
日誌2008-08-29 23:55

Today is not my day!


  Today is seemed like a usual day. However, it is really not a normal day for me. In other words, there are lots of unlucky thing collected in this day!

  To begin with, only when I rode a bicycle from my home to Taipei Main Station, would I have a flat tire with an unknown reason. Therefore, I had to be carried by my friend who was rode a bike, and took much time to get the destination.

  In addition, when I arrived the meeting place of our club, a QK coffee house, I found a cockroach that was on my seat. Moreover, this disgusting creature went climbing my bag in a while! What’s more, I am afraid of cockroach that I could not hit it at that time, and the only thing that I could do was waiting for its leaving. At the time it left my bag, I washed the surface of my bag as soon as possible.

  Finally, when I got home with a tired body, I found that I was not able to open the door because it is locked by the way I didn’t know. As a result, I pressed the bell, and I heard the sound which meant that my sister came here. However, she didn’t open the door, and I pressed the bell again until she opened the door. Why was the reason for her to do that? She told me it was just for fun!

  To sum up, there are three unlucky things happened today presented above, among them having the flat tire, disturbing by a disgusting cockroach, and being tricked by my sister just for a ridiculous reason.





bite back ( 欲言又止 )


觀雪 ❄ 然後我也不認輸,走過寒冬香依舊如故。❄


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