
日誌2016-12-08 22:49

Dünedain - 瑰麗的搖滾傳奇




  以英文作品來講,經典的Rhapsody of Fire(烈焰狂想曲)、Iron Fire(鋼火)以及來自瑞典的Sabaton(鋼靴)樂團都有不錯的佳作,而以個人較偏愛的西班牙語來說,就屬本次介紹的Dünedain 最對我胃口。

dunedain is a melodic power metal group from Avila, Spain.

The group's name was inspired by J.R.R.Tokien, and the group's lyrics focus on themes of fantasy and magic, as well as personal struggles.

The group formed in 1996, initially consisting of guitarist/vocalist Tony Delgado along with drummer Miguel Arias and guitariano Sanchez, with help from bassist Javier Aeias.

Jacin joined the group as a bassist in june of 1997, and became the group's lead vocalist in 2000.

the group members spent several years learning their instruments and developing their sound, finally recording their first demo and playing their first concerts in 2002.

Dunedain's self-titled, self-released full-length arrived in 2004. After an ill-fated record deal fell through.

La Luz de Mi Oscuridad was released by Akeloo.

featuring reworked old material as well as new songs.

Jacin switched to secondary vocals in 2009.

As Dunedain toured across Spain in 2009, they released Buscando el Norte in two parts, compiling both onto one disc in 2010.

The group toured with fellow Spanish metal band Zenobia in 2010, and released a split DVD, Unidos por el Metal en Concierto, the following year.

The self-released full-length album Magica appeared in 2012.

In 2013, Jacin left the band fot personal reasons, and Jesus lzko began to contribute bass and vocals to the group.

The singls "1000 Golpes" was released in 2013, followed by "Melancolia" in 2014.

The 2015 single "Por los siglos de los siglos" was the group's first release with new vocalist Carlos Sanz. ~Paul Simpson, Rovi



  誰知最近找到上面這篇文章時,這樂團的團名還真的啟發自J.R.R托爾金,伊利薩王 - 亞拉岡所屬的人類種族,西方皇族、登丹人、奴曼諾爾!


  Dünedain成立於1996年,由主唱兼吉他手Tony Delgado;鼓手Miguel Arias和guitariano Sanchez;貝斯手Javier Aeias組成。Jacin於1997年6月加入該樂團作為貝斯手,並於2000年成為主唱。但Jacin在2013年因為個人原因離開,樂團低音合聲唱腔改由Jesus lzko負責。

Tony Delgado為登丹樂團的靈魂人物,嗓音低沉帶有磁性,亦可高亢飆歌;亦可文藝輕唱,樂團多數歌曲皆為Tony主唱。

Jacin則是貝斯手兼第二主唱,善於類似死亡搖滾的嘶啞、嘶吼式唱腔,專輯La Luz de Mi Oscuridad(照亮我的黑暗)幾乎都由他擔任主唱,與Tony兩人一搭一唱也為作品增添層次。

2004年 - La Luz de Mi Oscuridad(照亮我的黑暗)
2010年 - Buscando el Norte(遙望北方)
2012年 - Magica(魔法)
2016年 - Pandemonium(渾沌)

另外Dünedain在2010年與另一西班牙金屬樂團Zenobia一同巡演,並於下一年發行了一張分割DVD,Unidos por en Metal en Concierto(聯合金屬搖滾音樂會)。

Dünedain與Zenobia經典合作曲 - Unidos por en Metal(搖滾集結)

主唱Tony在另一部合作專輯The Change(蛻變)中獻唱Imágenes(圖像)

在2013年發布單曲 - 1000 Golpes(千錘百鍊)

2014發布另一首單曲 - Melancolía(憂鬱)

2015則發布翻唱2004舊作 - Por los siglos de los siglos(直到永遠)
由新加入的歌手Carlos Sanz主唱。

最後分享登丹樂團讓我入坑的第一首歌 - 2010年Buscando el Norte的La rosa negra(黑玫瑰)






Her Voice Resides By Bullet For My Valentine 中文歌詞︰她的聲音存留

【原創】狐之窗 第2話


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