
日誌2013-05-25 00:43

PC/PS3-極速快感 生存競速NFS:RIVALS



Ferrari f12berlinetta Sunset (法拉利終於再次登場於NFS!!)

Next-Gen Racing

使用[Frostbite 3]遊戲引擎打造的夢幻世界.
歡迎來到紅景郡(Redview County)。在這裡,警察和車手之間持續上演著街頭追逐驚險場面,雙方不斷競逐展開一場爭奪社會、地方、全國媒體主導權的全面戰爭,並試圖取得頂尖車輛、改裝模組和技術。賭上一切,無人能信。
The power of the Frostbite 3 gaming engine brings the breathtaking scope of Redview County to life. Every detail of the game world is rendered in stunning, realistic graphics, while particle physics make weather conditions come alive. Race in rain, snow, hail, dust storms and more. Connect on the Need for Speed Network to drop roadblocks or alert friends of inbound cops, compare your progress with other players, and share videos of your most intense races.

Koenigsegg Agera Cop Car (柯尼賽克Agera警車)


High-Stakes Rivalry

高風險競逐 – 車手是追求個人榮耀的孤狼;駕駛著專為高速飆車和驚險追逐而打造的靈活車輛。警察則習慣打團體戰,動用全部警力狩獵及逮捕車手。隨時轉換角色,看著風險日益升高,透過全新的計分系統,玩家可以拿速度點數作賭注,設法贏得更豐厚的獎勵。
Racers are lone wolves out for their own glory; driving agile cars built for ragged-edge drifting and high-speed getaways. Cops work in teams to rid the streets of racers; driving aggressive vehicles built for off-road shortcuts and cunning, aggressive tactics. Switch roles whenever you like, and build your career by progressing up the ranks of each side to become the most feared cop or the ultimate law breaking racer. Fueling the rivalry is a new scoring system that allows you to put your speed points on the line for greater rewards. In Redview County, there can only be one winner.


全時飛馳 – 《極速快感:生存競速》帶來的全新機制。全時飛馳(All-Drive)」機制打破了單人遊戲和多人遊戲之間的界線。您將與遊戲世界無縫接軌,加入您那些在裡頭飆車與追逐的朋友。沒有大廳。無需等待。飆車與追捕將交織出相遇的道路,建構出一個沒有任何相同時刻或賽事的世界。
Seamlessly join a world where your friends are already racing and chasing using All-Drive, a revolutionary new feature in Need for Speed. Singleplayer is no longer isolated from multiplayer: you and your friends can all share the same game, same race, and same chase at any time. Come play in the dynamic world of Redview County where your race and your friend’s pursuit can collide together.

Your Car, Your Identity

您的跑車,您的身分 — 運用最新的性能升級與技術,提昇您愛車的實力,還可利用嶄新的烤漆、外觀、客製車牌、輪框和貼紙個人化您的愛車,向朋友和對手展現您的風格。儲存不同設定組態,保留各種跑車套裝,無論遇上何種情況,記得烙下您的印記。
Power up your car with the latest upgrades and personalize your bodywork with fresh paintjobs, liveries, custom license plates, rim colors, and decals to show off your car to the world. You can save different configurations and keep a variety of car packages on alert to leave your mark no matter the situation.

Pursuit and Evasion Technology

追捕與逃脫科技 — 運用專為車手及警察研發的技術與升級,將使驚險的追逐時刻更加刺激。車手可以選用各種拖逃科技,包括干擾裝置和電磁脈衝。警察則可運用衝擊波、路障、直升機支援等等積極逮捕車手。無論您選擇哪一陣營,運用各種科技讓自己領先對手一步。
Intense racing moments are made even more thrilling with access to different upgradeable pieces for each side. Racers evade cops using technology such as jammers and electromagnetic pulses. Cops are armed for aggressive busts, using shockwaves, roadblocks, helicopter support and more. Outfit your car to stay one step ahead of your rivals.


除了《極速快感:生存競速》,還可一併享受《橫衝直撞:狂飆樂園》究極版。 在幅員遼闊的天堂市(Paradise City)體驗真正的開放世界自由度、粉身碎骨的精采撞車場面,以及無與倫比的速度快感。 眾多單人賽事任君選擇,或與與朋友即時連線競賽,看看誰才是最厲害的賽車高手。另外追加數位豪華版專屬的額外《極速快感:生存競速》遊戲內容。

Need for Speed Rivals
Ultimate Cop Pack Pre-Order Offer Details

Risk Everything in the Ultimate Rivalry

  • Exclusive access to the Nissan GT-R Black Edition.(獨家獲取Nissan GT-R 黑版)
  • Early access to level 2 cop gadget technology.(提早獲得等級2警車gadget科技)
  • Exclusive cop liveries.(獨家警車彩繪)
Pre-Order Offer
Organize the chaos and raise the stakes on rival racers with the Ultimate Cop Pack.  Get exclusive access to a powerful collection of downloadable items, including the Nissan GT-R Black Edition cop car, advanced pursuit technology, and a custom livery to personalize your vehicle.  Dominate and bust racers on the action-packed streets of Redview County from day one by pre-ordering today.

NeedForSpeed Official Website


Risk Everything in the Ultimate Rivalry

Welcome to Redview County, where a street-racing rivalry between cops and racers never stops as both sides compete in an all-out war to take over the social, local and national media and earn the best cars, mods and technology

Need For Speed Rivals





#71 [Need for Speed Unbound] 白金達成




開啟 APP

face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

face我們了解您不想看到廣告的心情⋯ 若您願意支持巴哈姆特永續經營,請將 gamer.com.tw 加入廣告阻擋工具的白名單中,謝謝 !【教學】