
日誌2015-09-03 12:14

歐洲有史以來最大的移民危機 (新聞整理)



這從2014年開始全面惡化, 現在已經一發不可收拾了.


(新生命溺斃, 一個男童的死亡照流露歐洲難民危機)


六月13號 2015  下午8:50
June 23, 2015 | 8:50 pm

After an emergency meeting in April, EU interior and foreign ministers agreed to additional maritime patrols in the Mediterranean and to widen their search-and-rescue missions.

在四月的緊急議會後, 歐盟內陸還有外國部長答應額外增加海上巡邏隊,

The news of this rescue is a continuation of the migration crisis in the region, which, as of June 17, has already seen 1,868 deaths in 2015 according to figures from the International Organisation For Migration.

這新聞中的救援事件是自六月17號的難民危機後續的惡化, 根據國際難民組織調查,

The figure from this year, if the situation continues, shows a sharp increase on the UNHRC estimates of 3,500 deaths for the whole of 2014.

依照這年的狀況, 如果情況持續的話, 根據聯合國人權議會的估計會超過在2014年

Although the nationalities of those rescued on Monday are as of yet unknown, Syrians, Eritreans and Afghans are the nationals most frequently attempting the dangerous Mediterranean crossing.

雖然這星期一所救起的難民國籍還是未知, 但是大部分難民都來自敘利亞, 非洲, 厄立特里亞

According to a report released by the UNHCR last week, the number of refugees and internally displaced placed has reached record levels. The figure rose to 59.5 million in 2014, up from 51.2 million in 2013 — the equivalent to 42,500 per day, or one in every 122 people on the planet

根據上禮拜聯合國人權議會的報告, 目前為止難民的數字已經超過以往所紀錄過的數量.
在2014年難民數量從595萬名, 超越2013的512萬名 - 相當於每天多出42,500人,

難民逃到馬其頓尼亞, 但卻早已經失控進入極混亂狀態

馬其頓尼亞宣布國家進入緊急狀態, 來控制移民狀況

時間: 星期四 20號 八月 2015 (英國標準時間: 17.05)
Thursday 20 August 2015 17.05 BST

Macedonia has declared a state of emergency in an attempt to stem the flow of migrants over its southern border with Greece, deploying riot police in armoured vehicles and calling out the army.
Authorities said official border crossings remained open, but that they would “reduce illegal border entry to a minimum”.

馬其頓尼亞剛宣布國家進入緊急危機狀態, 為了阻止超量的難民數量, 目前已經調派大量
鎮暴部隊以及武裝鎮暴車鎮壓並且通知軍隊待命, 高層表示國境跨越扔然允許, 但是
會減少 "違法跨境數量並且降到到最低".

A Reuters reporter near the border town of Gevgelija said a column of riot police armed with teargas and armoured vehicles had shut off passage for several thousand people now stranded in no-man’s land. “No more Macedonia,” one officer said in English to a Syrian man requesting passage.

一個剛回來的記者告知說, 蓋夫蓋利亞附近的城市已經派出一整團的鎮暴部隊待命,
並且已裝備催淚瓦斯, 而且有裝甲鎮暴車駐守, 來切斷大部分交通要道,
並且進入 "不准進出" 狀態, 而一位軍官用英文對著敘利亞人說著 "不要在馬其頓尼亞了"

The flow of migrants into Gevgelija, which had hit 1,500 to 2,000 a day, has been stopped. The clampdown came after days of chaotic scenes at the local railway station as thousands of people tried to board trains to Serbia, young children being passed through open carriage windows.

在難民不斷湧入蓋夫蓋利亞的狀況下, 當日的允許難民跨境的服務很快就達到上限,
每日只允許1500~2000名跨境, 目前已經停止.
隨後, 接下來是好幾天後完全進入混亂被鎮壓的狀況, 好幾千名難民試圖搭上當地的鐵路局,

Macedonia acted as a Greek car ferry docked in Athens carrying 2,400 Syrian refugees from the island of Kos, just some of the 50,000 Middle Eastern, African and Asian migrants and refugees who arrived in Greece in July alone. Many will take buses north, heading for Macedonia, then Serbia and Europe’s borderless Schengen zone in Hungary.

馬其頓尼亞搞得像希臘汽車渡輪一樣, 停在雅典港口, 載著2,400名敘利亞難民離開科斯島,
有些接下來會座著巴士到馬其頓尼亞北部, 然後到塞爾維亞, 最後在到
歐洲匈牙利的無國界區, 其中有著中東人, 非洲人, 亞洲移民, 還有六月獨自到希臘來的人.

“We cannot hermetically close the borders,” interior ministry spokesman Ivo Kotevski told Reuters. But “we will try to reduce illegal border entry to a minimum,” he added.

"我們不能封閉起來關起邊境," 根據Ivo Kotevski對路透社所說的,
"但是我們會盡量減少違法跨境數量到最低, " 他隨後補充說著.

部分難民們到達歐洲匈牙利並且等待, 但真正的惡夢才剛開始

難民: 我的孩子們累了
時間: 九月 2號 2015 香港時間 早上06:07

2307 GMT (0607 HKT) September 2, 2015


(沒有食物, 沒有睡覺, 一波又一波的難民湧入德國慕尼黑)

Passports and visas, please

護照還有簽證, 謝謝

At Keleti station in Budapest, tensions simmered.

位於匈牙利, 布達佩斯的東站 - 鐵路車站, 局勢正在升溫緊張中.

Hundreds of people who had expected to board trains to Austria and Germany found Hungarian police officers barring their way.

數百名民眾期待著上火車並且到澳地利還有德國, 路上卻被匈牙利警察擋住去路.

They want to make their way to Western Europe, where they hope to claim asylum.
The journey for almost all of them has been arduous.

他們都想要去西歐, 他們希望經過這艱難的旅程可以在那邊找到一個避難所待著.

"We have been here five days. No food, no sleep -- no place to sleep, no anything," one Syrian refugee at Keleti station told CNN on Tuesday.

"我們待在這裡五天了, 沒食物, 沒睡覺,  -- 也沒地方睡覺, 甚麼都沒有," 一個敘利亞難民
在東站 - 鐵路車站星期四時跟CNN說著.

He and other travelers had train tickets but were not being allowed through, he said.

他自己跟其他旅行者都有正確的車票, 但是卻不讓通過, 他說著.

"The problem is the amount of migrants with the wrong papers," said Reka Hegedus, a spokeswoman for the train station.  "Obviously, even if they have tickets, it is not enough."
Only those with proper documentation -- a valid passport, a ticket and any necessary visas -- were being allowed into the station, with police checking the papers of those seeking to enter.

"目前問題是大量難民都有著錯誤文件," Reka Hegedus 說著,
一個女士在火車站表示. "很明顯的, 就算他們有正確的車票是不夠的."
一定要有正確的文件檔案, 一個有效的護照, 跟一個車票, 可以的話有簽證更好,
那些想要上車的必須讓警察檢查文件, 才能進入車站.

當大家為了難民忙到焦頭爛額時, 人口販子卻不偷懶

西西里島上的人口走私 : 歐洲或死亡

時間: 八月 15號 2015  早上6:50
August 15, 2015 | 6:50 am

"女士, 妳是從哪來的?"
(難民數量失控, 卻要同時防備人口販子的威脅)

In June the European Union (EU) responded to the huge numbers of migrants and refugees dying on its borders by launching an 11.8 million euro ($12.8m) a year naval mission.

在六月根據歐洲聯盟的回應, 因為大量難民還有遊民死在自己的邊界上,

EUNAVFOR Med was launched to tackle human trafficking from North Africa, a major contributor to the migration crisis that has claimed 2,000 lives in the Mediterranean in 2015 alone.

歐盟地中海海軍計畫主要是針對並且逮捕人口販子, 位於北非跟重點區域的難民集中區,

But while the EU has declared war on traffickers in Libya and elsewhere, another trade is booming on its doorstep. Land smuggling preys on desperate people hoping to escape the EU's Dublin Regulation — whereby migrants seeking refuge are required to do so in the first country that they set foot in — and illegally cross European borders.

但是正當歐盟正式對利比亞跟其他的人口販子宣戰時, 其他地區的門口卻正在慢慢綻放這危機,
因此下手目標都是在難民第一個到達的第一世界國家避難所,  想違法跨歐洲邊境的人.

2015 9 3 今天先打這樣, 我已經好幾個禮拜沒睡好, 因為一直作很可怕的惡夢,
惡夢內容? 我沒有能力幫這個世界任何忙, 只能看著他自己把自己撕裂掉...
而醒來看到的就是惡夢, 沒有能力, 打著可能沒人看的翻譯, 繼續看著世界把自己撕裂掉.

一個是大家口中的 "新納粹" 反移民激進派
另一個則是歡迎移民的親和派, 反移民派不斷襲擊移民甚至傷害他們
男人,婦女,小孩, 無差別待遇反對移民(難民)



(八月 28號 2015 反移民派在東柏林抗議)

(九月 2號 2015 難民在匈牙利鐵路站外睡覺)





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