
日誌2011-10-12 20:26

[無限夢幻]「夢幻之星攜帶版2 無限」冒險日記1012


「飛燕的模型543」將介紹「獨角獸的護衛~RGM-96X 傑斯塔(Jester)」。
飛燕的「夢幻之星攜帶版2 無限」冒險日記1012~闇天使的咆哮(3)
(歌詞轉載自※Mojim.com 魔鏡歌詞網)
Papi(完美男人)/Jennifer Lopez
Let all the heat pour down
I'm good as long as he's around
He let's me wear the crown
I do my best to make him proud
Now all my super ladies
I got my baby
If you got your baby, baby
Move your body, move your body,
Dance for your papi
Rock your body, rock your body,
Dance for your papi
Put your hands up in the air
Dance for your man if you care
Put your hands up in the air air air
Woahh ohh ohh
Move your body, move your body,
Dance for your papi
Rock your body, rock your body,
Dance for your papi
My rock is shining bright
Even if he ain't by my side
He'll make sure that I glow
I'll make sure everybody knows
Now all my super ladies
I got my baby
If you got your baby, baby
Move your body, move your body,
Dance for your papi
Rock your body, rock your body,
Dance for your papi
Put your hands up in the air
Dance for your man if you care
Put your hands up in the air air air
Woahh ohh ohh
Move your body, move your body,
Dance for your papi
Rock your body, rock your body,
Dance for your papi
Put your hands up in the air
Dance for your man if you care
Put your hands up in the air air air
Woahh ohh ohh
Step up, step up
Let your hair down
Pop, drop and lock it all down
If he wants to tear up the ground
Dance for your papi
Step up, step up
Let your hair down
Pop, drop and lock it all down
If he wants to tear up the ground
Dance for your papi
Step up, step up
Let your hair down
Pop, drop and lock it all down
If he wants to tear up the ground
Dance for your papi
Now all my super ladies
I got my baby
If you got your baby, baby
Move your body, move your body,
Dance for your papi
Rock your body, rock your body,
Dance for your papi
Put your hands up in the air
Dance for your man if you care
Put your hands up in the air air air
Woahh ohh ohh
Move your body, move your body,
Dance for your papi
Rock your body, rock your body,
Dance for your papi
Put your hands up in the air
Dance for your man if you care
Put your hands up in the air air air
Woahh ohh ohh






PSO2夢幻之星 女兒與團員們的合照



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face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

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