
日誌2011-08-16 01:37


作者:§ 乖個隆叮咚 §

Hunted: The Demon's Forge
Unlock All Trophies in Hunted: The Demon's Forge.(解鎖以下獎杯)
Gold Finger
Amass 100,000 gold.(獲得100,000金幣)
Business of Makin' Sausage
Complete Chapter 6.(完成第6章)
Sandy V.
Adventure Mode - Defeat all bosses as E'lara.(用E'lara打倒所有boss)
Adventure Mode - Defeat all bosses as Caddoc.(用Caddoc打倒所有boss)
Crystal Clear
Adventure Mode - Collect all possible crystals throughout the game.(在遊戲內找到所有水晶)
It's All a Top Priority
Adventure Mode - Use the Deathstone to communicate with every spirit in the game.
Dungeon Master
Unlock all Crucible content.(解鎖所有的Crucible項目)
  Late to the Party
Adventure Mode - Free all bound prisoners throughout the game.(釋放所有的囚犯)
Cashews on The Counter
Complete the Tutorial.(完成序章)
  The Iron Triangle
Complete Chapter 1.(完成第一章)
Complete Chapter 2.(完成第二章)
Kung Fu Graphics
Complete Chapter 3.(完成第三章)
  Mr. Furious
Complete Chapter 4.(完成第四章)
  Whatever It Takes
Complete Chapter 5.(完成第5章)
  Like Butter
Equip a Rare, or better, quality weapon in both inventory slots.(在2個裝備欄裝備稀有或更好的武器)
  All That and a Bag of Chips
Obtain an Epic quality weapon.(裝備一個史詩及武器)
  Don't Cry, Little Dragon
Adventure Mode - Find all Dragon Tears in the game.(找到所有的Dragon Tears )
  Life Support
Adventure Mode - Revive your fallen companion 20 times during the game.(拯救夥伴20次)
  Raise the Not Quite Dead
Adventure Mode - Cooperative kill 50 levitating enemies.(合作殺死50支漂浮空中的敵人)
  Ice Queen
Adventure Mode - Cooperatively kill 50 frozen enemies.(合作殺死50支冰凍的敵人)
  You Broke It, They Bought It
Shatter the shields of 50 enemies.(粉碎50個敵人的盾牌)
Kill at least 3 enemies with one explosion.(一次爆炸殺死3個敵人)
  Is Something Burning?
Kill 20 enemies using explosive barrels.(讓20個敵人死於爆炸)
  Joined at the Hip
Adventure Mode - Perform a Spell Link with your companion 20 times during the game.(使用Spell Link 20次(首先要入手7個Dragon Tears 解鎖Spell Link ,然後雙方使用魔法強化對方就會出現浮遊骷髏頭,這就是Spell Link )
  Pump YOU Up
Adventure Mode - Battle Charge your companion 50 times during the game.(用魔法強化對方50次)
  God Complex
Create your own Crucible level.(創造一個Crucible 關卡)
  One Man Wolf Pack
Unlock 1st piece of Crucible content.(解開第一個Crucible .)
  Dungeon Makeover
Unlock 50% of Crucible content.(解開50%Crucible)
  LF1M Dungeon Crawl
Complete a 25 room map in Crucible.(Crucible模式限定:完成一關有25個房間的地圖)
  Not on My Watch
Kill a fleeing Wargar in the town of Dyfed.(殺死一個逃離Dyfed鎮的怪物)
Kill 20 Wargar before the crane platform gets to the bottom in the Dungeons of Dyfed.(2-3在啟動起重機時站在運輸平台用弓射殺對面的怪物20支)
Escape the Collapsing Aqueduct without taking any damage.(第四章到達少女酒館頂部發生事件,在不被投石砸中的情況下逃離酒館)
  Bull in a China Shop
Trick the Minotaur into destroying all the pillars in the Arches of Fire section in Llyr.       (4-3會遇見一公牛怪,讓牠撞毀所有的木製平台)
  Eye for an Eye
Kill an Eye of Annuvin before it can summon reinforcements on the Road to Kala Moor.(5-2尾聲會在空地遇到一群怪,其中有2個漂浮眼,在不被發現的情況下用弓(建議爆炸弓)殺死漂浮眼)
  Razor Sharp
Kill 15 enemies with the Forest flechette gun on the Road to Kala Moor.(第5章沒多久會找到一個機槍台,用那個殺15個敵人)
  I'll Huff and I'll Puff...
Trick a blind dragon into shooting down the weak tower in the depths of Kala Moor.      (6-2會到一座橋,旁邊有一群龍在飛,走到底轉回身會看見一座斜塔,用弓射塔左邊卡者的炸藥)
Piddlin' in the Porridge
Adventure Mode - Finished a game where one player drank the Sleg
(一個隊友喝過Sleg )
Above the Influence
Adventure Mode - Finished a game where neither player drank Sleg(從沒喝過Sleg )  
As Caddoc, conquer your fear as well as the spider god in Chapter 2  
  Cat Fight
Kill the assassin at the docks in Chapter 3 as E'lara   
  Basic Instinct  
Kill the assassin at the docks in Chapter 3 as Caddoc   
  Hello Nurse!   
As E'lara, defeat the Infected at the end of Chapter 1   
  The Dr. Is In   
As Caddoc, defeat the Infected at the end of Chapter 1   
As E'lara, squash the spider god while holding Caddoc’s hand in Chapter 2   
As Caddoc, Put down the Blind Dragon at the conclusion of Chapter 5   
( Caddoc打倒第五章boss)
  Femme Fatale   
Defeat Annuvin as E'lara   
  Man Slaughter   
Defeat Annuvin as Caddoc   
( Caddoc打倒第六章boss)
As E'lara, send the demon in the library back to hell at the end of Chapter 4   
As Caddoc, send the demon in the library back to hell at the end of Chapter 4  
( Caddoc打倒第四章boss)
  Boots and a Handbag
As E'lara, kill the Blind Dragon at the conclusion of Chapter 5









開啟 APP

face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

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