
日誌2011-10-18 18:36

Montage 蒙太奇


Montage 蒙太奇
甚麼是蒙太奇?蒙太奇這個詞只要是對媒體界有些研究的人大多都會聽過的。蒙太奇這個詞來自法語,而在法語中,蒙太奇有「組合」的意思。這是由被譽為「蒙太奇之父」的俄羅斯導演,謝爾蓋.愛森絲坦(Sergei  Eisenstein)的創舉。蒙太奇是拍攝、剪接電影的其中一種技巧,把幾個短片連接在一起成為一部電影。
謝爾蓋.愛森絲坦(Sergei  Eisenstein)






在電影《波坦金戰艦》(The Battleship Potemkin’s “Odessa Steps”)中,影片從有聲到無聲(指出現字幕)然後再回到有聲。


在電影《波坦金戰艦》(The Battleship Potemkin’s “Odessa Steps”)中,影片利用哀傷的音樂做為背景來襯托革命水手Vakulinchuk的死。





例如電影《駭客任務》(The Matrix)的彎腰閃過子彈的那一幕就是利用了格律蒙太奇(Metric Montage)來完成的。在演員的四周擺了許多台攝影機並且同時拍攝這個彎腰動作,然後事後在剪接在一起。就算這個動作只維持了短短的一秒,剪接過後就能成為我們如今在電影裡看到的樣子了。如此一來,光是這一段就讓觀眾們嘆為觀止。

另外,在MV當中也會有運用到蒙太奇的時候。比如Michael Jackson的Smooth Criminal 的MV裡面就有。MV從關上門之後就無聲,這讓觀眾的心臟開始加速,然後當MJ移動了一下後一些稀稀疏疏的聲音傳出(準備拔槍的聲音),在來是當MJ把銅板丟出去進入音箱的聲音,然後音樂Smooth Criminal才開始。還有在MV中間當MJ停止旋轉後玻璃破裂的聲音時音樂停止,然後再來就是一段狼嚎聲等等的以及 “Annie are you okay?”的聲響,然後音樂Smooth Criminal才繼續。這就有運用了節奏蒙太奇(Rhythmic Montage)。




"A History of Photomontage." CutAnd Paste: A History of Photomontage. Web. 17 Oct. 2011.<http://www.cutandpaste.info/>.

Bill, Davis. "Video Editing : Tips forEditing Montages." Learn Video Production, Digital Video Editing,Camcorder Reviews, Videography. Feb. 2005. Web. 17 Oct. 2011.<http://www.videomaker.com/article/10709/>.

"Five Methods of Montage «." GratutousArt Films. 8 Jan. 2011. Web. 17 Oct. 2011.<http://gratuitousart.com/2011/01/08/methods-of-montage/>.

Lindsey, Woody. "Film Techniques | SovietMontage." Film Directors, FilmMaking Techniques & DirectorStyles. Web. 17 Oct. 2011.<http://filmdirectors.co/soviet-montage-film-techniques/>.

"Metric Montage." Youtube.com.08 Oct. 2008. Web. 17 Oct. 2011. <http://youtu.be/JOr_CPpx9os>.

"Montage - Definition of Montage." ArtHistory Resources for Students, Enthusiasts, Artists and Educators - ArtistBiographies - Art Timelines - Images and Picture Galleries. Web. 17 Oct.2011. <http://arthistory.about.com/od/glossary_m/a/m_montage.htm>.

"Montage Theories Page." Universityof Glasgow, Humanities Advance Technology & Information Institute. Web.17 Oct. 2011. <http://www.hatii.arts.gla.ac.uk/MultimediaStudentProjects/98-99/9505060m/objects/theor.htm>.

"Montage Theory." Maikito Intro.Web. 17 Oct. 2011. <http://www.maikito.com/montage.html>.

“Overtonal Montage.” Youtube.com. 08 Oct. 2008. Web. 17 Oct.2011.

“Rhythmic Montage.” Youtube.com. 08 Oct. 2008. Web. 17 Oct.2011.

"Strike/Stachka – Sergei Eisenstein – 1925(slaughter scene)." Youtube.com. 10 Fab. 2009. Web. 17 Oct.2011. <http://youtu.be/jWiDciPuSW4>.

"Time Slice, Spatial Montage, Movement. «Itherin." Itherin. 11 Jan. 2010. Web. 17 Oct. 2011.<http://itherin.wordpress.com/2010/01/11/time-slice-spatial-montage-movement/>.

“Tonal Montage.” Youtube.com. 08 Oct. 2008. Web. 17 Oct.2011.

"雞肋排:電影與文學—第三點:電影的意識型態和蒙太奇手法 - 樂多日誌." Roodo 樂多日誌 一個人向世界發出聲音!. 6 Jan. 2005. Web. 17 Oct. 2011.<http://blog.roodo.com/zanfid/archives/2247064.html>.

張, 容華. "蒙太奇理論(MontageTheory)." Battleship Potemkin. 31 Dec. 2009. Web. 17 Oct.2011. <http://potemkin.pixnet.net/blog/post/3482497-蒙太奇理論(montage-theory)--by-張容華>.




What is Montage?Montage is a term that is commonly hearable when a person touches this mediafield long. Montage is from a French term from world of cinema.
It is a technique in film editing in which a series ofshots are edited into a sequence regarding to time, space, and plot. There aretwo definitions that explain the word, montage: theproduction of a rapid succession of images in a motion picture to illustrate anassociation of ideas; a composite picture made by combining several separatepictures.
        Montage is found by SergeiEisenstein, Russian director who known as “Father of Montage”. His innovationhas influence the world and since 1930s it becomesthe most communication form that is used all the time in image and filmproductions. Some may even call it as “SovietMontage”, as Eisenstein was a Russian. He inspired it from still image tomovement and was argued that this can be considered as conflict of the filmmaking. Montagesequences often combined numerous shots with special visualeffects (ex: fades, dissolves, split screens, double and tripleexposures) dance and music, etc. from different angles to portray a story or acharacter without limitation of setting (time and place).

Why it is important?

Montage is one of the skills in editing a film. In nowadays, almostevery film is done by using the technique of montage. Even the title sequences ofa movie consist of some form of montage. A montage gets its power frompresenting diverse images to the audiences all at once, so the overallimpression is much richer than single image or element.
Nearly every modern nonlinear editing (NLE) program has excellentbuilt-in tools to build montages. Some of the most prominent of these are thecrop, matte, and scale functions. One can combine these and other effects with theediting software's layering functions and transparency effects to create astunning montage of images, video clips, graphics or even titles.

Methods of montage

There are mainly 5 methods of montages:
Metric: theediting follows a specific number of frames that is purely based on nature oftime, and cutting to the next shot disregard the evidence in that particular situation/image.(Sometimes it looks like skip stitch, because the screen changes rapidly withsome kind of repetition.) This is used to elicit theemotional reactions in the audience.

In the film, October, withinless than 3 seconds, it already show these screen for more than 5 times.     

Rhythmic: more complex meanings than metric montage, it include with the mixtureof sound effect, music, dialogue, silence or even mute. Once the audio elementis introduced, it already uses the technique of rhythmic montage.

In the film, The BattleshipPotemkin’s “Odessa Steps”, the film from with sound to mute and show thedialog in black screen then back to the sound.

Tonal: uses the emotion ground’s angle instead of manipulating the length ofthe cuts or its rhythm characteristics. Compare to the previous two, tonalmontage uses similar or oxymoron images to elicit a reaction from the audience withan even higher level complexion. (A little bit similar to symbolic). For example:a sleeping baby shows calmness and relaxation; death of a human being impliessadness and frighten; children with laughter imply innocent and joyfulness.

In the film, The BattleshipPotemkin’s “Odessa Steps”, the film used sad music all the way, and shows thedeath of revolutionary sailor, Vakulinchuk.

Overtonal/Associational: this method is a combination of metric, rhythmic, and tonal montage tosynthesize the effect to the audience for an extra abstract and complicatedimpact.

In the film, Mother, the menare walking towards a confrontation at their factory, and later use ice as a resource for escape.

Intellectual: two or more clips are editing together to form a new implication.

In the film, Strike,a shot of striking workers being attacked connected with a shot of a bull being   slaughtered creates a metaphor that suggest the workers are being treated like cattle. Yet this meaning does notexist in an individual shot but arises when they are juxtaposed.

Sample Films

        Every movie in nowadays that we can watch on TV or cinema, none of it done withoutmontage. As long as it has been cut and paste, from one scene to another scene,it is montage already. Montage can eventually provoke the mood from audiencemore in terms touching, exciting, etc.

        For instance, in the film The Matrix, thebullet scene, it was done by using metric montage, by putting many cameraaround the character and shoot it at once then combine together to become whatthe audiences see. Although the move may only last for about 1 second only, byediting, make it to last longer to become the character actually able to dodgefrom the bullet. This gives a very strong impression toward the audiences.

        Moreover, in the music video also include the montagetechnique, such that in Michael Jackson’s SmoothCriminal, the MV start from sound effect of door close to mute, which liftup the expectation of the audiences (the heart raise up), then a quick soundfrom the move of Michael Jackson and the rest some touching guns for ready toshoot if Michael Jackson do anything. Then when he throw the coin, onlyslightly sound of the coin appear where else remain silent until the coin getinto the music machine and then the song SmoothCriminal start. Also in the middle of the MV, when Michael Jackson spin stopalong with the glass roof explored, then the music stop and changed (“Annie areyou okay?”), then the song SmoothCriminal back again.

         Additionally, in the scene of the film Perhaps Love, when one of theprotagonist (acted by Jacky Cheung), he sang Fate and fall onto the ground anddeath; and scene which he sang the songPerhaps Love, these were use the technique of tonal montage. The scene ofthe fallen to the ground and dead with the song Fate makes the audience innerheart no long smooth; another scene with the song Perhaps Love, which sangsoftly with a bit of hopeless/ helpless that causes the audiences want to cryyet only with one drop of tear.  

        Consequently,montage has become major tool for editing world. No matter imply deep meaningor not, montage is what make a movie more meaningful, excited, fun, andtouching.





No.43 飛彈廠攻防戰(4/5) (英文Tip.13 合金、感覺)




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