
日誌2010-05-30 22:33




Remember your soul family probably contains both females and males. Most people make the mistake of believing soulmates and soul family members are of the opposite gender only.


That does sound exciting that he shared the same dream. Check your vibrations around him. Do they rise in frequency? Do your vibrations raise in frequency when he his happy? Do your vibrations lower in frequnecy when he is sad. If he is in your soul family or soul mate, your vibrations will change in frequency instantly when he changes moods. Soul mates and soul family members are connected by energy. You can feel each others moods and thoughts by an exchange of high frequency vibrational energy. You really don't need to talk much to soul mates or soul family members, since you communicate with energy and not so much with spoken words. You can also try changing your moods, and see if his mood also changes.


Here is a test you can do with him. Constantly practice getting vibrations at night and during the day. Once your energy is very high, see how he reacts to you. If he is connected to you with energy, he will start to pull closer to you, as he wants to feel the energy. If he starts to pull away from you, that may mean that he can't handle the extra energy. Remember soul mates and soul family members are only connected by the energy link which can be felt through vibrations. Soul mates and soul family members are NOT attracted to each by looks, personality, spoken words, interests, hobbies, sense of humor. It is an energy connection. I hear many women in the Unites States say they have found their soul mate, and he is very handsome with a good personality and sense of humor. They are sadly mistaken. I wish the world would understand about vibrations. The divorce rate would be much improved, if people knew how to feel vibrations. If they were trained on how to feel vibrations, most married people would say there husband or wife lowers their vibrational frequency, instead of raising their vibrational frequency.


Please test him to see if he is part of your soul family. He may be and that would be very exciting.










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