
日誌2015-04-04 15:33

PS3 蝙蝠俠 阿卡漢始源 白金心得與攻略


蝙蝠俠阿卡漢始源(英文: Batman: Arkham Origins),故事是在第一代小丑大逃亡之前的時間點,畫面和上一代差不多,玩法沒很大差異,所以有玩過前2代應該不難再次上手,這代新加的線上模式,是這遊戲一個新的挑戰,主要是射擊為主,分成3隊,互相撕殺,最後留下來的那一隊勝利,玩法其實有趣,但可惜有缺陷的程式設計讓這線上模式大打折扣,讓玩家抓狂,BUG太多,當機頻繁,連線常掉,莫名其妙被踢出等等狀況,讓玩家玩起來非常痛苦,而且常當機非常損害PS3主機,所以我獎盃一拿完,就不再碰,可惜了這作品與新的線上遊戲,額外提一下這線上獎盃,難度很高,有幾個獎盃條件根本是看運氣,技巧固然有影響,不過太難了,不組團洗靠自己不知要一直試多久,組團洗也難,因為要找到8個玩家想洗,這讓這遊戲要白金是雪上加霜,是我的第51個白金,白金與100%流程如下:

New Game
→ New Game Post Game
→ New Game Plus
→ I Am The Night Mode
→ Challenge mode
→ DLC: Cold, Cold Heart
→ DLC: Initiation
→ Online mode

New Game
(1)Enigma Datapack:綠色發光的小裝置,有200個,也就是之前2代的riddles一樣的意義。
(2)Anarky tags: L1狀況下牆上有圈內有A符號,L1壓scan。
(3)Network Relay: 地圖上黃色的標幟,用蝙蝠飛鏢擊毀,有70個。
(4)Cyrus Pinkney Pages: 非獎盃條件,要收集character profile全,就必須收集,L1壓 scan,有8 pages。
1. City of Assassins: Identify Black Mask's assassins   

2. Crime Fighter: Stop 20 Crime in Progress  

3. Free Flow Fifty: Reach x50 Combo
在打放電的Electrocutioner那裡有15個敵人,這裡很容易達到50 combo。

4. One eye open: Defeat Deathstroke  

5. One down, several to go: Complete a Most Wanted entry  
完成第一個side quest,select鈕裡面的most wanted,Anarky。

6. Shut Down: Shut down an entire Tower Network

7.  Nobody that matters: Who is the Joker?

8. Silent Knight: Complete a predator encounter using only silent takedowns
劇情中遇到predator map只用背後壓三角的slient takedown。

9. Point to Point: Glide across Bridge without touching ground

10. Everyone wears masks: Find the Black Mask  

11. Anyone see that?: Complete a predator encounter without ever being spotted
完全不被敵人看見下殺掉所有敵人,全用slient takedown。

12.Gotham Protector: Master the Gotham Protector Dark Knight track
1. Perform a 75m glide (no grapnel accelerator)
2. Perform a 25m dive
3. Complete the 4 basic AR drills
4. Perform a Grapnel Accelerator Takedown
5. Stop a crime in progress
6. Use a Smoke Pellet to set up a takedown
7. Perform a 250m glide (including grapnel accelerator)
8. Reach the top of the Soder Cola building in Diamond District
9. Perform a 150m glide (no grapnel accelerator)
10. Complete the Intermediate AR Glide Drills
11. Knockdown 3 enemies with a single shockwave attack
12. Perform a 50m dive
13. Complete the advanced AR drills
14. Glide for 25m while maintaining a height less than 5m
15. Stop a Crime in Progress in each district

13. Flawless Display:  Successfully battle Shiva without taking any damage

14. Voice of the People: Scan 20 Anarky Tags
1 - Burnley (GCPD New Gotham Precinct)
2 - Bunrley (Hamilton Hill)
3 - Diamond District (Gotham City Royal Hotel)
4 - Diamond District (Gotham City News)
5 - Diamond District (Gotham City Cinema)
6 - Diamond District (Gotham City Daily)
7 - Diamond District (Soder Cola)
8 - Diamond District (Furniture Company)
9 - Coventry (Cale-Anderson)
10 - Coventry (Lacey Towers)
11 - Coventry (Wayne Enterprises)
12 - Coventry (Trident Labs)
13 - Coventry (Mendo Soap)
14 - Industrial District (Amerteck Industries)
15 - Industrial District (Sionis Steel Mill)
16 - Sheldon Park (Wonder Tower)
17 - Sheldon Park (Gotham Light & Power)
18 - The Bowery (Gotham Merchants Bank)
19 - The Bowery (Carmine Hotel)
20 - Park Row (Ace Chemicals)
21 - Park Row (Monarch Theater)
22 - Park Row (Solomon Wayne Courthouse)
23 - Amusement Mile (Gotham Casino)
24 - Amusement Mile (Dixon Docks)

15. One Rule: Save a life  

16. Shadow Vigilante: Master the Shadow Vigilante Dark Knight track
1. Perform 5 Counters
2. Use the Quickfire Batarang 3 times in combat
3. Reach x8 Combo Multiplier
4. Perform 3 Special Combo Takedowns
5. Complete a Fight without leaving focus mode
6. Score a Variation Bonus of 3
7. Knockdown at least 3 enemies with explosive gel
8. Knockdown two enemies with one slide
9. Perform a Counter in the middle of a beatdown
10. Get an A grade in a fight with at least a high threat level
11. Use the power gadget ability 3 times
12. Perform 20 critical strikes in one combo
13. X30 multiplier and 7 variations in a single fight
14. Take out 3 or more enemies with the multi-ground takedown
15. In a fight, don't get hit and get at least 50x combo and 15 variations

17. One of Each: Use every Freeflow Focus gadget in one combo
•Batarang (L2,L2)
•Explosive Gel (L2+□, repeat to detonate)
•Batclaw Slam (L2+△,□)
•Concussion Detonator (L2+○)
•Glue Grenade (R2,R2)

18. Around the World: Use the Batwing to travel to all Fast Travel points   
把所有tower破解,就可以fast travel所有地區拿獎盃。

19. Counter-intelligence: Decipher one Extortion File  
解開一個Extortion File,我是先解到file 18,有10個謎要解。

20. World's Greatest Detective: Master the World's Greatest Detective Dark Knight track

21. What hit me?: Take down 100 enemies who didn't know you were there
slient takedown殺掉100個敵人,故事裡自然一定會拿到。

22. The Innocent and the Predatory: Capture all of Black Mask's Assassins
打倒故事開始説的8個Assassins 。

23.Perhaps sooner, Perhaps later: Defeat the Joker

New Game Post Game 故事破關後
1. Thanks, old friend: Hear everything Alfred has to say  
常回基地跟Alfred說話 ,有加XP的Alfred wisdom,破關前約有7,8次左右,最後有+14000XP幾次,最後破關跟他說話+20000XP拿到獎盃。

2. Air Marathon: Glide 26 miles total  

3. Enigma Unravelled: Collect all Enigma items  
70個Network Relay,200個Ebigma Datapack全收集完,要到破關後才能收完。

4. First Riddler Trophy: Collect every collectible
上面獎盃拿完就可以去Enigma的 HQ,進入密秘房間拿到前2代的riddle獎盃。

5. Crime Scene Investigator: Complete all Casefiles   

6. Clean Streets: Complete all Most Wanted missions
這獎盃遇到怪怪的狀況,照獎盃條件打完9個壞蛋就拿到,但我破關後打完第10個,全部都是100%也沒跳出獎盃,看地圖上有Enigma的 HQ,進去看看的時候就跳出來,查網路這獎盃有不少人說有bug。

7. Personal Trainer: Obtain all the medals on Combat Training maps   
在蝙蝠洞的訓練機器,完成combat training maps,共12個。

New Game Plus
1. Point Counter-Point: Complete Deathstroke without failing a single counter
new game沒注意這獎盃,這輪才達成,不過滿難的,沒counter△符號可看,最好的策略是,第1階段打一拳就X,X翻過去△+○,這階段簡單,第2階段從脫掉他面具後,用L2+△,□,有拉到但壓□一次就好,看看有沒有成功進batclaw slam,沒有成功會打空拳,沒有趕快X,X滾開拉一點距離,然後再L2+△,□,他開始躲L2+△,會飛空丟油筒,接好丟回去,就一直重覆L2+△,第3階段和第2階段多一樣打法,這種方法安全,完全不用counter,new game plus也看不到counter△符號,要只看動作很難阿,第3階段還是3次的counter,而且時間點不好抓又沒counter△符號。

2. I've Got This: Acquire all upgrades  
差在worst nightnare的rank 10過後解開sonic shock takedown,其他已全解開。

3.Worst Nightmare: Master the Worst Nightmare Dark Knight track
3個Dark Knight track裡面最難的,完成下面15個rank:
1. Perform an Inverted Takedown, Vent Takedown and Wall Takedown
2. 3 Silent Takedowns in a single encounter
3. Finish a predator encounter unseen
4. Use a Sonic Batarang to lure an enemy into a takedown
5. Complete a Predator Room without detective vision
6. Perform a Vent, Explosive Gel, Corner and Hanging Ledge takedown in one encounter
7. Complete a Predator without using takedowns
8. Complete a Predator without detective vision and remain unseen.
9. Perform a Grate, Inverted, Knockout Smash and Ledge Takedown in one encounter
10. Complete a predator with at least a high threat level unseen
11. Take out an enemy with the sonic shock batarang
12. Complete a predator with at least a high threat level utilising at least 5 different takedowns
13. Eliminate 3 enemies within the duration of one smoke pellet
14. Eliminate 3 enemies with one propane tank
15. Pull 2 enemies over separate railings at the same time

4. Legend of the Dark Knight: Complete all Dark Knight challenges

5. Give Them Something to Believe: Complete New Game Plus

I Am The Night Mode
1. I Am The Night: Finish I Am The Night Mode

Challenge mode
1. Perfectionist: Obtain all the medals on Custom maps in Challenge mode  

2. Medalist: Obtain all medals on the original Ranked Maps in Challenge mode (as Batman)

3. Olympian: Obtain all medals on the original Campaign maps in Challenge mode (as Batman)

DLC: Cold, Cold Heart
1. Master Wayne: Take no damage when playing as Bruce Wayne   

2. Snowjob: Get 3 enemies frozen in one attack   

3. Let it Snow: Receive the Extreme Environment Suit (XE Suit)

4. Stalact-tactician: Takedown 2 enemies with one stalactite  
拿到XE suit後,進入my alibi nightclub,用thermal-charged batarang打天花板的冰柱讓它掉下砸死2個敵人 。

5. Down with the Revolution: Stop Anarky thug operations in South Gotham
地圖上一開始有3個紅色標誌,拿到XE suit後,第4個會出現。

6. Drilling for Justice: Assemble the cryonucleation tunneller - the cryodrill

7. Paint the Town Red: Find all Activist tags in Cold, Cold Heart
共12個,前11個一開始就出現,拿到XE suit後,到cryodrill做後開門裡有最後一個。

8. Breaking the Ice: Free all civilians frozen in cryogenic ice  
拿到XE suit才可以free冰人,共20個。

9. Come Out of the Cold: Perform 3 ice wall takedowns
有累計,一開始有個房間有2個ice wall,後面Mr. Freeze再用一個ice wall takedown拿獎盃。

10. For Auld Lang Syne: Stop Freeze and bring Boyle to justice

DLC: Initiation
1.Bruce's Revenge: Obtain all 72 medals on the original Arkham Origins ranked maps (as Bruce Wayne)  

2. Campaign Ninja: Obtain all 108 medals on the original Arkham Origins campaigns (as Bruce Wayne)

Online mode
1. Know Thy Enemy: Defeat each of the enemy players at least once in a multiplayer match

2.Clutch: Kill a Hero to bring back your entire gang when at 0 reinforcements on a full multiplayer server

3. Arsenal, Awesome: Fully upgrade a weapon in multiplayer  

4. Not An Ordinary Criminal: As an Elite, earn 4000 XP in a single multiplayer match

5. Tales of Gotham: Win a round of each map with each faction in multiplayer
這獎盃也不容易,4個地圖如下,3種團隊,所以要贏12次,建議一定要筆記下來否則真的記不住哪關已贏,個人覺得hero比較難贏,因為打法和其他拿槍為主的玩法不一樣,再加上選到機會比較低,且如果團隊默契很好的敵人更難贏,而且我常常好不容易選到hero但爛online設計,莫名其妙的連線lost,所以我選到hero的機會非常少,從網路上資訊要在invisible predator mode玩才算 ,我玩到lv27才拿到,當然這運氣運氣,敵人強弱有影響:
•Wayne Chemical Plant
•Blackgate Prison
•Joker’s Funhouse
•Wonder City Robot Factory

6. Killing Joke: Reach max level with the Joker faction in multiplayer

7. Gotham All-Star: Reach max overall level in multiplayer
Overall level達到lv30。

8. Fallen Knight: Reach max level with the Bane faction in multiplayer

10. I Like Those Odds: As a Hero, defeat 4 Elites within 40 seconds without using melee in multiplayer
40秒內不使用格鬥打死4個敵人,另一個滿難獎盃,因為英雄也不是能常被選中,又要顧忌贏這round與不同的Map話,要自己拿到並非那麼容易,看運氣與膽大,用爆炸物Exploding Gel先炸死2個,如能3個那就大大提高機會,炸死完後趕快找敵人用take down,組團洗當然容易。

11.Predator Paragon: Take down 6 different Elites in a match, using 6 different methods as Batman or Robin in multiplayer
•Silent Takedown
•Ground Takedown
•Inverted Takedown
•Ledge Takedown
•Grate/Vent Takedown
•Exploding Gel
•Explosive Batarang (Batman Only)
•Reverse Ledge Takedown
•Corner Takedown
•Knockout Smash

9.Legend: Earn a level of prestige in multiplayer  
Overall level,bane團隊角色,joker團隊角色全部達到max level後,到Character loadout ,會有一個選項prestige,會reset所有等級。

12. Platinum: Congratulations!









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