
日誌2011-06-20 16:09

【英文作文】Are You Innocent?





Are You Innocent?
        I once read a friend’s blog and realized that most people believe they will lose their innocence after growing up. Perhaps destiny gives humans several steps to follow: Firstly, the more dark side children see, the more disappointed to the world they become. Secondly, schools are also a kind of small society. Kids can generally experience how cruel the reality is. The last but not at least, the jungle law society will sustain the youth’s purity little by little and train them as the most competitive and vicious creatures in the world! Sounds sorrowful, doesn’t it? Therefore, more and more people are eager for the innocent period of time—the time that more peaceful as well as simpler than now. Additionally, some people are likely to stop growing up and live as innocent carefree kids forever; then they won’t be stained by the adult world.
        However, as far as I’m concerned, people seem to forget the original definition of innocence. According to Google dictionary, innocence means lack of knowledge and experience of the world, especially of evil or unpleasant things. In other words, people eager to become knowing nothing and lose the ability to take care of themselves. I don’t believe anyone loses innocence and anything can pollute it. In my definition, innocence is like a new-born who has to face and solve every difficulty to live through. Thus, this inexperienced creature starts to learn how to survive in any environment. During enriching itself, innocence starts to become more experienced and more mature than before. Finally, innocence evolves into a warrior who can endure any frustration that destiny gives.
        Then, let’s talk about the process mentioned in the first paragraph. Is it really true that all human beings follow this process in their life? The answer is obviously “NO”! Our society gives us too much negative information describing people’s dark side. It rarely teaches us how to stand up and overcome every challenge from destiny, especially television news broadcast in Taiwanese. Hence, I suggest Taiwanese people stop watching those news and surf the Internet to read world news. It’s common to say that children are the most innocent among human beings. They live happily and carefreely. However, this idea often spreads between people living under convenient and comfortable environment.
        If you are one of them, let me ask you several questions: How many kids lose their home during the 311 earthquake? What happen to those children who lost their parents during Iraq War? Where is the future for teenagers surviving in civil wars in Africa? Do they remain innocence after suffering from such unspeakable disasters? Perhaps those kids can’t have high education; they must fight for their life in any kinds of ways, even in the bloodiest ones. Nevertheless, most important of all, they never escape from reality. That is the reason why I certainly believe they must evolve their mind and innocence to accept every challenge invited by destiny. They are warriors!
        To sum up, innocence is never lost in your mind. It might fall asleep when you try to escape from reality. The only way to wake them up and make a warrior out of you!





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