
日誌2016-09-25 22:53




Hello, my name is Jeff. Nice to see you again.
I wanted to get rid of fatigue of shopping last weekend, so I decided to go to somewhere to relax.

I wore a girl's suit like the old time. But this time, I went to the beach and wore my favorite bikini.
I contouring my bust to make it look bigger and fuller with makeup. It's a fun illusion I can create with few brush strokes, but that is another story.
It's time to get down the business. I applied sunscreen to my body and wanted the handsome boys on the sea at the same time.

When I finished applying the sunscreen, I didn't know why my sunscreen was used up and the sun from east to west. Then I felt very tired, probably because of wore sunscreen take me eight hours. So I decided to sleep for two hours.

When I woke up, I felt very shocked. Because of the suntan, I couldn't see the cosmetic shadow on my chest. It made my breasts look smaller.
Ever more surprising is that three handsome boys in the sea were still on the same spot whole ten hours.

Fake! Damn my eyes's karma is heavy!





QA回答 (2024 ver.)


隨筆 〈愛慕虛榮〉


開啟 APP

face基於日前微軟官方表示 Internet Explorer 不再支援新的網路標準,可能無法使用新的應用程式來呈現網站內容,在瀏覽器支援度及網站安全性的雙重考量下,為了讓巴友們有更好的使用體驗,巴哈姆特即將於 2019年9月2日 停止支援 Internet Explorer 瀏覽器的頁面呈現和功能。
。Google Chrome(推薦)
。Mozilla Firefox
。Microsoft Edge(Windows10以上的作業系統版本才可使用)

face我們了解您不想看到廣告的心情⋯ 若您願意支持巴哈姆特永續經營,請將 gamer.com.tw 加入廣告阻擋工具的白名單中,謝謝 !【教學】