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【情報】韓國玩家Infiltration 可能加入Razer

【情報】韓國玩家Infiltration 可能加入Razer

smoai (賽亞人)#12015-12-07 05:23:00


Early this morning, Team Razer tweeted out an image that has many members of the FGC speculating that Infiltration will be the newest addition to the team.

The image is kept purposefully out of focus, is only a shot of the person's back and prompts us to "guess who?" Despite the vagueness, many are already convinced that this is the 2012 EVO champion. Take a look for yourself below:
Click images for larger versions
Given his amazing resume, it's something of a wonder that the top Street Fighter competitor isn't already entered into a major sponsorship deal.

If this is accurate, then Infiltration will be the third Street Fighter 4 EVO champion to join the team, with RZR|Fuudo and RZR|Xian also amongst its impressive lineup.

What do you think? Is this Infiltration, or is it just too hard to tell? Let us know in the comments.

Image source: CrossCounter. Tip submitted by supermand4201.

韓國玩家Infiltration 再推特發表一張圖片.Infiltration 背後有Razer 的圖案



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