
日誌2012-06-12 19:33

GW fans, it is time to wake up from dreams


Guild Wars 2 is not Guild Wars.

There are many reasons for us to love Anet, the developer of GW. But some of them are not shown in GW2.

We love Anet and willing to tell other people that
-they didn't sell any boosting items, not purchasing with extral real money not causing any disadvantage
-costumes we brought are account bound, and we can reclaim it as many times as we want by all of our characters
-items sold for real money is not tradable, and real money trading is not allowed; supposed that nobody can easily get a rare item just because he is Roman Abramovich
-they make the game for good experiences of player rather than mere money making
-and many many others

But please notice, in GW2, it is another picture. What we know is
-exp booster, kama booster, influence booster, repair canister, revive orb, damage booster, armor booster, you name it; some may argue the advantages are limited, but there ARE advantages, you can pay to make the game easier if you want
-gems are sold in real money which is tradable, i.e. all the tradable in-game items can be traded in real money
-costumes are no longer reclaimable, the system sends you one and only one, although they are still account bound
-dyes, bag slot expansions are character bound; if you want it on every characters, then purchase several times
-and many many others

I know that Anet was so great and people loved them because of that. However, please keep your eyes open.
If there is only one change mentioned above, or may be 2, I won't lose my faith on Anet, but the reality is numbers of reasons I love Anet have gone. People do not complain because of one of the changes above but complain when they are all together.

I love and believe Anet is based on what they did and the expectation of what they will do, not the name "Arenanet".Don't make Arenanet be another Apple.









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