
日誌2012-11-21 19:38







I'm ABC and came back to Taiwan (I've had my share of girlfriendsin USA). In 5 years staying here (and dating several TWN girls from 25-36 yos, here is my take: Taiwanese women are narcissists, especially if she is even slightly attractive. Most of them live off their parents. If they are well-off, forget about scoring with them unless you are more well-off than them, their parents will find every reason in the world NOT to be with you.
我是一個回到台灣居住的美國華僑(譯註:America-born Chinese),在美國曾與幾個女孩子交往過。在台灣待了五年,跟許多台灣女孩子約會過(她們介於25歲到36歲之間)。我的想法是這樣的:「台灣女人是自戀狂(譯註:Narcissist,取自於希臘羅馬神話水仙花的故事。),尤其是那些稍為有姿色的,更是不可一世。這些女孩子(作者曾約會過的),衣食皆仰賴父母。你如果沒有比她們有錢,就別想討好她們了(譯註:score with, to please someone or a group,感謝版友改證),還有,正因為她們比你有錢,她們的父母特別挑剔,寧可找上千百個理由,也不願和你交往。
$$$$ is king, you can be fat, butt-ugly but if you are rich or appear rich, they will find every reason in the world to like you. And if you are not, you can become 'friends' with them, you simply become her platonic biitch, she only calls when she needs you and will never ever admit she is just using you for material things but will always give you you subtle hints of the Coach, LV, or expensive electronic gadget that she really really wants for her B-day.
Worse, forgetting to bring her purse when inviting her & her friends to meet you. And if she brings it, puts the onus on you to pay for it by sitting there silently, not moving, as if waiting for the 'traditional-male ' to pick up the tab.
And if she is poor, she is even more materialistic. I remember our company hired a TWN girl (27) never held a steady job, complain to us how little she makes and how her mom has no job and how she has to support her mom... then I found out her 1st paycheck, she went out and bought a IPhone4...Saying how it was always her dream. All I can say was "wow" thinking how full of shhit she was.
And I'm talking about girls that aren't even that attractive. Maybe a 7/8 out of 10. Yes I'm being shallow by putting them on a scale like that, but if I'm one feet deep, these girls' can be measured in micrometers.
The younger ones that are even semi-attractive, are even more materialistic and pretentious. Most pretend they are not materialistic. And the few that are not after $$$, are after Beiber looks no matter how gay-looking or irresponsible these guys are.
Most don't have a job and those that do, spend as much money on their looks as the girls. There are no Rambos, athletic real man here (ok maybe 5% of population, sorry to these real guys).
The guys these girls hang out with are perfect mirror of themselves, devoid of any personality and has the sophistication of a Lego block. Most of the skinny, wannabes gay looking guys (they actually think they are model-quality!!) hang around disco clubs, malls like spoiled rich American teenagers and spend all their money on the latest fashion craze.
這些女孩子所喜歡的男生,就是自己的完美寫照:「完全沒有個性,每個人都像 樂高積木一樣制式。」這些愛美的娘炮(他們還以為自己是個天生的模特兒!),流連於夜店,像個有錢頹廢美國青年,虛擲萬金,就只是為了打扮自己。
The guys are so skinny and feeble (I'm sure they can double their size if they went to gym and worked out) that if a typhoon come suddenly, they all be blow to the ocean. The only thing that makes their wheel turn are MSN, SKYPE, Facebook, self-portraits of themselves plastered all over each other's home pages.
God, they make Bieber look macho. No, I'm not the jealous type,I'm just telling it as it is. I've also been to China/Vietnam/Thailand and there is a world of difference in the girls' attitudes when I meet them.
I remember meeting girls that are 9 on a scale of 10, with no attitudes, no BS, no mark-ups that will put the TWN girls to shame.
那裡的女孩子,美人指數有9分!(滿分十分),脂粉不施,溫柔嬌媚,沒有糟糕的地方(譯註:BS, bullshit, 感謝版友指證),台灣的女孩子看到只會自相形穢。
The girls I've dated, I eventually dumped them for several reasons. Most girls if they waited until 33 yo, they become DESPERATE, what they will never give the time of day few years ago all of a sudden become a candidate for that future husband who will have a baby with her and enslaved to them the rest of their lives.
They are too old for most guys looking for younger girls and the nice guys they dumped years ago have married, so they are looking for ANYONE that makes more than the typical TWN guys and that is less than 15 years older than them.
And if the girls are 25-30 yo., you are an ATM to them. What the make a month they can't save enough for the credit cards they maxed out last year, let alone thinking about next week. They are always complaining about not having enough money, I would tell them in my previous relationships, my girlfriends never 'ask' or expect me to support their lifestyle, they ALWAYS lived a lifestyle that they can afford. It isn't about buying her expensive girls or being cheap, it is about having a solidrelationship based on trust, caring and understanding and respecting each other.
Those words are like PHD dissertation to a kindergarten kid.Yes they will eventually learn, but these types of girls in TWN are the NORM not exception. A TWN man once told me, TWN young generation is fvcked. They try to copycat the worst (superficial side) of USA and Japan but they don't have the talent, means or education or skills to sustain their lifestyle they seek. That is why they rather live day to day pretending to be Japanese, or cool American teenagers and LET their parents or idiot guys that chase them pay for it.
Granted, there are exceptions, but you must look like Bratt Pitt or Bieber, then you can sex with 1,000 of them without even breaking a sweat. yet the nicest guy can't even hold-hands with them because they are that stuck up.
In fact, that is what one of my friend has told me. he said it isso easy to have sex with 18-20 yos in Taipei, Kaohsiung or Taichung, all you have to do is dress cool and have the 'right-look' - as they are infatuated with blue-eyed, blond hair, Bratt-Pitts, all their cold-BS, pretentious shitt s as fast as their skirts.
Then these same girls will come crying to you (I know some of them and have even warned them what these guys are after, but these girls believe in Cinderella stories and think they are the only Cinderella in the world). They will cry, sob about how these guys cheated on them, howthey trusted them blah blah...and never ever trust them again... I justlaugh inside know if the same guy calls her again next week or another guy,they fall for it again.)












【翻譯】賽馬娘漫畫 いど老師 『成功了?!』


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