上次的blade the flat part on a knife or similar tool or weapon, with a very thin edge used for cutting 只要有薄的邊緣,可以拿來做切割者,都可以稱作blade。 那雷文的手是什麼?不就是爪子?不是可以拿來切割?否則狼牙這招爪子在裡面是擺好看的嗎?因此手這翻譯成立。
上次的cannon A cannon is any piece of artillery that uses gunpowder or other usually explosive-based propellants to launch a projectile. 加農砲是一種火砲,利用火藥或其他易爆燃料,來發投射發射體。 Cannon vary in caliber, range, mobility, rate of fire, angle of fire, and firepower; different forms of cannon combine and balance these attributes in varying degrees, depending on their intended use on the battlefield. 加農砲隨著口徑、範圍、機動性、發射速度、發射角和火力,有不同的加農炮組合而且可以視戰場情況,利用調整角度平衡這些要素。 The word cannon is derived from several languages, in which the original definition can usually be translated as tube, cane, or reed. 加農這個字源自於數種語言,最初始的定義通常翻成管子、手杖、蘆笛。 In modern times, cannon has fallen out of common usage, usually replaced by "guns" or "artillery", if not a more specific term, such as "mortar" or "howitzer". 在現今,加農炮已經成為普遍的用法,通常被認為是槍枝或者是火砲,如果不是很準確的字眼的話,通常會指臼或者是榴彈砲(自走砲)。 其實這種意義的借代法,歷史上也不是沒有...還記得坦克嗎?tank這字原本意義是大水槽,可是後人習慣叫稱是戰車,而加農炮因為本身就像是一條管子,後來指稱成火砲...說實在差不了多少。
表現形式。 Releases a large fireball that travels forward for a few seconds. 釋放一個大火球,往前前進數秒鐘。