
日誌2015-10-07 21:44

【翻譯】Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas - Cast your shell


演唱者:Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas
作詞作曲:Fear,and Loathing in Las Vegas
收錄專輯:Feeling of Unity

I've found out that sound without soul cannot move people's hearts

ah Feeling it is creepy Your own face is jerking and being cunning that you don't notice
Without noticing that you are thinking worthless
Probably don't notice that you're lying to your world
Your face is under layers of masks

What is (the) answer to your life?You Know?
So you let go of everything, leaving just your mind
Let it go now, free them all. Let it go now, free them all
What's needed is your will evey time It's to be honest yeah

Don't you stop
You take it now
oh Tear down so many sad bonds
Only you, who can take heart in (the) back of many lies
Don't you stop
You take it now
Get away from biased view points
Call in (your) belief

Lies and lies are piled up on my face
That's just like invisible shackles that hold you down

Ain't nothing you've done to change though you wish and pray so hard
Do you want to change? Do you really want to change?
What's needed is your will every time
It's to be honest yeah
You just beat it through

Now you all, free them
What's needed is your will every time

Don't you stop
You take it now
oh Tear down so many sad bonds
Only you, who can take heart in (the) back of many lies
Don't you stop
You take it now
Get away from biased view point (and)call in belief

When it is time
I am going to randomly fire this sound now; the sound that will make you more brave
Tear down the restraints Take it out! with your true smile,
with your own true eyes, with your own clean hands,
with your brand new heart Release yourself right now
Don't stop!
Gotta go!
Gotta get it moving!
Lose yourself

You stand by yourself

break your shackle and laugh at your ease when you wanna do
Be free with your brand new heart
Release it now






【中日歌詞】【歌詞翻譯練習】珂拉琪 Collage/3月桃花

【歌詞翻譯】Elephant Kashimashi – ポリスター 【中日歌詞】

YUNGBLUD 【中英歌詞/翻譯】- Lowlife


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