
日誌2011-08-12 15:27








他給了個所謂的可信的第三方服務由 ETA International 提供,解釋說是類似FedEx或UPS的快遞公司。我這邊才開始感到很奇怪,因為很少看過這個所謂的快遞公司,也沒聽過有有這樣的"第三方服務"。我進入了電郵給的快遞公司網址( www.international-eta.tk ),網路公司介紹不清不楚,有些頁面連結失敗,價格計算功能沒有運作...。( ゚д゚)(大汗)

越來越可疑呀~我用古狗搜尋同樣的 ETA International,得到的官方網址不同,而且是"電子應用技術協會"。該協會網頁找不到任何可以連結到另外那個快遞公司,更沒提到任何快遞或第三方服務。


後來還請房東太太看,她說對方的英文用字很奇怪。又一段時間的折騰,終於找到這個預防詐騙的分享網站,裡面出現一年多前的貼文,敘述的狀況和我遇到的很像。後來該貼文結尾也提供了他們通信的內容,和我的信  一。模。一。樣。  呀!!! Σ(ОД○*) orz
os:都一年了,錯字文法也不改一改... Ctrl+C/+V好好用喔~

該出租人名字是 Andrew Jackson, email: andrew77544@hotmail.com
聲稱是到英國工作的土木工程計畫經理。廣告公寓地指是:628 Fleet St

Keyword: Andrew Jeckson scam rental scammer andrew77544@hotmail.com
From: Andrew Jackson
Sent: Monday, August 08, 2011 4:30 PM
To: 上鉤的肥魚
Subject: RE: Rental Inquiry 628 Fleet St.

  My name is Andrew Jackson. I am a project manager in civil engineering. I just moved in United Kingdom because my company has won an auction for a big construction project. I will stay here for the next 3-4 years or more so I will not come back in Canada soon. I'm looking for someone to live in my apartment from there. Also i would like to know a little something about you, like how many persons do you intend to live in my apartment, for what period, how old are you etc . Do not be offended but i must know to whom i will rent my apartment.
I will tell you from the beginning that I do not have a problem if you are a student or if you would like to keep pets there, as long as you clean up after them. The apartment is exactly like in the pictures and it has fully fitted kitchen, clean and tidy rooms , it's fully furnished with home utilities like: Vacuum cleaner, toaster, microwave, dryer, washing machine, refrigerator, dishwasher, power shower, heater, TV , Internet , and car park but I have the option of sending all my furniture into my private storage if you want to bring your own (no extra costs). I'm 45 years old and as I told you, i'm a project manager and my job evens if is paid very well, requires that I move a lot and without notice. I bought the apartment whiles I was working there. You can move in the apartment in the same day that you will receive the keys. The only problem is that I am already in Manchester, UK because we started the work, but you don't need to worry because i've made all arrangements to rent the apartment from here.
The minimum lease is for two months. First payment will be for one month + a security bond of CAD $1,000 ( returnable at the end of the renting period )
I can guarantee you that this is a great apartment so looking forward to a future collaboration and friendship.


From: Andrew Jackson
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 2:50 PM
To: 待宰的羔羊
Subject: RE: Rental Inquiry 628 Fleet St.
Hi 鮮嫩羊排,

The apartment is ready. You will need only to receive the keys and lease agreement to check it, and see if you like it. Obviously we need a way to complete this deal, that will allows us to make sure we receive what we are after. In order of that I have found a way for us to complete the deal safely and fast, and in this way you will receive the keys in less than two days, if you move fast as well. The solution is provided by a company called ETA International ( www.international-eta.tk ) which is similar to FedEx, TNT or UPS, which will handle both payment and delivery of the keys. I have found a procedure that will allow you to pay for the rent of the apartment after you will receive the keys of it and through this way you will see it and decide if you will stay in the apt or not before I receive my payment.
Let me know if you are interested please because I really need to take care of this matter by the end of the next week!

From: Andrew Jackson
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 4:08 PM
To: 飛走的烤鵝
Subject: RE: Rental Inquiry 628 Fleet St.
Hi 呆頭鵝,

I need to inform you the steps about how this service works and how we can make it happen. You will only have to deposit to ETA International the first month of renting $1200 + $1000 security bond, so they can proceed with the shipping, and you can receive the keys and the contract. Like I said, I will pay for a two days delivery so you will receive the Keys and the Lease Agreement signed by me.
I will explain to you step by step how this will work:
1 - To start this transaction I will need to know your full shipping name and address to proceed with this deal.
2 - I`ll go to the ETA International and leave the keys and the lease agreement onto your name as the intended receiver.
3 - ETA International will check the envelope to see if everything is OK with it and also the legal papers that will come along with the keys.
4 - ETA International will send you a delivery notification to let you know they have the keys and the papers in their custody.
5 - At this point you will have to go to make a money transfer deposit on the ETA International agent name assigned with this transaction.
6 - After you make the deposit you will have to send the info about the money deposit to ETA International
7 - ETA International will verify the payment information and if everything is ok they will deliver the keys and lease agreement to you.
8 - After you receive the package, You will go and check the apartment and in two days you must contact them and tell them if you keep the apartment or not, if everything is in order you will instruct ETA International to release the funds to me. If you do not like the apartment, they will send your money back and you will send them the keys and the contract to return the package back to me on my expense. Now I must know for sure if you agree because there are a lot of peoples interested to have this apartment rented and I want to know for sure what I must tell them. If you agree what i suggested i will tell them that my apartment is already rented and i will keep it for you. If you agree then I must have all the shipping details so I will be able to make all the arrangements for the ETA International delivery.

Thanks and wait news from you!






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