
日誌2016-05-08 11:50

RWBY-V3-Mirror Mirror part2


who am I to complain? 我該跟誰傾訴?
my life's been spared so much pain 我的人生早就充滿痛苦
born with all that I need 出生時便有了全部
my comforts all guaranteed 有了慰藉

so what's the problem 那究竟是什麼問題
what's keeping me 甚麼一直抓住我
from moving forward 讓我停滯不前
it's hard to see 難以看見

i should be free now 我現在該是自由的
i should be fine 我該安好的
the life i fought for 我一直爭取的人生
still isn't mine 仍不是我的

some believe in fairy stories  一些人相信童話
and the ghosts that they can't see 以及看不見的鬼神
i know that i could do so much 我知道我可以做很多事
if i could just believe in me 如果我相信我
mirror mirror  魔鏡 魔鏡
tell me something 告訴我一些事
can I stop my fall? 可以停止我的墜落嗎?

years of scorn will leave you cold 多年來的輕視讓你冷漠
'forget your dreams do what your told' "放棄你的夢,做好本分"
when disapproval's all you're shown  當一切的行為都成錯誤
the safest place becomes alone 最安全的地方就是自己一身

and isolation's 而自己一人
the price you pay 代價就是
and every friendship 所有的友情
is pushed away 都被推開

but bit by bit now  但時間一點一滴走過
a step each day 每天的腳步
i'm slowly starting 我緩慢地找尋到
to find my way  自己的方向

some believe in fairy stories  一些人相信童話
and the ghosts that they can't see 以及看不見的鬼神
i know that i could do so much 我知道我可以做很多事
if i could just believe in me 如果我相信我
mirror mirror  魔鏡 魔鏡
i'll tell you something 我會告訴你一些事情
i think i might change it all 我覺得我會改變一切









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