
哈啦區 Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes

【情報】宇宙最強 甄子丹 角色簡易介紹

Lavigkaye (Lavigkaye) 2016-11-12 14:17:22


Chirrut Imwe
宇宙最強 甄子丹

Balanced Rebel Attacker who dispels debuffs, heals allies, and grants Tenacity Up.
叛軍攻擊者 解除負面 回復隊友生命 提升韌性
Unlocks at: 3 stars
Available from: Squad Arena Tournament
活動取得 全球分組排名 就是岸防兵一樣

Basic Attack – Staff Strike:
Deal Physical damage to target enemy with a 40-70% chance (Based on Ability Level) to gain Heal Over Time for 2-3 turns (Based on Ability Level). If the target is debuffed, grant Heal Over Time to a random ally for 2-3 turns (Based on Ability Level).
攻擊指定敵人 有40~70%機率獲得隨回合回血 2-3回合
如果敵人身上有任何負面 就隨機令其中一位隊友獲得隨回合回血 2-3回合

Special Attack – As the Force Wills:
All allies have their current Health percentages equalized. Dispel all debuffs from all allies and grant them a Heal Over Time effect for 1-4 turns (Based on Ability Level) for each effect dispelled. Allies that were not debuffed gain Tenacity Up for 1-3 turns (Based on Ability Level).
解除任何負面 - 每解除一個負面獲得1回合隨回合回血 最多4回合 (可能有錯)
(看官方動圖介紹 看來好基友 Baze Malbus 會同時獲得提升韌性, 反擊和嘲諷)

Special Attack – Strength of Purpose:
Deal Physical damage to target enemy, dealing 5-20% more damage (Based on Ability Level) for each buffed ally. If Baze Malbus is present, he is called to Assist.
攻擊指定敵人 - 每有隊友有一個正面就會增加5~20%傷害
如果好基友 Baze Malbus 在隊伍會支援攻擊

Unique Ability – Indomitable Will:
Chirrut Imwe gains +5-17% Counter Chance and Health Steal (Based on Ability Level) for each living enemy, doubled for Empire enemies. If Baze Malbus is present, he also gains these bonuses.
甄子丹因每一個活著的敵人而增加5~17%反擊和吸血能力  (每一個活著的帝國敵人增加雙倍)
如果好基友 Baze Malbus在隊伍會同時獲得一樣的加成

Unique Ability – Resolute Endurance:
Whenever a Rebel ally is Critically Hit they gain Heal Over Time for 2 turns. At the start of each turn, if Chirrut Inwe is alive, all allies with Heal Over Time recover 1-4% of their Max Health (Based on Ability Level).
當叛軍隊友爆擊時就獲得隨回合回血 2回合
如果甄子丹沒有倒下 每名隊友在開始時就會回復所有隊友他們最大生命值的1~4%

T G: B1 2016-11-15 10:14


声聞士波修: B2 2016-12-16 16:55



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