
日誌2015-03-20 17:35

U2 - Song for Someone




You've got a face not spoiled by beauty 你有一張不討喜的臉孔,卻十分美麗。
I have some scars from where I've been 每個歷經之處總令我滿身是傷
You've got eyes that can see right through me 你的雙眼總能看穿我的真心
You're not afraid of anything they've seen 他們也知道你無所畏懼

I was told that I would feel 我曾對你說過我覺得
Nothing the first time 第一次沒什麼
I don't know how these cuts heal 因我不知該如何讓這些傷口癒合
But in you I found a rhyme 但在你身上,我發現了韻詩

If there is a light 如果這裡有光
you can’t always see 你無法永遠看到
And there is a world 而這兒有一個世界
we can’t always be 我們卻不能永遠留下
If there is a dark 如果這裡是黑暗的
That we shouldn't doubt 那我們不應該有所懷疑
And there is a light 而這裡仍有光芒
Don't let it go out 別讓它熄滅

And this is a song 而這一首歌
song for someone 為某個人而寫的歌
This is a song 這首歌
song for someone 獻給某個人的歌

You let me in to a conversation 你讓我進入了一場對話
A conversation only we could make 只有我們才能完成的對話
You break and enter my imagination 你同時破壞以及進入了我所有想像
Whatever's in there is yours to take 無論我在哪裡,總有你在

I was told I'd feel 我曾說過我真的覺得
Nothing the first time 第一次沒甚麼
You were slow to heal 你卻只是緩慢治癒著我
But this could be the night 但這或許會成為黑夜

If there is a light 如果這裡有光
you can’t always see 你無法永遠看到
And there is a world 而這兒有一個世界
we can’t always be 我們卻不能永遠留下
If there is a dark 如果這裡是黑暗的
Within and without 就與它同在,或一同離開
And there is a light 而光仍然存在
Don't let it go out 請別讓它熄滅

And this is a song 而這一首歌
song for someone 為某個人而寫的歌
This is a song 這首歌
song for someone 獻給某個人的歌

And I'm a long long way 而我仍在遙遠的地方
From your hill of Calvary 從你所在的 Calvary 之山
And I'm a long way 而我還有很長的路要走
From where I was, and where I need to be 從我來的地方,以及必須要去的地方

If there is a light 如果這裡有光
you can’t always see 你無法永遠看到
And there is a world 而這兒有一個世界
we can’t always be 我們卻不能永遠留下
If there is a kiss 如果這裡有一個吻
I stole from your mouth 那是我從你嘴上偷來的
And there is a light 而這裡仍有微弱的光芒
Don't let it go out 請不要讓它熄滅

And this is a song 而這一首歌
song for someone 為某個人而寫的歌
This is a song 這首歌
song for someone 獻給某個人的歌










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