
日誌2013-12-06 13:38

【歌詞】BONNIE PINK - Sleeping Child


BONNIE PINK - Sleeping Child

Don't take a trip
to anywhere alone
You jumped on a ship,
which is almost drowned
You said you were faking
then do I love your clone?
He has a quick temper
once fired.
He cannot control
He cannot control

I know that you're lying to me
That's way we collide
I know that you're calling
every night in secret
I pretend to be a sleeping child
try to shut my ears to you
He loves a fresh comfort
it's not me
'Cos I'm too dry to give
I'm too dry to give

Sing or just stay
if you cannot sleep
Give me a kiss
to run away from nightmares
I don't like to make sure
if you're next to me
when I wake up with fears
I rather stay in my dream
That's better than losing myself
You'll find me disappeared
You'll find me disappeared

Your sleeping child is gone
Your sleeping child is gone






【雜談】雖然說不要對以歷史為背景的十點檔認真... (2024大奧)

『memento mori』


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face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

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