
日誌2010-07-02 18:41

歌德搖滾團Lacuna Coil (女主唱)


最近跟朋友聊到Evanescence(伊凡賽斯), 他們在2003年發的專輯Fallen 全球銷售成績不錯,
還拿了葛萊美獎, 當時在台灣也常可以在電視上看到他們的MV在播放.
雖然說女主唱Amy Lee 的聲音我覺得還不錯, 但是他們的作品就是不合我的胃口.
比起來, 我比較喜歡跟他們算是同類型(歌德搖滾*註)的另一個樂團叫做Lacuna Coil , 義大利團,
當初最早聽到Lacuna Coil 的作品是這首Swamped.
一聽就被女主唱Cristina Scabbia (我可沒漏打h, 的確是Cristina) 的嗓音給吸引住,
兼具溫柔和悲傷和力量, 非常適合詮釋一些抽象的意境.
Lacuna Coil 蠻特別的有著雙主唱, 另一位主唱是男聲: Andrea Ferro , 沙啞又帶點迷幻的唱腔
正好跟Cristina 相輔相成.
而貫穿全曲的一句歌詞: When you're taught through feelings
更是讓我覺得他們真的很懂得如何運用歌詞去描述抽象意境, 便喜歡上他們了.
When you're taught through feelings
Destiny flying high above
all I know is that you can realize it

Destiny who cares
as it turns around
and I know that it descends down on me

It's just another day
the shame is gone
hard to believe
that I've let it go

Destiny can't replace my life
scary shadows of my past
are alive

Destiny who cares
as it turns around
and I know that it descends
with a smile

It's just another day
the shame is gone
hard to believe
that I've let it go away

It's just a melody
it bleeds in me
hard to believe
that I've let it go
接下來這首跟Swamped 有異曲同工之妙, 同樣展現出溫柔與力量的融合體.
歌名是Enjoy the Silence 字面上意思是享受寧靜, 但要再去看看歌詞,
才會更進一步瞭解到Lacuna Coil 為什麼會那樣主張.
歌詞真的是寫得又美, 又不失道理, 這首歌推薦給你們.
Words like violence
Break the silence
Come crashing in
Into my little world
Painful to me
Pierce right through me
Can’t you understand
Oh my little girl

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm

Vows are spoken
To be broken
Feelings are intense
Words are trivial
Pleasures remain
So does the pain
Words are meaningless
And forgettable

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm

All I ever wanted
All I ever needed
Is here in my arms
Words are very unnecessary
They can only do harm

Enjoy the silence
Entwined 是少數讓我覺得念起來很有fu 的一個單字, 是纏繞, 糾結在一起的意思.
這是首情歌, 簡單卻明瞭的傳達出男女之間情感的複雜.
And you take me over
over again

I wonder how can I go on and on
when you want to bury my passion
You are the shell around
I cannot escape
and I swallow my pride

Entwined together now
it's time to pass it over
(and you take me over, over again)
Entwined together now

And you take me over
over again

I wonder how can I live on and on
when you want to live in a hurry
You are the wall
-that I-
That I have to remove
and I swallow
I swallow my pride

Entwined together now
it's time to pass it over
Entwined together now
Entwined forever

And you take me over
over again

Entwined together
Entwined forever
再來這一首歌lost lullaby 我平常聽根本沒去看歌詞, 純粹是憑著感覺推薦給各位,
它給我的感覺就是 舒緩你/妳的情緒, 我想, 或許你們會喜歡.
Simple as I am
The lies around
Are convincing me there's nothing right there
outside only breeze
Cold that rescues me
The wouns in here
Is reminding me that I'll be one day
Just a broken wheel onto your way

I don't want to please you forever

While the magic dice
Are on the ground
It's so hard to decide between myself and you
Pain is covering me

As a healing wind
That clears the sky
Will you promise me the things you told me?
Will you give me everything I want

I don't want to please you forever

No lies
I'm purified
And no more failure in my life
Water onto my fire

I don't want to please you forever
最後要推薦一首悲傷成份比較多的歌. Comalies. 這其實不是一個正式的單字,
而是Lacuna Coil 將兩個字" Coma " 跟 " lies " 放在一起創造出來的.
意味著他們這個樂團在"音樂創作受到樂迷迴響" 以及 "現實生活上的問題" 轉換之間所受到的衝擊.
再一次的, 這首歌我原本在聽的時候, 也是對於歌詞不求甚解, 我聽的是一種悲傷加上虛幻的意境.
而且我必須承認剛剛在查歌詞的時候, 這首歌詞寫得好抽象, 我看不太懂  
歌詞: 原文應該是義大利文吧? 我猜 . 有人知道是哪國語言的話, 歡迎告訴我以做修正.
Il tuo silenzio guarda dentro
Non resisterò
Speak to me
your silence looks at the inside
I won't resist

E' un attimo,
Nel tuo vuoto sento che
io non ce la farò
It is a while,
in your emptiness I feel that
I won't make it

Walk on by
You walk on by

Wondering why

Wandering from you
Falling at your side
Wandering from you
Healing my desire

Stumbling in your soul
Give yourself to me
Hurting your desire
Healing mine

dal mio rimorso,
sei diverso
mentre muoio e poi
risorgo dentro te
unleash me
from my remorse,
you are different
while I am dying and then
I'm rising again inside you

Finchè vivrò
ricordarti così
sarà una colpa eterna su di me
as long as I live
remembering you like this
will be an eternal blame on me

以上推薦完畢, 希望你們會喜歡  
註: 其實Evanscence 和Lacuna Coil 這兩個團, 都沒辦法單單用歌德搖滾一個領域分類,
      並且Lacuna Coil 在近期的作品也有較大幅度的風格改變.(不過我推薦的都是舊作)
      而歌德搖滾算是一個方向上的參考, 而不是精準的座標位置.







5/19日記 - 看到超大狗勾


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face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
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