
日誌2008-03-19 18:08

崩世光景Broken Social Scene


broken social scene: almost crimes
You're like a messiah, pal
Little kingdoms in your chest

I told you we'd make it, on for another
I told you we'd make it, on for all night (Put on all our best)

This is how they will live on
We'd looked better if we win

I told you we'd make it on for another (Oh I've been getting calls now out here)
I told you we'd make it on for another (On their mouths and chest)

Help this love before you leave
Demonstrations lack caress

I want you to take you, call on for life (Thank you for creating souls...)
The longer we make this, got no way there (Children sleep with dicks)

And your call keeps me up all night
Complication sees your best

Told you, I want it here longer for you (I've been getting calls now out here)
I waited, I waited, it's late night, she's waiting at home (On their mouths and chest)

We've got love and hate it's the only way
We've got love and hate it's the only way

I think it's almost crimes
I think it's almost crimes
I think it's almost crimes
I think it's almost time

Broken Social Scene - Cause=Time
You come in, check my time
You got fornication crimes
I've seen your hope on television
Where you've been, you were not were
They've got tricycles in skirts
This is a mouth that needs religion

And they all want to love the cause
'Cause they all need to be the cause
They all want to fuck the cause

So take me down, down through this
Kill the common law that missed
This is the blood I love to share

Little pistols and companion halls
Desperation tentacles
I've been alone since '89

We've got a menstruating disguise
Then know three completes the five
This is a church that should believe

And they all want to free the cause
'Cause they all need to dream a cause
They all need to be a cause

You've got all and it's
Pretty good but I
Seem to be in disbelief

You come in, check my time
You've got fornication crimes
I've seen your death on television
Cue immortal child like times
Separation is divine
Here is a strike beneath your knees

And they all want to love the cause
'Cause they all need to be the cause
They all want to fuck the cause

Take me down, down through this
Kill the white within the bliss
Here is a waiting room
That wants to save your life

And they all want to love the cause
They all need to be the cause
They all want to dream a cause
They all need to fuck the cause





長堤佳人 | 聽歌聽歌

Charli xcx - 360 中英歌詞

觀雪 ❄ 然後我也不認輸,走過寒冬香依舊如故。❄


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