
日誌2010-02-19 01:52

【日誌】未來展望 FORWARD


For about the last year, i have spent a significant amount of time considering how i got to where i am now.  i suppose i am not the only person who thinks that way, but i certainly feel that others have a more certain and straight-ahead path than me.
The idea of what to be when you grow up is fascinating, mostly because i don't have any idea what that means for me.
Yeah...Yeah...Yeah...i know that some folks might technically think that a XXX year old man is grown up, but that's just an irrelevant detail.
this quandary is most recently triggered by my thoughts on work, "career" and talent.  you see, i went to college for something drastically different than what i do for a living now.  i have a degree in illustration, but work in non-profit human services.  how did that happen?  it's a long story and one that even i have a hard time following.
i am a talented artist, but i am also a very successful and (dare i say XD) talented case manager.  i enjoy seeing my clients do well and am motivated to help them improve their lives.  i have built a reputation for being thorough and effective in field work.
but have i left something behind in the process of following this path?  i certainly was not practicing art, or perhaps my case work is my art too?
needless to say, i feel that there will come a time where i jump tracks again and focus on art as work.  right now though, it feels i am walking through fog with no orientation or direction.





All world in your eyes 2004/3/6



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