
日誌2012-02-10 13:22



Thoughts on Uncharted : Golden Abyss
I got PS Vita bundle with Uncharted : Golden Abyss about two weeks ago, with the price of $10,350 TWD, which is around $351 USD. I’ve finished the game already, but never thought of writing a blog about it till just now.
I’ve played Uncharted : Drake’s Fortune, Among Thieves and Drake’s Deception on PS3, the series was awesome, and fun, which got me interested in Golden Abyss; the only thing I’m not used to, is that the lead female character is not Elena Fisher anymore. I know Golden Abyss is a story of Drake as a treasure hunter noob (read about it somewhere), but the game just feels different without Elena.YEAH, I SHIP NATE AND ELENA!!!
There are many puzzles on the Vita version, I think the main ideas is just to exploit Vita to it’s full potential. In Golden Abyss, you get to solve puzzles using both the front and the back touch screen, and also a function I never knew Vita has until I played the game, is the light sensor! Awesome, right?
If you want to know every functions of Vita, I think Golden Abyss is the best choice. I’m not sure about other games, because most of the games available in the market now, are in Japanese, but I can’t read Japanese. Uncharted : Golden Abyss is the only English/Chinese game I could find, but that’s not the reason I got it, I got this game, because I really like the series! Right now I’m waiting for 2/21 for FIFA Soccer, and maybe Virtual Tennis 4 : World Tour Edition.






【PSV】秘境探險:黃金深淵 白金攻略



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