
日誌2011-06-06 14:45

【Dragon Cave】  * 空龍 *


節日限定的介紹→ 【Dragon Cave】 ~ 特殊節日限定 ~
This light egg is floating in the air.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It's very light and enjoys bouncing all around.

Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It's very light and enjoys bouncing all around.
And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.
Balloon dragons are so named because they are filled with a gas that makes them almost lighter than air, similar to balloons. However, they are not prone to bursting, as they are covered in tough skin and can deflate themselves if necessary. In addition, they generally are slow moving. They use their gas bladders to float to the tops of trees, where food is more abundant. They can shift their weight from their backs to their fronts, allowing them to reach leaves and fruit.
This egg has strange markings on it.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. Unlike the other hatchlings, this one hatched with wings.

Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. Unlike the other hatchlings, this one hatched with wings.
And look! Its back legs have become a second set of wings! It must be close to maturing.
Skywing dragons spend most of their lives flying in the air. They hunt from the air, diving at prey from above, and land only to rest. They are some of the fastest fliers, capable of extremely high speeds. The webbing at the end of the tail acts as a rudder, allowing them to easily change direction during flight.
This egg is sitting on a cloud.

Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It has a pink cloud that follows it everywhere. You seem to be having more difficulty concentrating since it arrived.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. It has a pink cloud that follows it everywhere. You seem to be having more difficulty concentrating since it arrived.And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing.

(母)                (公)
Daydream dragons are the hosts of daydreams and fantasies. They spend the majority of their time sitting on clouds, dropping daydreams down into the minds of people passing by. Humans who live near daydream dragons must be especially careful not to let their thoughts wander, or they could end up spending hours or even days in a trance-like waking dream state.
This egg has a brilliant radiance coming off of it.

Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. Despite being as black as outer space, it has a few bright patterns on it.
(母)          (母-特殊品種)                 (公)         (公-特殊品種)  
It's a cute baby dragon. Despite being as black as outer space, it has a few bright patterns on it. And look! It's grown wings and its scales have gained beautiful patterns on it. It must be close to maturing.

(母)                     (母-特殊品種)                            (公)              (公-特殊品種)  
Nebula dragons are nocturnal creatures. With the best eyesight to be found, they are often seen staring into space. Each dragon tends to observe a particular nebula and will eventually change their colors and patterns to match it. As the nebula changes over time, the dragon changes with it. The more intricate the design of the nebula, the better chance an individual has of attracting a mate. It is said that the markings on no two Nebula dragons will be exactly the same.
【日詠翼蛇】 (翻譯怪怪的所以是採用別人的翻譯名)
This egg changes colors in the sunlight.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. This hatchling is hard to see, but in the sunlight it displays brilliant colors.
(母)           (公)
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. This hatchling is hard to see, but in the sunlight it displays brilliant colors.
And look! Its wings have grown large enough that it can now fly. It hardly ever leaves the air now.
(母)                (公)
Sunsong Amphipteres are an unusual species. Due to light interference caused by their magical nature, they don't seem to be affected by any ambient light source. However, when struck by direct sunlight, they shine a brilliant gold. They are playful and ever in flight; their ethereal and mysterious appearance and the fact that they are usually only seen at a distance have led many to believe they are a symbol of hope and good fortune.
This egg is surrounded by fog.
Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. Ever since it hatched, the sky has been full of very dark clouds.

Aww... It's a cute baby dragon. Ever since it hatched, the sky has been full of very dark clouds.
And look! It's grown its wings! It must be close to maturing. It's learned to use its new wings quickly and you now have a hard time keeping it on the ground.
(母)                (公)
Gray dragons are the masters of the skies. They are excellent fliers and land only to rest and eat. In addition, they have full control of the weather. They are very hot-tempered and easily angered. They will attack any human that bothers them, conjuring strong winds and dangerous lightning.
* 普通&罕見 *
* 翼龍 *
* 迷你龍 *
* 水龍 *
* 森龍 *
我的龍蛋網址  → http://dragcave.net/user/_idolikeneo_









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