
日誌2013-11-05 17:37

工程師大學時期必經的 35 件事-


35 Things Every Engineer Has To Deal With In College

                                                                                         Posted by
Julia Zarina


1. Finishing an essay for a liberal arts class and realizing that you’re drastically under the page requirement.

2. Getting your first exam back after thinking you could study for it like you studied for tests in high school.



3. And then waking up extremely disoriented from an accidental nap in the lab. Because you pulled two consecutive all-nighters studying for your next one.

(然後馬上變成連續兩個晚上不睡覺準備下一場考試,還 K 書 K 到暈頭轉向不小心在實驗室睡著。)


4. Your code/report/major project is due soon and is not, in any way, working like it’s supposed to.

Ten hours before the deadline:

期限倒數 10 小時:)


Five hours before the deadline:


An hour before the deadline:


GOD DAMN S。。。就這樣吧。

Presenting it to your professor:


我想大概有 百分之60 的機會,它每次(應該)都能 執行!

5. Somebody casually mentioning they really enjoyed a class that single-handedly destroyed your social life, self-esteem, and GPA in one nightmarish swoop.



6. Developing a finely tuned sense of hearing that can recognize the words “free food” being spoken from anywhere within a 100-foot radius.


7. The periodic realization that you’ve been working on the same lab report for seven consecutive hours and you’re nowhere near the end.



8. All of your family and friends suddenly require your advice on how to do anything remotely related to household repairs or math.



9. Which you feel smart about… Until you’re forced to do a project in some archaic coding language you’re pretty sure was delivered to Earth on a stone tablet from an alien planet where NOTHING MAKES ANY SENSE.

(你覺得自己很聰明…… 直到被要求用一種你覺得根本就是從某個亂七八糟星球送來地球的詭異石板上的古老程式語言去做一個專題。)

But really.



10. Although you finally get your code to work for reasons that remain completely unknown to you.



11. You’ve had the professor who literally wrote the book on electrical engineering yet has not mastered the complex science of turning on the overhead projector without a major incident.


有電腦工程碩士&博士學位的人,卻用手寫透明投影片!! WTF.....

12. And the professor who built the lunar module, developed a lifesaving medical device, or made some other dauntingly significant contribution to humanity.



13. People in your humanities classes talk about their plans to go out to the bars on an average Tuesday when YOU SPENT YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY IN THE COMPUTER LAB, DAMN IT.


14. Although you do really take pride in your work ethic, despite your complaining.



15. You’re slightly delighted when that one overzealous kid in your 8 a.m. lecture finally answers a professor’s question incorrectly.


Sorry, it’s just too early for that.

16. Nothing in life escalates quite as quickly as the level of material taught during syllabus week.

Day 1:

第一天 概念
Day 2:

第二天 實戰運用....

17. You’re filled with an impending sense of doom when you realize that each of the three questions on your homework set has multiple, lettered parts to it.



18. Most of your exams end up pretty much the same way.




19. And you’ve turned in a final or two that covered nothing you ever studied in class.


But you felt much better about your life a week later when you found out that the average was a 35%.
(不過考完試一週後,你發現全班平均是 35 分,頓時心情好多了。)

20. Although you know there’s no fiercer moment than an “I just ACED that test” moment.



21. You partially believe the common (if not blatantly incorrect) perception that your friends in non-science majors don’t do any actual work.


We’re 99% sure that this is an accurate representation of most fine arts classes.
(我們有 99% 的把握,這張圖代表大多數的藝術類課程。)

22. You can literally solve partial differentials in your sleep.


And you don’t know whether to laugh or cry about it.

23. If you’re female, you’ve been the only girl in a class of 50 at least once in your college career.


And rocked it.

24. If you’re male, you’ve seriously wondered whether girls are, in fact, largely mythical.

(如果你是男的,你一定認真想過:女孩子會不會…… 只是虛構出來的?)

從左至右的女生 是 美術→科學→工程科

404 NOT FOUND 不需要我解釋吧XD

25. A four-plus-hour lab class is somehow worth one credit.


Does not compute.

26. Engineers have no social skills, you say?


感謝你們那無用的建議!  甘你屁事!

27. Although you can kind of see the point.

You realize that trying to explain any scientific concept without sounding too nerdy is almost impossible:

And you’ve definitely been to a few parties that closely resembled this:


28. You have a designated table in the library and are pretty territorial about it.



29. Somebody suggests you eat a meal with some semblance of nutritional balance. Or anything that’s not pizza, really.



30. You’ve made formula sheets that could probably be considered pieces of fine art.



31. You’ve had at least one semester that started out manageable but quickly got away from you.


(It was probably the same semester your friends tried to warn you that taking 18 credits AND having a job was going to be a bad time.)
(那個學期,大概就是朋友警告你別同時修 18 學分又去工作的學期)


32. It doesn’t really matter, though, because toward the end of ANY semester, sleep (and a bed consisting of something other than your face on a keyboard) is for the weak.



33. You hear endless stories from the old-school engineers at your summer internship who “didn’t have computers/calculators/electricity” back when they were in school.


Technological progress is kinda the POINT of engineering, bro.

34. You know firsthand what people are talking about when they say an engineering education is a huge investment.



And we’re not just talking about money.
(我們可不是只談錢而已!DAMN IT!)

35. But you’re doing what you love, and can’t imagine it any other way.


Besides, once you walk across that stage with your degree, is there anything you CAN’T do?

工程師酷斃了! IT'S REALLY SHIT HOLE! = =









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