
RE:【閒聊】Warframe 世界觀相關 (6th)

RE:【閒聊】Warframe 世界觀相關 (6th)

solitude353 (VoodooPringles)#12014-03-26 00:25:10

For years, the Corpus elite have embedded credit chips under their skin as a sign of rank and privilege. Now they have come to realize the chips are toxic.

A Corpus Deacon named “Solma” has begun a campaign to redesign the credit currency. He hopes to preserve Corpus customs while reducing the alarming decline of Corpus leadership. If Solma is successful, it could devalue our reserves and restrict our ability to purchase arms on the free-market.

Infiltrate one ofSolma’s freighters and collect intel on his plan.

Solma:“We must forge a new path for our collective…”





It seems Solma’s campaign has some very vocal opponents within his counsel. The majority see it as an affront to strict Corpus doctrine. In their opinion, those who perish as a result of the toxicity are sacrificing themselves to maintain a tradition that has existed for centuries.

Eliminating Solma is our best chance at preventing the campaign from gaining support. Get aboard his ship and dispatch him.



Well done. Withno one to champion the proposed redesign, we have effectively secured ourreserves. We will continue to keep a close eye on this.


For centuries,the Infestation has been viewed as a mindless, impenetrable mystery with no apparent motivation. Like a pestilence, they descend from unknown origins and wreak havoc. New information suggests that there might be more to theInfestation than meets the eye.

Our operatives have intercepted a communication from a Grineer artifact researcher named Vay Hek. He alludes to a potentially groundbreaking artifact discovery that could shed light on the Infestation.

Infiltrate the Grineer research facility and acquire additional intel on Hek’s work.


我們的情報員截獲來自Grineer神器研究者Vay Hek的通訊信息。內容間接地暗示了他似乎有了重大的發現,能揭開感染者的神秘面紗。


It seems Hek and his team were able to extract information from the artifact which has lead them to a derelict Orokin ship. Information is vague, but we did intercept the following distress call from Hek originating from the vessel.

Hek: “We are overrun! They move with such purpose, almost like they are protecting something. It’s as if they share a massive meta-consciousness…a hive mind of sorts. If this is true, can we assume the existence of an overseer?”

Get aboard theship and eliminate the Infestation threat and extract Hek safely. We need to interrogate him.




Unfortunately Hek is of no use to us. He is babbling incoherently about an “unfathomably horrible creature” that appeared and laid waste to his entire crew. It is clear he saw something very disturbing. Let us hope he recovers his senses.




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