
日誌2012-02-17 13:53

10.8大更預覽: Lasell Tar


資料來源: 韓國官網 pioneering GE

1. New Character - Lasell Tar (라셀 타르가)
The first character to be implemented from I'm A Designer 2 contest. As of v10.8.0, he is still not available in the client's datatable. I will edit it again when his official (default) English name becomes available. Maybe I will release an updated character database, if there is time...

His statistics are STR 70, AGI 70, CON 70, DEX 50, INT 50, and CHA 30. He has [Middle Guard] and [Low Guard] stances. His unique expert stance is [Saber Tooth], which uses sabre + main-gauche. The stance book can be purchased from Emilia.

(新角色為「我是設計師2」活動創造出來的角色, 素質為STR 70, AGI 70, CON 70, DEX 50, INT 50, CHA 30, 姿勢有中級護衛及初級護衛, 大師技以軍刀+匕首作武器的「刀刃」, 技書可以透過小艾購買)

2. New Construction Stances
New expert construction stances will be added. The skills use High Quality Wood, Cast Iron, and Composite Steel. The stance books can be acquired from Emilia.
(三個建築系npc將會有各自的大師技, 每次使用技能時需要消耗高級木材, 製造用鋼鐵及鑄鐵, 也可以透過小艾購買)

3. New Pet - Black Dragon
Black Dragon Pet will be added. It will provide [Dragon Bless] buff - ATK +15% vs. Monsters, Penetration +5, Critical +10, Accuracy +10, and Movement Speed +10%. The pet box will be available via Magic Circle web game.
(追加新寵物黑龍, 可提供加持「龍之祝福: 對怪物攻擊力上升15%, 貫穿力+5, 暴擊+10, 命中+10, 移速+10%, 取得方法將透過抽抽取得)

4. New Missions
New weekly missions will be added in v10.7.0. The keys are available from Federigo in Auch. The mission also consumes 5000 reputation points.
(追加各式週副本, 鎖匙透過奧修npc取得, 每次消耗5000名聲)

5. Misc.
Some more development for Android and iPhones... Panfilo and Karjalain will be getting new hybrid stances in the next update, using bracelet + sword and bracelet + rapier.






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