
日誌2012-08-27 13:39

The BRO code


感謝人人影視 ─ 海外文學翻譯組,專業的翻譯。

影片由 ─ MistborN 翻譯


Whether we know it or not, each of us lives a life governed by an internalized code of conduct. Some call it morality. Others call it religion. I call it "The Bro Code".
不知道你有沒有意識到,我們每個人的生活都被潛在的行為準則支配著。有些人稱之為道德。其他人稱之為宗教。而我,稱之為《兄弟法則》 or 哥們法則

For centuries men have attempted to follow this code with no universal understanding of what such an arrangement meant: Is it okay to hug a Bro?1 If I'm invited to a Bro's wedding, do I really have to bring a gift?2 Can I sleep with a Bro's sister or mother or both? 3
一直以來,人們一直試圖遵循這個法則,但缺乏共同的理解:可以擁抱你的麻吉嗎?(絕不) 1如果我被邀請參加麻吉的婚禮,真的需要送禮嗎?(沒必要) 2我可以與麻吉的姐妹、老媽、或兩個一起上床嗎? (拜託,別太超過)

Now for the first time on paper, I have recorded the rules of social decorum that Bros have practiced since the dawn of man... if not before. The Bro Code previously existed only as an oral tradition (heh), so I have journeyed the globe to piece together and transcribe the shattered fragments of The Bro Code, pausing only to flesh it out myself (double heh). While not intending to write a "Guide to Being a Bro", if men should treat it as such and pass this compendium of knowledge from one generation to the next, I have little doubt it would bring a tear to my eye. But?not?out of it. That would be a violation of?Article 41: A Bro Never Cries.



It is my hope that, with a better understanding of the Bro Code, Bros the world over can put aside their differences and strengthen the bonds of brotherhood. It is then, and only then, that we might work together as one to accomplish perhaps the most important challenge society faces-getting laid. Before dismissing this pursuit as crass and ignoble, consider this postulate: without the sport inherent in trying to bang chicks, would men willingly have sex for the sole purpose of producing smelly, screaming babies? (Of course not)



Centuries from now, when a Bro applies the rudiments of The Bro Code to score a three-boobed future chick, the only thanks I'll need is the knowledge that I - in whatever small capacity - Bro'd him out...though if he could figure out how to bring me back to life, that would be pretty awesome, too.


                                                                                                               --Barney Stinson


Q: What is a Bro?

A: A Bro is a person who would give you the shirt off his back when he doesn't want to wear it anymore. A Bro is a person who will bend over backwards to help you bend someone else over backwards. In short, a Bro is a lifelong companion you can trust will always be there for you, unless he's got something else going on.


Q: Who is your Bro?

A: Your mailman is a Bro, your father was once a Bro, and the boy who mows your lawn represents the Bro of tomorrow, but that doesn't make him?your?Bro. When someone has faithfully upheld one or more of the codes in The Bro Code, then you may consider him you Bro.?Warning: E​​xercise caution when bringing home a hot chick-your brother may or may not be you Bro.



Q: Can only dudes be Bros?

A: You don't need to be a guy to be somebody's Bro, provided you uphold the moral values​​ contained within this sacred canon. When a woman sets a guy up with her busty friend, she's acting as a Bro. And if she sets him up with other hot friends after he slept with the first one and never called her again, then she's officially his Bro.






0505 葬送のフリーレン展 ~冒険の終わりから始まる物語~




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