
插畫2014-06-14 23:58

[3D] legendary goji 製作篇


Art Spotlight: Godzilla2014 fanart work


Hi,every uesr in sketchfab. I’m Rinn Ong from taiwan . I will share my 3d fanart work creating process  in sketchfab. It’s Godzilla 2014 edition, I think Legendary Pictures, Inc is successful on modeling design and I really like it. But I want make it more than just watch , and I was make it too.

However my work is not likeness in Beginning , because its reference is too few. When I got enough reference is third I remake . it’s really funny right? Ok,let me talk about making detail.

Before work , I find many helpful reference what I can ,  and start to sketch key positions until all the body in Zbrush , also use many time to fix it .
When finish all high polygon model work. I topo it in Zbrush too , and try to let polys be few.
it’s will be helpful to save computer resources or rigging . Finally,I used 8,475 polys on the body.

After modeling work , I start to baking the texture in Topogun . and got its Normal map, ambient occlusion map, cavity map to help painting texture.
I used cavity map to make diffuse and specular texture detail with mix photoshop layers.

Finally,my basic Godzilla model was been finish.
This is my first time to share creating process . Thanks everyone coming and look.





悲終默示錄外傳 • 初源之章 第六話:終末的序幕 第三小節-約束的日期(下-1)

MDA 小哥吉拉 Chibi Gozi 白模 塗裝



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