虹彩六號 系列

【情報】Closed Beta後的更新

【情報】Closed Beta後的更新

roy168255 (培根Jack)#12016-02-09 17:37:20



SHIELD OPERATORS: Reduced hipfire accuracy plus other small balancing tweaks
  • Laser sight bonus reduction will decrease the efficiency of hip firing.- 降低雷瞄的腰射準度
  • Dispersion increased by 2.5x while hip firing with a shield equipped. - 拿著盾牌腰射射擊時,子彈擴散程度增加2.5x
  • Dispersion further increased up to 5x while taking fire on the shield. - 當盾牌受到攻擊時,子彈擴散程度增加5x

PULSE: Cardiac Sensor has been polished for greater player comfort - 心跳感測器進行3D優化
  • Added 3D visual Feedback on the screen with a 'sonar style' feel. This should increase navigational comfort for players while using Pulse. We also increased the refresh-rate of detection and accelerated the booting of the device.
  • 增加了新的3D"聲納式"視覺特效(取代之前的全黑雜訊風格3D與藍色窗簾風格3D)

IQ: Increased the range of detection for the EDD to 15m. We didn't want to increase too much or else the player would detect too many gadgets at one time, making the situation difficult to read.

  • IQ的EDD裝置偵測距離提升到15M

BANDIT: Increased damage given by electrified gadgets and reduced visual audio feedback for rival team. Opponents will need to be closer to detect. Increased damage values are not yet final.

  • 增加BANDIT的電擊傷害(包括通電鐵絲網,通電加固牆,通電折疊式盾牌)

Weapons & Gadgets - 武器與裝備

416-C: Increased recoil to be on par with other rifles
416-C: 後座力提升到跟其他步槍一樣

Shooting Mechanics - 武器配件

GRIPS: Reduced recoil reduction bonus - 降低手把後座力減少的幅度

  • During Closed Beta, adding a grip to a firearm lowered recoil by 40%. Now it is lowered by only 25%.
LASER SIGHTS: Reduced the accuracy bonus - 降低雷射瞄準器的提升準度
  • During Closed Beta, laser sights gave firearms a 40% accuracy bonus, which we've reduced to around 23%.

Terrorist Hunt - 獵殺恐怖份子CO-OP

DIFFICULTY LEVEL: We've heightened the challenge for all difficulty levels
  • Normal: AI accuracy increased by 40%, damage increased by 5%.
  • Hard: AI accuracy at mid-range increased by about 20%, with quicker reaction times and a damage boost.
  • Realistic: Reaction time even faster. AI accuracy has been further improved based on distance and weapon used.

BOMBERS: Several updates to improve gameplay experience with Bombers.
阿拉花瓜炸彈客: 一些更新來提升遊玩性
  • Bomber movement outside of buildings has been limited to only one Bomber.
  • The damage curve for Bombers now diminishes the further away the player is from the source of the explosion. Explosions used to maximum damage no matter where you were in the damage radius.
  • Note: You can also use EMPs to disable the Bomber's explosive device.
  • Teleport bug fixed.

NITRO CELLS: Damage reduced - 土製炸彈傷害降低

  • Reduced damage output of Terrorist Hunt nitro cells.
  • Removed problematic nitro cell placements (couldn't shoot it, find it, otherwise inaccessible, etc).

Online and Matchmaking - 線上遊戲與配對機制

MATCHMAKING: Multiple long-term improvements
  • Thanks to all the data gathered during the Closed Beta, we have decided to remove some unnecessary complexities of the underlying matchmaking systems, while preserving our core values of matching players based on (not sorted by priority) their skill, account level, network performance and geographical location. We’re not ready to release the details until a couple more tests have been run, but we’ve seen very significant improvements in matchmaking times.

ONLINE MULTIPLAYER: Downtime between rounds reduced by about 30 seconds
線上遊戲: 回合結束的時間間隔降低到30秒左右
  • All end-of-round reports (meter and scoreboard) are now removed. Scoreboard can be accessed from the Operator selection screen.
  • Best of 5 for unranked matches, 6 rounds + best of 3 overtime for ranked matches.
    非排名賽是5回一場,排名賽是6回+3回Overtime (這裡不確定是甚麼意思)
  • [Unranked Only] Objective and insertion point voting for ATK and DEF removed, and will be random. The game will communicate the spawn location during the operator loading screen.
    [非排名賽限定] - 任務點和進攻點的選擇投票被移除,採用隨機任務點與隨機進攻點。在選擇角色時,會直接通知你的任務點和進攻點的位置。

RANKED: New Details
排名賽: 細節
  • Ranked matches have voting on spawn/objective location
  • Ranked matches do NOT have Death Replays
  • Ranked matches will utilize a minimal HUD setting
    • No scoring indicators
    • No grenade indicators
    • No threat indicators
    • No reload indicators
    • No teammate outline
    • No kill confirmation marker
This is just a small sample of what the Ranked gameplay experience will look like. More details to come.
自訂房間 : 細節
  • Will be playable on dedicated servers (in an update shortly after launch), with the following constraints:
    • Match requires 10 players in it
    • The data center that will host the game will be the closest one to the player who created the custom game session.
    • Once the lobby has been created, the server will wait a certain amount of time for it to be filled up to 10 players. If the wait duration goes above a certain limit, the custom game session will be cancelled.
    • Custom games hosted on dedicated servers will not be listed and will be accessed by invitation only, after the lobby is created.
    1. 房間至少要有10人
    2. 房間的數據權會決定於最早開房的人
    3. 在使用專用伺服器開房時,並不會公開顯示,只能被邀請加入房間
  • Custom matches that aren't held on dedicated servers (LAN or peer-to-peer) will be listed in a server browser.
VOTE KICK: Now only requires a majority vote to work (ex: if there are 5 players, it requires 3 votes. If there are 3 players, it requires 2).
自訂房間限定 - 投票踢除只要大致上通過就會進行踢除(5玩家3通過/3玩家2通過)
VOIP: Push-to-Talk notifications in game switched from blinking to static when talking.




face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

face我們了解您不想看到廣告的心情⋯ 若您願意支持巴哈姆特永續經營,請將 gamer.com.tw 加入廣告阻擋工具的白名單中,謝謝 !【教學】