
日誌2014-08-25 19:06

一同向死!別餓在一塊兒!~Don’t Starve更新情報


一同向死!別餓在一起!~Don’t Starve更新情報
Come Die With Me: Don’t Starve Together
By Adam Smith on August 20th, 2014 at 6:00 pm.(來源

Don’t Starve Together is the sort of stern instruction that was once delivered by frowning parents to their newly married offspring as they set out to find a partner for life. The ruddy-faced matron wouldn’t tell her son to make sure he wooed a girl who always washed behind the ears, and the cracked lips of an aged farmer would not part to instruct his daughters in the ways of romance and wedlock – instead, mother and father both would have one piece of advice. “When you settle down with a spouse and begin a life of your own, eternal bliss can be yours if you follow this advice – Don’t Starve Together.” Then they’d slip a withered turnip out of their breeches, pass it across and shut the door of the family home for good.
  「Don’t Starve Together」是嚴厲的父母要求新婚子女為了尋找生命夥伴而出發前,給予的嚴苛命令。
  反之,母親與父親都有著一條建言:「與另一半成家後,你將展開新的人生。遵從下面這條建言,你便能獲得不朽的幸福:『Don’t Starve Together』(別餓在一塊兒)!」

Don’t Starve’s upcoming multiplayer mode will allow you to relive the good old days with your own friends and it’ll be entering closed beta before September 23rd.
  即將出爐的 Don’t Starve 多人遊戲模式,將讓你與朋友們一同重溫舊日好時光!九月23日前將正式進入封閉測試!

The update will be free and Klei point out that it has required more work than people might imagine. As well as networking implementation, the multiplayer mode requires reimagining of fundamental game mechanics. How can one player sleep through the night, skipping forward to the morning, if other players are active in the same world.
  本更新是免費的Klei(譯註:Don’t Starve製作組)指出,此更新能達成玩家們所能想像的更多事物。

Hopefully, the solution to that particular problem involves nightly coffee downpours that caffeinate every living thing and prevent the phantom death of sleep from becoming an issue. Hopefully.
More details in the AMA over yonder.
  更多細節,請參考AMA over yonder





欠揍的威爾遜"02"|【飢荒 Don't Starve 短篇漫畫】|作者:The-Letter-W

欠揍的威爾遜"06"|【飢荒 Don't Starve 短篇漫畫】|作者:The-Letter-W

欠揍的威爾遜"05"|【飢荒 Don't Starve 短篇漫畫】|作者:The-Letter-W


開啟 APP

face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

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