents a dangerous landscape to Nightingale and perhaps to any others who cross its boundary.
Nightingale對於他與旅館員工的互動情況當中,讓我可以了解到,在他的調查過程的不順心與失去對當地人的信心,這讓他更感受到挫折。在筆記中提到的夜晚吵雜聲,讓他覺的失去耐心,而這剛好突顯出他的弱點,特別是在人生地不熟的地方。在Nightingale的眼中看來,Bright Fall這個地方本身就是個危險的地型,也許對於想要通過Bright Fall邊界的人來說,也是一樣。
Noises last night. Some damn animals. Went out again, got lost again. God damn trees.
Went out again指應該是Nightingale出門去,結果又迷路。
rum:pq:: B1 2010-12-06 21:37

貓的 那些該死的樹!

Douglas (douglasopo) 2010-12-01 00:25:18
Day Three(Night)
Scanner picked up confused distress call response. Domestic violence, or burglary, or vandalism, or kidnapping. Deputy dawg can't decide. Little Janie law's got her hands full.
Things here are just strange enough that I'm sure I'm on the right track.
Found Wake's agent, followed him a bit. Tubby tried to lose me. Maybe Wake's so slippery because his buddy's so slimy.
rum:pq:: B1 2010-12-06 21:39


Douglas (douglasopo) 2010-12-01 19:48:46
It is difficult to break through Nightingale's tough law enforcement facade at times, even when hi's writing his inner thoughts, but reading between the lines may be illuminative. While Nightingale's entry regarding the scanner audio may be nothing more than a small-town deputy handing routine crime calls, why would he bother noting them? Given his state of mind in the earlier entries, it seems more likely that Nightingale found the garbled distress calls suggestive of paranormal activity.
jasoncj: B1 2010-12-03 00:18

原來如此... 有些我本來看不懂的地方現在終於都了解了~~~ :D

rum:pq:: B2 2010-12-06 21:40


Douglas: B3 2010-12-07 15:12

超自然現象= =

Douglas (douglasopo) 2010-12-04 23:03:35
Day Three, Practically Four
Can't go on like this. Daylight is harsh when there's no sleep.
Saw Lady Diogenes with her lamp in broad daylight. I forget her real name. Got it written somewhere.
在大白天看到那個拿著燈的提奧奇尼斯女人(注1[Blizzard1] 。我忘了她的名字,我記得有寫下來,只不過不知道丟哪去了。
How to get to Wake. Is someone hiding him? Extremism in the cause of sanity is no vice whatever it takes.
Local head shrinker's name keeps coming up: Hartman.

Nightingale's reference to "Lady Diogenes" refers to the Greek philosopher who walked around ancient Athens with a lamp during the day for the stated purpose of "looking for an honest man. "Clearly, he was referring to Cynthia Weaver, a well-know town eccentric who may have been more prescient about the dangers of darkness than anyone could have predicted. Also of note is the mention of Dr. Emil Hartman, who has been unresponsive to my interview requests. Later notes clearly show Nightingale to be suspicious of Hartman's practice at the Cauldron Lake Lodge.
Nightingale所說的提奧奇尼斯女人,指的是位西臘哲學家:這位哲學家在古老的雅典城市裡,在大白天之下,手上拿著燈並尋找著誠實的人。很明顯地,Nightingale說的人應該是指Cynthia Weaver:她是位先知,遠比其他人的預測更準確地查覺危險。在筆記裡有另外提到Dr. Emil Hartman,他在Nightingale的受訪裡,對於被問到的問題,都反應冷淡。接著後面還記錄著Nightingale對於Hartman'sCauldron Lake Lodge(巨釜湖山莊)做的實驗很感興趣。
Day Four
Didn't sleep a wink. Scanner just got weirder through the night.
Wake is one elusive bugger. Is he the only one? Is it him holding up the whole house of cards? What'll happen then I pull?
Wish I could be sure. But not to decided is to decide. Have to do what's necessary when the time comes.
Feels like I'm alone in the wilderness here.
Nightingale's impatience toward the end of these notes is palpable. This is the first instance where he questions Wake's statue as a solitary force. Manifold questions remain, such as why he believed Wake to be such a source of danger. Had Nightingale been drawn to Bright Falls, as I was, by a series dreams and nightmares? I'm completed to think he was acting on harder evidence than was available to me. Could this be the "ongoing investigation" referred to in my FOLA request?
Nightingale的筆記裡,就可以知道他快等到沒耐心了。在這段文字裡,也是他第一次質疑Wake人現在應該正孤軍奮戰著,該去抓他了嗎?Nightingale心裡有想過很多很多問題,為麼他要去抓Wake?而其中一點就是:為什麼他要相信Wake是一個危險人物?難到Nightingale也跟我一樣是因為那一連串的惡夢而來到Bright Falls嗎?我可以十分的確定的是,Nightingale現在正因他找到的證據在行動著,就跟我一樣。
Day Four, Afternoon
A partner isn't like a co-worker, or a friend, or even a brother. He's your guardian, your keeper, your other wife. He keeps you on the dead straight, calls you on everything the others let slide, and he has your back when the shooting starts. That's where I failed finn. I own it to him to keep going even when everything's gone dark. When the craziness back easy started, he couldn't explain it either. That's when he needed me most. But I blew it.
I have to make it right.
This is a rarity: one of the few instances where Nightingale reveals his heart, and consequently, some objective information about his motivations. That he lost a partner in the line of duty has been confirmed by my investigation, but the circumstances around that loss remain murky indeed. Clearly, he holds himself responsible in some fundamental way. Had Nightingale witnessed similar events before? How did these experiences transform him? Again, all we have is supposition and conjecture.

看較舊的 3 則留言

rum:pq:: B4 2010-12-06 21:44

I have to make it right! 這句很帥耶

rum:pq:: B5 2010-12-06 21:54


Douglas: B6 2010-12-07 15:13


rum:pq:: B7 2010-12-22 00:51

對的 就是那位FBI

Douglas: B8 2011-03-14 00:15

nightingale的脾氣是爛死了= =

Douglas (douglasopo) 2011-02-09 00:34:52
The following interviews with various citizens of Bright Falls were conducted by Agent Nightingale over the course of three or four days. Nightingale recorded each of them on microcassette and I have transcribed them myself. It has been a painstaking process, as the sound quality on some of them is very poor.
接下來的幾段面談資料,是由Nightingale探員花了三、四天所採訪的資料,而受訪人員是幾位當地Bright Falls居民。Nightingale用了一個小型的錄音磁帶記錄了每位受訪內容,但是因為有些錄音品質很糟,我很難聽的清楚內容,所以我自己把這些資料重新整理過。
Some of the interviews were more successful than others, yet all show a reticence to speak about the town. All are included here, however, to form a more complete picture of characters and events. Most of them present Agent Nightingale in a very poor light and I admit I considered leaving these out altogether. I have a great deal of respect for him and believe they don't paint a complete picture of this deeply conflicted man. In the interests of honesty, I decided to include each one of them. I implore the reader to bear in mind that this is a man under tremendous pressure.
I believe that, taken as a whole, these interviews reveal something of the tapestry of the town. And that tapestry cannot help but have an impact on the writer who was caught up in it, for better or worse.
我認為這些較無用的面談資訊只實描寫出鎮上的概況,雖然幫不上什麼大忙,但確引響到被此鎮引誘而來的作家,或許能往好的方面發展,但相對的也可能更糟。(這段較難理解,可能要玩過game的人才知道為什麼作家會被引誘來到此地-Bright Falls。創作者的難關作者-哈特曼在Bright Falls為著名的寫作瓶頸精神科醫生,在這風光明媚的地方正是這些作家的療養的好地方。另外,說不定Bright Falls就是被"作家"所寫出來的地方,這是我個人猜測的。)

Douglas (douglasopo) 2011-02-14 00:41:41
Unknown Subject
It's unclear who the subject of this brief interview is. Agent Nightingale himself didn't appear to know; accompanying notes indicate that he ran into the man in the Elderwood National Park while trying to find Alan Wake, but the circumstances [Blizzard1] are unclear. The interview was conducted outdoors, and judging by the sound quality and the tone of the interview it's likely Nightingale surreptitiously [Blizzard2] turned his tape recorder on without the man's knowledge.
不清楚這個訪問對像是誰,很明顯地Nightingale自己也不清楚他是誰(根據筆記的注解,Nightingale在他在追查Alan Wake的下落時,在Elderwood國家公園撞見這個傢伙的,而Nightingale也沒很楚清的寫出當時的狀況)。而這段面談的地點是是室外,但由於受到錄音品質跟受訪者的語氣影響,Nightingale沒經過受訪者的同意,偷偷地將他的錄音機打開。

Douglas (douglasopo) 2011-02-25 00:26:06
NIGHTINGALE: been in a fight? What happened?
UNKNOW SUBJECT: It's nothing.
NIGHTINGALE: You seen anything weird here? How about this guy, Alan Wake? He's not in his cabin. You know where he is? Have you seen him?(The man laughs.) Is that funny to you?
你在這裡有看到什麼奇怪的事嗎?像是這個家伙Alan Wake?他不在他的小屋裡,你知道他去了哪嗎?你有看到他嗎?(那個男子大笑)你覺的很好笑嗎?
UNKNOWN SUBJECT: You should leave this whole thing alone. You don't know what you're messing with.
NIGHTINGALE: Is that right? And you do, huh? What's your name?
UNKNOWN SUBJECT: What's it to you?
NIGHTINGALE: You see this badge, buddy? I ask the questions.
UNKNOWN SUBJECT: Government, huh? You gonna put me in the system, government man? Huh? Well, a new system's on its way. What do you think about that?
UNKNOWN SUBJECT: I think we're gonna talk about this down at the station.(A pause.) You deaf? Let's go, buddy.
UNKNOWN SUBJECT: If I still had my gun...
NIGHTINGALE: What the hell did you say to me?(Sounds of a scuffle. Nightingale grunts loudly. Running footsteps recede.)
NIGHTINGALE: Get back here, you asshole! You're under arrest!(A pause, Nightingale breathes heavily.) Goddammit!
(Recording ends.)

Douglas (douglasopo) 2011-03-14 00:38:25
Paul RandolphSparkling River拖車屋停車場的經理,而這個停車場就是NightingaleAlan Wake所匯合的地點。在探員Nightingale一連串談話與專業能力之下,哄騙著這位目擊證人Paul勉強與Nightingale合作。

Douglas: B1 2011-03-14 00:40


闍城之痕: B2 2011-03-16 01:12


闍城之痕 (pilimme) 2011-03-18 09:14:56
Douglas: B1 2011-03-18 19:07

其實是我懶的打,都是CRTL+C CRTL+V貼上來的…哇哈哈

闍城之痕: B2 2011-03-18 23:43


Douglas (douglasopo) 2011-03-24 01:05:37
Nightingale:現在正與Paul Randolph先生訪談,他是Sparkling River拖車屋停車場的經理。
Randolph: 沒有,探員,我當時並沒有離房子很近。我是說,這些拖車屋是設計成不讓別人很靠近房子,但我很確定的事,我並沒有聽到有任何大叫什麼之類的聲音。對了,Rose今天也沒去上班,所以我很擔心,我是說,房客在自己屋子裡幹什麼事我管不著,但我很了解Rose,我認為她惹上麻煩了。之後,我就看到你們出現了,才會跟你說這件事,我想我現在是在做好事對吧?
(Recording ends.)

Douglas (douglasopo) 2011-03-30 23:14:01
(文章回到作者,Clay Steward)
Ms Marigold目前的狀況來看,是無法馬上與他進行調查的,就算Nightingale一直持續想與她談話,也是徒勞無功。目前並無法得知她發生了什麼事,還有,她口中提到的女人,倒底是誰?另外我確實感受到為何Nightingale會對那些鎮上的人會如此地直性子,對於Ms. Marigold的不幸,他感同身受。他真誠地感受到她的痛苦,甚至因此而放掉他手邊的case一大段時間。

Douglas (douglasopo) 2011-04-07 01:15:56
Nightingale:接下來是與Rose的面談,她21歲,目前是亮瀑鎮的老鹿餐廳員工。(一陣停頓,接著聲音開始大聲)Rose, Rose, Rose!
Nightingale: 我的名字叫Nightingale。我是聯邦探員,而我需要問妳一些問題。
Nightingale: Elder森林發生了一些事,我們找不到Rusty。妳知道他發生了什麼事了嗎?
Marigold: Rusty...
Marigold: 現在…現在到底是早上還是晚上?現在是晚上時間嗎?
Nightingale:聽著Rose,這真的很重要,我需要問你一些有關Alan Wake的事。
Marigold: 我是Wake的大粉絲。
Nightingale: 是是是,我知道。他人也在Elder森林,你知道那裡發生過什麼事嗎?還有,為什麼他人會在你的房子裡?
Marigold: 他的新書將會成為新秀。
Marigold: 我現在是醒著嗎?這一切都是場夢嗎?
Marigold: 我沒辦法…那個女士是誰?哦,天啊,是她指使我這麼做的。
Nightingale:是誰?你指的是他的老婆,Alice Wake嗎?她也在那裡?
Marigold: 是那個穿著一身黑的女人!Wake會來是因為他想要要回他的手稿!我當時正要…我們當時正在談論著手稿,是文學上的研討,沒錯,只跟我一起談論!
Marigold: 不!怎可能!你怎麼會…在怎麼說他都結緍了!他不會這麼做的!他不是那種人!
Marigold: 哦,天啊,這難到不是一場夢嗎?我沒辦法再說些什麼!這世界倒底怎麼了?每件事看起來都是錯的,而這燈光讓我的眼睛好痛!每件事都是錯的!你們全部都是!
Nightingale: 好好好,嘿,放輕鬆點。我很抱歉,好了好了,Rose?噓~,好了,別哭了,我不會再問你任何問題了。


情報PC版Alan Wake系列與特典自由捐款限時義賣!XBOX版亦特價!

2013-05-30 17:32:25

問題電影消失在第七街讓我想到了Alan Wake

2012-04-11 13:37:04

討論[評論][劇透]Alan Wake 2 ---- 所有事都是真的

2023-12-27 08:37:07


2024-08-11 21:37:11

問題滿小膽的人適合玩alan wake嗎?

2012-03-09 23:15:59

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