
小說2017-04-16 19:54

【英文創作】My Neighbor Is A Vampire


I have a neighbor, she is a cute girl. but she looks pale. I think she
is rather so white or so sick.
One day, I met her on the street, I said:「Hi, I live near your house.」I
said it nervously.
She didn't say anything but gave me a polite smile. Her blonde long hair
and orange eyes were so beautiful. I so wanted to know her.
So, I said:「My name is David.」
She kept her smile but I could told that she was a bit embarrassed. then
she said:「Okay, Nice to meet you.」after saying she walked pass me, didn't
even told me her name.

I think she is a Vampire. I am so lucky we don't develop any more
relationship, so I can keep my blood from being sucked out. What a lucky
guy I am. Just like when I was in high school, the beautiful classmate I
had a crush on, she is a Werewolf so I've never told to her for three
years. What a wise guy I  always am.






《老師,可不可以喜歡你》第二章 – 威脅(06)



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