
日誌2015-12-12 18:09

[MV]Born on Battlelines (Sorcerian Where Me Meet演唱版)


閒閒沒事到youtube 翻一些以前愛聽的電玩BGM 出來聽

Born on Battlelines (Sorcerian BGM 之一- Where Me Meet 的有聲演唱改版)
跟原曲完全不同的bossa nova 風格 =w=

收錄在 Sorcerian Perfect Collection Vol.1 CD2 Track 2.
作曲: Yuzo Koshiro & Mieko Ishikawa
改編: Makoto Matsushita
作詞: Chris Mosdell
演唱: Sherry Michelle

同場加映Where we meet 原曲--

一樣是收錄到Sorcerian Perfect Collection 的改版--

之後F 社出了款大亂鬥遊戲-- 伊蘇vs空之軌跡
裡面也對這首再做了一次改版--(這也是原本我在挖來重新聽n 遍的 =w=)

You're a red flag on a hill
You're the one they'll never kill
Immortal in the hands of the gods above
You are the wind that blows
great storms up at my door
Oh, you...

You were born on battlelines
Such sound and fury in your eyes
Hear the horns that call you across the world
You're the one who knows
that the truth is simply turning stone to gold

The bow is strung, and you are aimed
Now you're an arrow in the air
A flaming drum, a roofless sun
The ends of earth are always the fires of home
This you know

Oh why am I left alone
with swords in my heart
with these empty arms?
(Oh why must you go?)
Oh why am I fighting fate?
Is love a friend, or rather a foe?
Who knows?

Is this the mission of your soul
To be a traveler on the road
To take a horse and gallop along the shore?
Pull on the reins, pull hard,
That saddle that you sit upon is for two

The bow is strung, and you are aimed
Now you're an arrow in the air
A flaming drum, a roofless sun
The ends of earth are always the fires of home
This you know

Oh why am I left alone
with swords in my heart
with these empty arms?
(Oh why must you go?)
Oh why am I fighting fate?
Is love a friend, or rather a foe?
Who knows?

Is this the mission of your soul
To be a traveler on the road
To take a horse and gallop along the shore?
Pull on the reins, pull hard,
That saddle that you sit upon is for two....






Falcom BOSS 三昧線上版

YS vs 空之軌跡OST 原聲帶之線上版


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