

【Destiny Child】反和諧補丁、Mods、資源及工具。

Rosy (ReDoftears) 2018-12-08 08:05:37
即日起 本帖永久停更
說來神奇.. 這遊戲我只玩不到一個禮拜,卻替這帖子當了一年的志工 哈哈

Google Drive

No idea if this is a bannable offense. Use at your own discretion.

Global Uncensored 反和諧檔案
Restores original uncensored KR art. Does not require root. Only for high res.
Character (Child Images) Android\data\com.linegames.dcglobal\files\asset\character
Portrait Android\data\com.linegames.dcglobal\files\asset\icon\portrait
Portrait_battle Android\data\com.linegames.dcglobal\files\asset\icon\portrait_battle
iOS - /var/mobile/containers/data/application/*1/library/caches/asset/*2
*1 是隨機字母及數字、必須找到包含此遊戲的正確文件夾
*2 自行對應文件夾名稱

All versions Mods 玩家自製補丁
  • xxxx_00.pck - story skin
  • xxxx_01.pck - E class skin
  • xxxx_02.pck - S class skin
  • xxxx_1x.pck - special/limited/paid/lab skin
  • xxxx_89.pck - raid boss/lab skin
  • xxxx_9x.pck - censored version skin
  • 參考資料夾內文檔

KR、JP Reference 參考數據庫
  • 可至數據庫 Character IDs 資料夾內參考

Tools 各種工具

Public Community
更多關於本群 歡迎至群內相關公告閱覽。

Update log

  • [2019-12-12]
    1. Fixed portrait mismatch issue (c0.pck, c2.pck, and c3.pck in portrait folder).
    2. Fixed portrait_battle mismatch issue (c0.pck, c2.pck, and c3.pck in portrait_battle folder).

  • [2019-11-28v2]
    1. Fixed portrait mismatch issue (c3.pck in portrait folder).
    2. Fixed portrait_battle mismatch issue (c3.pck in portrait_battle folder).

  • [2019-11-28]
    1. Reverted idol group name from Planet Party to Fabulous+ for all skins of Mars♥ and Maestro (c348_00.pck, c348_01.pck, c348_02.pck, c348_10.pck and c352_00.pck).
    2. Fixed portrait mismatch issue (c0.pck and c3.pck in portrait folder).
    3. Fixed portrait_battle mismatch issue (c0.pck and c3.pck in portrait_battle folder).
  • [2019-11-17]
    1. Fixed (c011_00.pck and c209_00.pck).
    2. Fixed portrait mismatch issue (c0.pck, c1.pck, and c3.pck in portrait folder).
    3. Fixed portrait_battle mismatch issue (c0.pck, c1.pck, and c3.pck in portrait_battle folder).
  • [2019-11-01]
    1. Fixed Davi normal (c003_01.pck).
    2. Fixed portrait mismatch issue (c2.pck in portrait folder).
    3. Fixed portrait_battle mismatch issue (c2.pck and c3.pck in portrait_battle folder).
  • [2019-10-17]
    1. Fixed portrait mismatch issue (c2.pck in portrait folder).
    2. Fixed portrait_battle mismatch issue (c2.pck in portrait_battle folder).
  • [2019-10-08]
    1. please reapply entire patch for client ver. 2.5.3 update
  • [2019-09-30]
    1. Please reapply entire patch for client ver. 2.5.2 update
    2. Fixed portrait mismatch issue (c1.pck and c2.pck in portrait folder).
    3. Fixed portrait_battle mismatch issue (c1.pck, c2.pck, and c3.pck in portrait_battle folder).
  • [2019-09-17]
    1. Fixed skirt motion for Rita normal and S rank skin (c305_01.pck and c305_02.pck).
  • [2019-09-13]
    1. restored crosses for Liberated Frej normal and S rank skin (c383_01.pck and c383_02.pck).
    2. uncensored Rita normal and S rank skin (c305_01.pck and c305_02.pck).
    3. uncensored Expelled from Paradise Rita skin and boss (c305_10.pck and c305_89.pck).
    4. Fixed portrait mismatch issue (c0.pck, c2.pck, and m0.pck in portrait folder).
    5. Fixed portrait_battle mismatch issue (c0.pck, c2.pck, c3.pck, and m0.pck in portrait_battle folder).
  • [2019-08-29]
    1. reverted localization changes for Summer Davi S rank skin (c372_02.pck).
    2. Fixed Summer Davi (c372_01.pck).
    3. Fixed portrait mismatch issue (c0.pck, c2.pck, and m0.pck in portrait folder).
    4. Fixed portrait_battle mismatch issue (c0.pck, c2.pck, c3.pck, and m0.pck in portrait_battle folder).
  • [2019-08-17]
    1. Uncensored Marine Shooter Davi skin (c372_01.pck).
    2. Fixed portrait mismatch issue (c0.pck and c1.pck in portrait folder).
    3. Fixed portrait_battle mismatch issue (c0.pck, c1.pck, and c3.pck in portrait_battle folder).
  • [2019-07-30]
    1. Uncensored Collector Hermes skin (c036_10.pck).
    2. Fixed portrait mismatch issue (c0.pck and c2.pck in portrait folder).
    3. Fixed portrait_battle mismatch issue (c0.pck and c2.pck in portrait_battle folder).
  • [2019-07-17]
    1. Client update will reset assets, restoring censored files. Just reapply the patch.
  • [2019-07-12]
    1. Uncensored Vicious Kephri and boss skin (c311_02.pck and c311_89.pck).
    2. Fixed Frej normal and S rank skin (c051_01.pck and c051_02.pck).
    3. Fixed portrait mismatch issue (c0.pck and c1.pck in portrait folder).
    4. Fixed portrait_battle mismatch issue (c0.pck and c1.pck in portrait_battle folder).
  • [2019-06-28]
    1. Uncensored Equinoctial Bari skin and boss skin (c318_10.pck and c318_89.pck).
    2. Uncensored Banshee Bari skin (c318_11.pck).
    3. Fixed Frej normal and S rank skin (c051_01.pck and c051_02.pck).
  • [2019-06-16]
    1. Restored all KR art. A lot of files redone. Please apply the entire patch again.
  • [2019-05-30]
    1. Fixed portrait mismatch issue (c0.pck in portrait folder).
    2. Fixed portrait_battle mismatch issue (c0.pck in portrait_battle folder).
  • [2019-05-18]
    1. Fixed portrait mismatch issue (c1.pck and c2.pck in portrait folder).
    2. Fixed portrait_battle mismatch issue (c1.pck and c2.pck in portrait_battle folder).
  • [2019-04-25]
    1. Fixed portrait mismatch issue (c2.pck in portrait folder).
    2. Fixed portrait_battle mismatch issue (c1.pck and c2.pck in portrait_battle folder).
  • [2019-04-11]
    1. Fixed portrait mismatch issue (c0.pck and c1.pck in portrait folder).
    2. Fixed portrait_battle mismatch issue (c0.pck and c1.pck in portrait_battle folder).
  • [2019-03-31]
    1. Fixed portrait mismatch issue (c0.pck and m0.pck in portrait folder).
    2. Fixed portrait_battle mismatch issue (c0.pck and m0.pck in portrait_battle folder).
  • [2019-03-14]
    1. Uncensored Dead End Hades skin (m051_10.pck).
    2. Fixed portrait mismatch issue (c2.pck and m0.pck in portrait folder).
    3. Fixed portrait_battle mismatch issue (c2.pck and m0.pck in portrait_battle folder).
  • [2019-03-01]
    1. Fixed portrait mismatch issue (c0.pck in portrait folder).
    2. Fixed portrait_battle mismatch issue (c0.pck in portrait_battle folder).
  • [2019-02-15]
    1. Fixed portrait mismatch issue (c2.pck in portrait folder).
    2. Fixed portrait_battle mismatch issue (c2.pck in portrait_battle folder).
  • [2019-02-05]
    1. Uncensored Eshu normal skin (c176_01.pck).
    2. Fixed portrait mismatch issue (c0.pck and c1.pck in portrait folder).
    3. Fixed portrait_battle mismatch issue (c0.pck and c1.pck in portrait_battle folder).
  • [2019-02-04]
    1. Do not use files in icon folder. They're outdated due to new Leda skin.
  • [2019-01-24]
    1. Need to reapply patch files in icon folder after Miku collab update.
  • [2019-01-03]
    1. Fixed Cu Sith S rank bandage vectors (c017_02.pck).
    2. Uncensored Nightmare Krampus skin and boss skin to reflect original uncensored KR version (c246_10.pck and c246_88.pck).
    3. Uncensored Flora S rank skin to reflect original uncensored KR version (c120_02.pck).
    4. Uncensored Atalanta S rank skin to reflect original uncensored KR version (c188_02.pck).
    5. Added character file reference list to drive.
  • [2018-12-17]
    1. Updated all portrait and portrait_battle files to reflect new uncensors.
    2. Uncensored Swimsuit Mona skin (c001_16.pck).
    3. Uncensored Swimsuit Lisa skin (c002_12.pck).
    4. Uncensored Deino S rank skin (c011_02.pck).
    5. Uncensored Ambrosia normal and S rank skin (c068_01.pck and c068_02.pck).
    6. Uncensored A.I normal and S rank skin (c174_01.pck and c174_02.pck).
    7. Uncensored Mammon S rank skin (c180_02.pck).
    8. Uncensored Atropos S rank skin (c220_02.pck).
    9. Uncensored Arges normal skin (c233_01.pck).
    10. Uncensored Naughty Krampus boss skin (c246_89.pck).
    11. Uncensored Nicole normal skin (c253_01.pck).
    12. Uncensored Santa Claus S rank skin (c299_02.pck).
    13. Uncensored Europa S rank skin (c062_02.pck).
  • [2018-12-15]
    1. Fixed Cu Sith S rank bandages in wrong location (c017_02.pck).

相關文章:Destiny Child 遊戲資源解包文件

看較舊的 299 則留言

Rosy: B311 2019-10-12 06:04


Anse: B307 2019-09-25 10:13

神秘MODS分享~ https://discord.gg/KF9v8pg

Rosy: B258 2019-05-27 10:00


麥剎啦番仔: B315 2019-12-24 09:36 編輯


selldavid: B316 2019-12-26 18:12




2018-11-16 21:17:01

情報AniGift《命運之子 DESTINY CHILD》戦神アクラシア 模型化決定!

2022-07-24 16:05:59

其他Destiny Child - Original Animation 命運之子:官方動畫

2019-01-11 07:38:04


2019-10-03 00:14:29

開啟 APP

face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

face我們了解您不想看到廣告的心情⋯ 若您願意支持巴哈姆特永續經營,請將 gamer.com.tw 加入廣告阻擋工具的白名單中,謝謝 !【教學】