PC2009-04-20 12:34

《星海爭霸 2》第二部官方對戰影片 中文講解文字釋出

(GNN 記者 RU 報導)

  繼上周五美國 Blizzard 公開《星海爭霸 2》第二部官方對戰影片後,為了讓台灣玩家更加掌握對戰影片的戰術內容,Blizzard 今日釋出了對戰講解的中英文對照翻譯內容,供有興趣的玩家參考。

  《星海爭霸 2》第二部對戰影片是由蟲族對上人類,在名為噴炎沙漠地圖進行大戰,由《星海爭霸 2》研發團隊兩位遊戲平衡設計師 Matt Cooper 與 David Kim 操刀上陣,Matt Cooper 扮演蟲族,David Kim 扮演人類。以下為中英文翻譯內容:

  0:25 – Matt Cooper and David Kim from the StarCraft II development team will be playing this match, with Cooper playing as Zerg, and Kim as Terran on a new 1v1 map called Blistering Sands.

  0:25 – 星海爭霸 II 開發團隊中的 Matt Cooper 與 David Kim 將在全新的 1v1 噴炎沙漠地圖進行對戰,Cooper 操作蟲族,Kim 則是操作人類。

  1:00 There’s a single ramp entry to each base, along with one natural expansion point. There’s also a narrow choke point into each base.

  1:00 雙方基地各有一個入口坡道和一個資源擴張區。此外,各基地的通道還具有一狹窄的制扼點。

  1:20 Near the natural expansion is another expansion point with yellow crystals. The yellow crystals are worth more than blue crystals, meaning that minerals can be harvested from them more quickly than a regular expansion. Destructible rocks block the ideal building placement point at this expansion, however.

  1:20 靠近資源擴張區的地方是另一個蘊藏黃水晶的擴張區。開採黃水晶比開採藍水晶的價值更高,因為這裡的礦物採集速度比一般擴張區還快。但是可毀岩塊擋住了這個擴張區中安置建築物的理想地點。

  1:33 A pair of Xel’Naga watch towers are in the center of the map, which can be captured by a single unit, giving players a huge sight radius in the area. Controlling these watch towers gives the player a big tactical advantage to track enemy movement in key areas.

  1:33 地圖的中心聳立著兩座薩爾納加的監視塔,監視塔可以被單一單位佔領,佔領的玩家可藉此擴大區域內視野的半徑。控制監視塔可以讓玩家獲取戰略上的龐大優勢,隨時追蹤敵方的一舉一動。

  1:50 The Terran player finishes a barracks and sends an SCV to scout his opponent. The zerg player sends a drone out to establish a hatchery at his expansion point, but hides the drone off in the corner to prevent the SCV from blocking the expansion as it enters into the zerg base. The zerg player is able to place his fast expansion without interference.

  1:50 人類玩家完成建造兵營,並派遣工程兵去偵察敵方陣營。蟲族玩家則是派遣工蜂去擴張區建造孵化所,而且把工蜂藏在角落,防止工程兵 進入蟲族基地時霸佔了擴張區。如此一來,蟲族玩家就可以佈署快速擴張區而不受干擾。

  3:10 The Terran player sets a bunker down next to the fast expansion, hoping to get some marines into the bunker before the Zerg player can establish any defenses. A drone attacks and harasses the SCV building the bunker, preventing it from being completed.

  3:10 人類玩家在快速擴張區的附近蓋了一座掩體,希望部分陸戰隊能在蟲族建造任何防禦之前進入掩體。 但工蜂攻擊並騷擾建造這座掩體的工程兵,阻止工程兵完成掩體的建造。

  3:30 The Terran player moves across the map with a marine and another SCV to reinforce the position. The Zerg spawning pool completes, and four zerglings are being created to try and chase off the harassing Terrans. The Zerg player also sets down a baneling nest, as the bunker completes, and a single marine loads inside, protected so that it can freely attack the hatchery.

  3:30 人類玩家派遣一名陸戰隊和另一名工程兵橫跨地圖去增援擴張區。這時,蟲族孵化池完成建造,4隻異化蟲誕生並嘗試著把騷擾的人類驅逐出去。蟲族玩家還設置了毒爆蟲之巢,但是當掩體完成建造時一名陸戰隊成功地進入掩體,在掩體的防護下陸戰隊可以毫無顧忌地突擊孵化所。

  4:25 The zerglings are forced to retreat from the bunker, but they move to the choke point to try and block additional marines from entering the bunker. The zerg player also sets down a spine crawler by the expansion, which will help attack the bunker. As the spine crawler finishes, 10 zerglings and a queen destroy the bunker as well as the accompanying SCVs.

  4:25 異化蟲被迫從掩體撤退,但是移動到制扼點來防止更多的陸戰隊進入掩體。蟲族玩家同時在擴張區的附近安置脊椎爬行者 來幫忙襲擊掩體。當脊椎爬行者建造完成時,10 隻異化蟲和 1 隻女皇已摧毀了掩體和隨行的工程兵群。

  5:10 As the terrans are chased off, some extra larvae pop out next to the hatchery – zerg queens now have the ability (at the cost of some energy) to periodically induce hatcheries to produce more larvae, increasing the production capacity for zerg. This is a new macro mechanic that’s being tested in the current build.

  5:10 把人類部隊逐出後,更多幼蟲突然出現在孵化所附近,因為蟲族女皇現在有技能 (需消耗一些能量)可以週期性地誘導孵化所生產更多幼蟲,提昇蟲族的生產能力。這是目前版本在測試的嶄新巨集指令配置。

  5:20 Meanwhile, the Terrans have produced two bunkers with tech lab add-ons. The add-ons will enable the production of marauders. In conjunction with the mercenary haven that’s also being built, the Terran player will be able to buy tech upgrades for marines as well as produce reapers from his barracks.

  5:20 這時,人類已經蓋好 2 座掩體和附屬的科技實驗室。這些附屬實驗室將可啟動掠奪者的生產。再加上興建中的僱佣兵棲泊所,人類玩家就可購買陸戰隊科技升級,並且從兵營生產收割者。

  5:33 A small group of zerglings explore the ramp to the terran base, but are immediately chased off by four marines and a trio of SCVs. The zerglings retreat and then begin morphing into banelings. Banelings are a new unit in StarCraft II that act as suicide bombers, rolling into infantry or buildings for massive area effect damage.

  5:33 一小群異化蟲探索通往人類基地的坡道,但隨即被 4 名陸戰隊和 3 名工程兵所編制的中隊給逐出區域。異化蟲撤退後接著開始變形成毒爆蟲。毒爆蟲是星海爭霸II中的新單位,扮演著自殺式炸彈客的角色,藉由 混進步兵連和建築物中自我引爆來造成廣大區域性的傷害。

  6:00 The Terrans push out of their base into a small group of zerglings and banelings. Most of the Terrans are slaughtered by an exploding baneling as the remaining marine and SCV are forced to retreat. The zerg push into the Terran base but miss an opportunity to attack the SCV line as the small zerg force is blocked in between the Terran buildings. A pair of reapers help fend off the attack.

  6:00 一小群異化蟲探索通往人類基地的坡道,但隨即被 4 名陸戰隊和 3 名工程兵所編制的中隊給逐出區域。異化蟲撤退後接著開始變形成毒爆蟲。毒爆蟲是星海爭霸II中的新單位,扮演著自殺式炸彈客的角色,藉由混進步兵連和建築物中自我引爆來造成廣大區域性的傷害。

  7:10 Back at the zerg base, the spine crawler picks up and repositions itself, a new feature to zerg defenses in StarCraft II. He also creates a roach warren to field the new roach unit on the battlefield. Roaches have a short ranged attack and can regenerate health quickly.

  7:10 畫面拉回到蟲族基地,脊椎爬行者正自我重整和重新定位,這是星海爭霸II中蟲族的新防禦特色之一。脊椎爬行者還建造蟑螂繁殖場,來把新增的蟑螂部隊投入戰場。 蟑螂是短距離攻擊和耐力值再生快速的一種單位

  7:30 another small skirmish between zerglings and reapers is fought outside the Terran base, with the reapers preventing the Zerg from pushing into the base. More zergling reinforcements arrive and kill a reaper attempting to scout.

  7:30 人類基地外正進行著另一場異化蟲和收割者之間的衝突戰,收割者正奮力地阻止蟲族入侵基地。沒想到有更多異化蟲增援部隊抵達,並擊殺了一台試圖偵察的收割者。

  8:05 The Terrans begin construction of a new command center to try and establish at the new expansion and gain additional resources. Meanwhile, the zerglings begin attacking the destructible rock protecting the back ramp entry to the main Terran base. The Terrans are alerted to this threat when an SCV starts building a supply depot by the rocks. Reapers arrive on the scene and jump down from the cliff to chase off the zerglings, who retreat behind some tall brush and burrow. The reapers opt not to chase through the tall brush, which blocks their line of sight, as they risk walking right into an ambush.

  8:05 人類開始建造一座新指揮中心,試圖建立新擴張區並獲取額外資源。在這同時,異化蟲開始攻打那些用來防禦人類主要基地後方入口坡道的可毀岩塊。當工程兵在岩塊附近建造補給站時,人類警覺到這個威脅,派遣 收割者前往。收割者抵達後躍下山崖,驅逐那些異化蟲,逼得那些異化蟲撤退到高灌木叢和地道中。收割者選擇不穿越高灌木叢追逐敵兵,因為灌木叢會遮蔽他們的視野使他們踏入敵方埋伏的危險之中。

  8:50 The reapers move to capture the nearby watch tower as some roaches move up to reinforce the Zerg’s forward position. Roaches and zerglings chase the reapers off the watch tower as the Terrans are again forced back into their base.

  8:50 當收割者前往佔領鄰近的監視塔時,部分蟑螂則向前線推進以強化蟲族進攻的攻勢。結果蟑螂和異化蟲把收割者逐出監視塔,迫使人類再度撤回他們的基地。

  9:30 The Zerg go back to attacking the rocks at the backside ramp, as additional reapers move to defend the rock. Roaches move in to continue the attack on the rocks as the Terrans move out over the choke point with reapers and marines. D-8 demolition charges from the reapers vaporize several roaches while most of the Terran infantry are annihilated by banelings.

  9:30 蟲族調頭攻擊人類基地後方坡道的岩塊時,增援的收割者則去防止岩石遭受破壞。蟑螂加入戰爭前線並持續攻擊岩塊,此時人類的收割者和陸戰隊已經退超過制扼點。收割者發射 D-8 爆破彈將幾隻蟑螂炸蒸發了,但大多數的人類步兵連卻也被毒爆蟲給殲滅了。

  10:30 The remaining two banelings and roaches move into the Terran expansion, attacking an empty bunker as three marines load inside. One wounded roach burrows to regenerate hitpoints while the remaining roach scurries into the main base, where it’s quickly dispatched by a marauder.

  10:30 剩餘的 2 隻毒爆蟲和蟑螂群衝往人類的擴張區,並攻擊空置的掩體和剩下的 3 名陸戰隊。一隻負傷的蟑螂為了恢復生命值而鑽入地面,其餘的蟑螂則是迅速湧進人類的主要基地,卻在那邊被一名掠奪者閃電般地解決掉了。

  10:55 The other roach harasses the mineral line at the Terran expansion, but reinforcements are unable to reach it as the bunker fends off the trickle of Zerg forces coming in. Without detection however, the Terrans can do little about the lone roach burrowed in the mineral line.

  10:55 其他的蟑螂跑去騷擾人類擴張區的礦物生產線,但蟲族後援部隊卻未能即時抵達那地方,因為掩體擋掉了蟲族零星的入侵火力。 可是對於那些獨自鑽入礦物產線而且又未被偵測到的蟑螂,人類部隊就沒什麼招架的辦法了。

  11:50 Several banelings burrow outside the Terran base, but the Zerg player opts to let them walk by, luring them into a trap at the nearby watchtower. Once pinned into the tower platform, the entire Terran force is wiped out by banelings.

  11:50 數隻毒爆蟲在人類基地外挖掘著地道,蟲族玩家選擇只讓蟲群路過,並誘導他們到設置在鄰近監視塔的陷阱。一旦把敵方牽制在塔台內,到時就可以用毒爆蟲把全部的人類部隊一舉殲滅。

  12:55 The Zerg are finally able to break through the backside rocks, but some well-placed bunkers discourage the Zerg player from rampaging in the Terran base. The Zerg force retreats, content for now to maintain map control against the Terrans, and to attempt to establish a third base on the Terran side of the map.

  12:55 蟲族終於攻破人類基地後方的岩塊,但是蟲族玩家因為遭遇敵方精心佈署的掩體而打消了試圖血洗人類基地的念頭。蟲族撤退軍隊,並專心維護用來抵抗人類的地圖掌控權,並且嘗試在人類的領土上建立第 3 個基地。

  14:25 The Terran player does spot the Zerg expansion with an SCV scout and has also created a trio of starports with tech labs, allowing for the creation of banshee and nighthawk aircraft. The Zerg have not advanced high up the tech tree yet, so there’s currently little anti-air capability to combat these aircraft.

  14:25 人類玩家的工程偵察兵發現了蟲族的擴張區,並建造了由 3 個星際太空站和科技附屬實驗室所編制的部隊,使人類玩家可以生產轟炸機和夜鷹工程機。現階段的蟲族尚未擁有科技樹中的高階科技,所以目前只能用微弱的防空能力來對抗這類的飛行器。

  15:20 A pair of banshees take out the third Zerg base before it can be established. The banshees move into the Zerg base to attack an infestation pit, but a nearby infestor creates some infested marines to chase off the banshees.

  15:20 兩架轟炸機摧毀了還在建造中的第 3 個蟲族基地。轟炸機接著前往蟲族基地攻擊一座殖染溫室,但附近的一隻殖染蟲製造了一些被寄生感染的陸戰隊來驅逐轟炸機。

  16:00 As the banshees retreat from the Zerg base, they stumble upon a group of roaches and zerglings. This zerg force can’t shoot air units, so they’re forced to burrow underground to safety. Some Terran nighthawks immediately fly in, and with their passive detection ability they’re able to spot the burrowed Zerg, allowing the banshees to attack and chase the roaches and zerglings into their own base. The banshees attempt to pursue but are turned away by a queen and some hydralisks.

  16:00 轟炸機從蟲族基地撤退的途中,遇到了一群蟑螂和異化蟲。這支蟲族部隊無法射擊空中部隊,因此他們被迫鑽入地底以求安全。某些人類的夜鷹工程機立刻趨前,使用被動式偵測技能探查鑽入地面的蟲族,讓轟炸機可以宰割蟑螂和異化蟲並把他們驅趕到蟲族基地。轟炸機企圖繼續追補,但受到一隻女皇和一些刺螅蛇的突擊所以掉頭折返。

  16:30 Meanwhile a group of marines takes on some roaches camped outside the Terran base. Banelings make short work of of the marines, but another group of Terran infantry, backed by nighthawks, cleans up the remaining Zerg forces, including a burrowed infestor.

  16:30 這時,一小隊的陸戰隊對盤據在人類基地外的一些蟑螂展開攻擊。毒爆蟲迅速地解決掉了那支小隊,而另一隊有夜鷹工程機援助的人類步兵連則剷除了剩下的蟲族部隊,包括一隻鑽入地底的殖染蟲。

  17:00 The combat shield upgrade for Terran marines finishes, giving marines an additional 10 hit points. Banshees continue to harass Zerg forces, this time next to the northwestern watch tower. Hydralisks chase off the banshees

  17:00 人類陸戰隊的戰鬥防護罩完成升級,陸戰隊因此多了額外 10 點生命值。轟炸機則持續騷擾蟲族部隊,而且這次目標是靠近西北方監視塔的蟲族。不過轟炸機卻被刺螅蛇驅趕離開。

  17:30 A concentrated force of zerglings, hydralisks and roaches runs headlong into a group of marines and nighthawks. Though the Terrans are badly outnumbered in this fight, the hunter-seeker missiles of the nighthawks allow the Terrans to thin out the zerg forces considerably. Hunter-seeker missiles lock on and strike at an enemy for a good amount of damage as well as some splash, making it an ideal choice for clumps of enemy troops. The decimated hydralisks attempt to push into the Terran base, but are turned away .

  17:30 火力集中的一隊異化蟲、刺螅蛇和蟑螂莽撞地衝向一支由陸戰隊和夜鷹工程機組成的小隊。這場戰鬥中,雖然人類不敵蟲族壓倒性的數量,但夜鷹工程機的獵殺追蹤導彈讓人類可以消滅大量的蟲族兵力。獵殺追蹤導彈可鎖定和攻擊敵方,並造成相當可觀的傷害和一定程度的濺射,因此是用來攻擊大群軍隊的理想選擇。慘遭大幅撲滅的刺螅蛇試圖侵襲人類基地,但被驅逐了。

  18:25 The nighthawks again use hunter-seeker missile to great effect, scattering the Zerg forces. A massive firefight in the middle results in the Zerg being chased off, with the Terrans losing lots of marines but only one of the expensive nighthawks in the process.

  18:25 夜鷹工程機再次使用獵殺追蹤導彈,這對蟲族部隊造成巨大影響,並分散了蟲族兵力。這之間的大規模砲火導致蟲族慘遭驅逐,雖然人類喪失了很多陸戰隊,但這過程中只損失一架昂貴的夜鷹工程機。

  19:30 With the Zerg on their heels, the Terran move to establish a new expansion. The Terrans drop in several mule gatherers to assist in harvesting minerals at the new base. Mules are a new ability that can be called in from orbital command, which is an upgrade to Terran command centers. Mules can gather minerals much faster than an SCV but break down after a period of time. A nearby overlord attempts to block the command center from landing by spreading creep, but is a few seconds too late.

  19:30 在蟲族動彈不得之際,人類則遷移到新擴張區。人類扔出幾台礦奴採集機協助採集新基地的礦物。礦奴機是一種可以透過星軌命令呼叫的新技能,星軌命令是藉由升級人類指揮中心所獲得。礦奴機採集礦物的速度比工程兵快很多,但經歷一段時間之後就會損壞。鄰近的一隻蟲族宿主散播悚蔓苔企圖阻擾指揮中心的登陸,但這一切晚了幾秒。

  20:00 The Terran army attempts to push the Zerg even further back, but even with the assistance of auto turrets from the nighthawks, there are simply too many hydralisks and roaches to contend with. The surviving Zerg forces attack the defenseless Terran expansion, but a massive band of reinforcements arrives to chase off the Zerg.

  20:00 人類軍隊嘗試將蟲族推回更遠的地方,但就算有夜鷹工程機製造的自動砲塔的援助,還是有太多數不盡的刺螅蛇和蟑螂需要對抗。倖存的蟲族抓住機會攻擊毫無防禦能力的人類擴張區,卻被隨即抵達的一群龐大增援部隊給驅趕走了。

  21:20 As the Terrans counter-attack, they encounter some zerglings caught in the midst of evolving into banelings. These are dispatched easily and the Terran infantry push the Zerg defenders deep into their own base. When another massive group of reinforcements arrive, the Zerg player is forced to surrender. GG!

  21:20 人類起軍反攻時,撞見某些進化到毒爆蟲過程一半的異化蟲,雙方展開交戰。 這些異化蟲輕易地被殲滅了,人類的步兵連趁勢將蟲族抵禦者逼往蟲族基地深處。當人類另一批強大的增援部隊抵達時,蟲族玩家迫不得已,選擇投降。結束了一場精采的對戰!

  Blizzard 尚未公布《星海爭霸 2》上市日期。


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開啟 APP

face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

face我們了解您不想看到廣告的心情⋯ 若您願意支持巴哈姆特永續經營,請將 加入廣告阻擋工具的白名單中,謝謝 !【教學】