
日誌2016-07-09 18:38

Palästinalied 巴勒斯坦之歌




Nu alrêst lebe ich mir werde, 吾生獲真義

(I live all my life,我活著就是為了)

Sît mîn sündic ouge siht 罪人親眼見

(See with my sinful eyes,用我充滿罪孽的眼睛去看到)

Daz reine lant und ouch die erde 神聖新天地

(This clean land and the earth too,這片潔淨的土壤)

Der man sô vil êren giht. 世間共贊鮮

(which the people give much honor to,舉世所讚語之土壤)

Mirst geschehen des ich ie bat, 夙願得滿足

(It happened as I prayed for,終於如我的祈求中那樣)

Ich bin komen an die stat 履我此聖土

(I have reached this city,我終於來到了這座聖城)

Da got mennischlîchen trat. 道成肉身處

(where god walks as human,人子所曾經涉足的土地)


Schoeniu lant rîch unde here, 富饒眾國度

(Beautiful land in the earthly world,塵世間最美麗的土地)

Swaz ich der noch hân gesehen, 我曾親身驗

(which I have seen myself,我親自所見)

So bist duz ir aller êre. 此地勝它處

(It has all the honor,此地擁有所有的榮耀)

Waz ist wunders hie geschehen! 因有聖工現!

(What wonders has happened here! 因為曾經發生過無比的奇蹟)

Daz ein magt ein kint gebar 童女曾孕育

(Here a virgin gave birth to a kid,此地童貞女卻產下了聖子)

Her übr aller engel schar. 天使萬軍主

(He rise above all the angels,他最終居於所有天使之上)

Was daz niht ein wunder gar? 奇蹟有神助!

(Wasn't this a wonder? 這豈非奇蹟?)


Hie liez er sich reine toufen, 聖河受洗禮

(He was baptized in the river here,他在此地的河中接受洗禮)

Daz der mensche reine sî. 人有潔淨福

(So that people could be cleaned,從此人類也能夠被淨化和拯救)

Da liez er sich hie verkoufen, 果園被賣地

(He was sold out here,他於此地被猶大出賣)

Daz wir eigen wurden frî. 吾等得救贖

(So that we get our salvation,而我們因此而得到救贖)

Anders wæren wir verlorn, 自此遠劫難

(Or we will be lost,否則我們將迷失我們的存在)

Wol dir, sper kriuz unde dorn! 瞻我槍架冠!

(Praise the spear, cross and the thorn-crown,讚美那聖槍(朗基努斯之槍),十字架和荊棘冠)

Wê dir, helden! Deist dir zorn. 哀彼狂異端

(Your rage is like this,將憤怒灑向侮辱聖地之人)


Hinnen fuor der sun zer helle 人子臥聖墓

(Here lies the holy son,聖子曽臥於此地)

Von dem grabe, da'r innelac. 出竅下林菩

(From grave, he revived,他於聖墓中復活)

Des was ie der vater geselle, 聖子共聖父

(And he reunited with the holy father,他接下來得以與聖父團聚)

Und der geist, den niemen mac 聖靈無敵護

(With holy spirit, they are unmatched,他們三者無人敵)

Sunder scheiden: est al ein, 三一今團圓

(No longer separated: "All is one",不再分離而“三位一體”)

Steht und ebener danne ein zein, 風姿若利箭

(And he stand even as one,穩固地立於世界中)

Als er Abrahâme erschein. 會彼亞伯蘭

(As the god reveal himself in front of Abraham,正如神當年在亞伯拉罕面前現身時那樣)


In diz lant hat er gesprochen 他日諭全地

(In this land he proclaimed,他於此地向世人宣告)

Einen angesIîchen tac, 神聖復仇炙

(A evangelion day,一個福音之日終將到來)

Da diu witwe wirt gerochen 孀寡恨有期

(when the widows are ointmented,那時寡婦將受膏(代指得到拯救得到幸福))

Und der weise klagen mac 血淚見天日

(and the morns will be made white,冤屈將得昭雪)

Und der arme den gewalt 賤民反暴酷

(and the poor will be the superior,被壓迫者將得以成為自由人)

Der da wirt an ime gestalt, 打破枷鎖錮

(and an everlasting world or structure will be formed,千年王國將建成)

Wol im dort, der hie vergalt! 無辜當有福!

(here the pious will be repayed,虔誠者將得回報)


Kristen juden unde heiden 耶猶共穆民

(Christians, Jews and the heathens(代指當時的穆斯林),基督徒猶太教徒還有穆斯林)

jehent daz diz ir erbe sî 稱此為其國

(all claim that this land to be their own,都聲稱此地為其所有)

Got sol uns ze rehte bescheiden 上帝公義心

(The rightful and just god,公正而正義的唯一的神啊 )

durch die sîne namen drî 一神三名多

(For this he will have three names,因為這樣的分歧他便將有三個名字)

al diu welt diu strîtet her 爭鬥敵我分

(All the world is striving for that,全世界都因此而陷入爭鬥)

wir sîn an der rehten ger. 聖業吾最真

(we are the rightest,而我們(基督徒)是最正確的)

reht ist daz er uns gewer 天意必得勝!

(And it will be all right that this land is ours,因此我們最終將獲得這片聖地)

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