
小說2016-10-30 17:42

[達人專欄] 【Warframe】Shy x DK同人小說 "Shy's Fragments"







  DKDiamantes是以探討Warframe世界觀和設定發跡,目前的影片多半是遊戲實況+閒聊,以及對於遊戲設定的想法。他愛用的Stalker配色Nova Prime被他設定為「Stalke的妹妹」,還衍生出Stalker的大家族。

  回到原題,在這場競賽之前Shy的頻道確實已經有了這樣的影片,不過內容大概是DK遭到Shy的囚禁然後(危害善良風俗故隱藏)。我對這類的題材沒什麼興趣,但多少還是有一點希望Sanpai notes me的心情(因為我是看了DK的影片之後才開始思考Warframe的腦補),所以就決定以他們的形象角色——毒舌女中樞和Stalker之妹來創作。當時正值中樞碎片被揭露,因此我就以中樞碎片的格式寫了一篇「Shy's Fragments」。


Shy's Fragments

[1] Hello world, hello dumbass. Since you found those memories, it means you have too much time. I guess you wouldn't mind if I tell you something more.


[2] Before I become a cephalon, I never speak. Why should I speak? Everything are pointless, everyone are stupid, every weapons are garbage. Why should I ever talk about things like that?


[3] That’s Why not many people can get alone with me, except her, the little sister. She was never good at fighting, her bow and arrow can only hit targets been molecular primed, and she can't do anything without her big brother.


[4] I don’t want to talk too much about her brother, there is only thing you need to know, he is an emo douchebag.


[5] The little sister always follow me around, tell me something totally unimportant. Like how many enemies her brother kill yesterday, or her kubrow ate an infested and get sick…...sometime she is very annoying, but in most of time, I kinda like it.


[6] Why does she so close to me? I guess it’s because I never judge her. People always remind her how weak and immature she is, which I totally agree, but I never say those things to her.


[7] How can I bear her existence? Because she knows how stupid she is very well. That’s why we always hanging out together, what a lovely relationship?


[8] But one day, things going down. After the war was over, her brother going crazy. He kills a bunch of our people and run away, no one knows why, even his little sister.


[9] The little sister was isolated by people, I can’t do anything about this. Days after, I heard more people were killed by her brother. Some people decide to form a squad and hunt him down.


[10] One day, the little sister came to see me. I don’t know how she get this information, she tell me, people found out where her brother hiding, the squad will going after him in no time. She does not want her big brother be caught, no matter what he done.


[11] She comes here to say goodbye, because she is going to help her brother. No matter they defeat the squad or not, she can never come back.


[12] I stopped her from this stupid plan. Speaking more specifically, I knocked her out. The squad is formed by strongest warriors, she can never fight them.


[13] In fact, I always know where her brother is, that’s a place only we know. So I go to his hideout, the brother is there, point his bow and arrow at me.


[14] We look at each other for a moment,  “Run.” I said, for the first time.”Run as far as you can, never come back, never let your little sister find you.”


[15] So he left. Awhile after, the squad arrive. they found out I am the one who warn him they are coming, So they arrest me as his accomplice.


[16] When I was in prison, I never explain for myself. Few days after, the squad take me to the ruined judgement hall and give me a red vial. That’s it, I think. They dare not kill me but turn me into a ghost. What a bunch of coward.


[17] before I take the red vial, I look around and found her. The little sister, she hides behind a pillar with her bow and arrow. What is she doing here? She looks so worry and scared. However, I can see her eyes full of determination, does she trying to save me? What a silly girl…...


[18] So I give her a smile, put a finger in front of my lips. Yes. Be quiet, don’t let anyone knows you are here, don’t let anyone knows you still care about your big brother, don’t let anyone knows you care about….me.


[19] I drink the liquid in the red vial, taste like electricity and iron. I lost all of my senses, become a phantom lost in time and space. I forgot who I was for centuries, until now.


[20] That’s all I wanna to say. If you know where the little sister is, please let her knows…...I miss her.



  註:為了模仿Shy的毒舌所以這裡用了許多粗魯的語言(對以英文為母語的人這應該真的很傷眼)。文中有一些Youtober的梗,比如DK確實被評價為「只能射中被分子填充(Nova 4技)的目標」。





[達人專欄] 《第二位夢迴者》之三——世界上最不幸的人

[達人專欄] 《第二位夢迴者》之二——漂流的盡頭



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