
日誌2016-11-15 22:59

【翻譯】《奇人密碼:古羅布之謎》在「Montreal Rampage」的影評


(注意:「Montreal Rampage」是加拿大蒙特婁市的雜誌網站,每天都會發表各種有關藝術與文化的文章。去年七月有一篇介紹到台灣《奇人密碼:古羅布之謎的影評。因敝人很愛這部電影,眼見它在國外獲得好評,就特地節錄,並翻譯其文。也很高興蒙特婁會注意到這部的藝術價值!由於敝人並非翻譯系出身,所以手法上難免笨拙,精於此道的能人異士可隨時給予訂正!謝謝。)

Fantasia-fest: Puppets with Punch in “The Arti: The Adventure Begins”
Posted on July 25, 2015. Written by Jeremy Lefebvre

Fires are burning bright, dogs are barking, and armies are marching, ravishing the land with one end goal: to eliminate what they fear, the wooden robot named Arti-C. One old man has found the source of life in an object called “The Origin,” which gives Arti-C move-ability and functionality. He is not just your traditional wooden puppet but a real fighting machine. Having given his life for this machine, father passes the gift on to his son Mo. Aided by his cocky sister Tong, they search for the legendary city of Loulan, in hope of finding the source of The Origin. A mysterious tribe fighting the royal family and our hero’s create the perfect threesome of conflict.


The last time I saw a puppet movie was way back, with Team America… but this here is on a whole new level. Glove-puppet is an old Chinese tradition that’s apparently well conceived in Taiwan. The team that went behind Arti is incredible. The film is worth watching until the very end, and you should watch the credits roll as they show you how they go about creating every image you see on screen.


The puppets are well crafted and the outfits they bear are simply stunning. From the fabric weaves to the scenes and era which they represent, it all makes for a beautiful and fantastic fantasy, reminding me of Yoshitaka Amano’s art style. You would think that the idea of puppets on screen would limit movements or even the possible turn of events. But everything is pushed to extremes with Arti, with fights choreographed as well as the Colosseum fights and armies facing each other. Not only that but cities of such magnitude and a subterranean forest! This has all the right elements to a great Fantasy film. And we are not disappointed!


1.bark(v.) (狗)吠叫
2.march(v.) 行軍
3.ravish(v.) 搶奪
4.eliminate(v.) 消滅
5.functionality(n.) 機能
6.cocky(adj.) 傲慢的
7.tribe(n.) 部落;種族
8.royal(adj.) 王室的;高貴的
9.conflict(v.) 矛盾;衝突;鬥爭
10.conceive(v.) 構想;設想
11.incredible(adj.) 難以置信的;驚人的
12.outfit(n.) 全套裝備
13.stunning(adj.) 難以震驚的
14.fabric(n.) 布料;織物;構造;建築
15.weave(v.) 編織
16.era(n.) 時代;歷史時期
17.represent(v.) 描繪
18.limit(v.) 限制
19.movement(n.) 運動;活動;動作;變遷
20.turn(v.) 旋轉;翻轉;改變
21.event(n.) 事件
22.extreme(n.) 極端;末端
23.choreographedl(adj.) 精心安排的
24.Colosseum(n.) 古羅馬圓形大競技場
25.magnitude(n.) 巨大;重要
26.subterranean(adj.) 地下的:隱密的
27.disappointed(adj.) 失望的







【翻譯】《奇人密碼:古羅布之謎》在「Black Gate」的影評


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