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RE:【情報】快打旋風5 四月DLC新角色【凱爾】公開…近期釋出更新

RE:【情報】快打旋風5 四月DLC新角色【凱爾】公開…近期釋出更新

Landius (原來我是漆原派啊)#12016-04-30 00:44:55

Combofiend Discusses How Guile’s Zoning will Slow Down Street Fighter V

Yahoo e-sports訪問影片

Anyone who has played Street Fighter V has certainly noticed that the game tends more toward aggressive play. Even characters who classically work to slow down what’s happening on the screen through effective zoning, like Dhalsim, have been equipped with tools to encourage them to get in their opponents’ faces. In a recent interview with Michael Martin of Yahoo Esports, Peter “Combofiend” Rosas notes, “there’s no mistake here that the game is a little bit more offensive in nature. With that being said, Guile is the first true defensive character…he’s going to make people play a little bit slower, a little bit calmer.”

玩SFV的玩家都注意到了這款遊戲比預期中還要鼓勵積極進攻, 就算是比較古典, 利用空間讓你慢下來打的角色, 例如聖僧, 也具備著讓聖僧玩家積極迎面作戰的性能. Yahoo e-sports的麥克馬汀在最近訪問Combofiend, Combofiend指出不能失誤的遊戲風格促使玩家自然進一步地更積極在進攻面, 但軍佬是本遊戲第一個真正的防守型角色..., 他會逼迫對手一定要打慢, 像堵牆一樣.

As many have noticed, Guile’s appearance is more reminiscent of his Street Fighter II incarnation than other characters in the cast who also shared a slot in that game’s roster. The Street Fighter II parallels don’t end with aesthetics, either; this is due in part, Rosas says, to much of Guile’s gameplay revolving around his two special moves, as well as his long-range normals, meaning “a lot of…older players are going to feel right at home.” Adding such a methodical character to the game in its current state also means that new players will finally get a taste of what classic Street Fighter zoning is all about.

或許很多人意會到了, 軍佬展現出來的態勢更像是他在2代的樣子, 不以漂亮的招式結束一切, 或者該說這就是快打旋風的一部份. Combofiend指出軍佬玩家大部份的gameplay皆基於他那兩招萬年必殺技, 就像他具備優秀間距的基本技一樣好, 也就是說 "這會讓許多老玩家感覺通體舒暢, 有家的感覺". 加入這種條理不紊概念的角色, 會讓新加入的玩家們最終體會到什麼叫做老快打的空間感.

Rosas believes that the Guile players who have picked up Nash as a stand in until they can officially put on their shades will almost certainly be making the switch back to Guile when he’s available. This is due to the fact that Nash is a much more aggressive character and Guile is “pretty much a wall.”

Combofiend相信軍佬玩家之中已經投身納什的人, 最終還是會回到軍佬的懷抱, 這基於一個事實 -- 納什是非常積極的角色, 而軍佬是一面牆.

When asked if Bison players should be worried about how the matchup against Guile will play out, Rosas was quick to reference the tools Bison has been given to deal with zoning; he doesn’t think the match will be a problem.

當問到司令玩家會不會像4代一樣, 再次面對軍佬而流淚, Combofiend很快地回應說現在的司令已經有不少武器可以對應軍佬空間, 他並不認為司令對決軍佬會是一個問題.


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