
日誌2010-09-27 19:35



厄夜叢林二部曲Blair Witch 2


who the hell is that ?

what the hell is that ?
i can't believe, this is main player !
it looks like a shit zombie.

the player follow the girls's footstep to a house.

the player was too tired and fall to sleep

the player become a ghost! and start advanture in this house.

damn , it is too dark to play, i skippied this game.


Blar Witch vol.3:The Elly Kedward Tale

it looks like someone is studying something...

oh, looks like he is a christian and have foolish courage to againt the witch.

he run to a town, and he saw many of townforks run away...

what the hell is that !
it looks like a ghost which has no foot.. (but she is a women , human)

i think i can't play this old game...

ok , let's watch a movie
a powerful doctor capture a man..

he has a special plan to combine 3 people to 1 animal.

people A 's asshole connect to people B's mouth, B connect to C...

if the surgey succussful,  this new animal could survil normally.

unfortunately, this movie doesn't provide much films that how the doctor works.

let's take a look at this...

only A can eat fool, B can only eat shit from A, ..

i think eating shit is a terriable thing.... god bless them...

it is just movie, enjoy it..







[Steam限時免費遊戲]Machinika: Museum - 異星裝置博物館 (截止於2024/5/28 01:00)


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